Conversation with Lucifer. Book III. Elena Sidelnikova. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Elena Sidelnikova
Издательство: Автор
Жанр произведения:
Год издания: 2024
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of Sanat, made your choices unconsciously, you will accept, like all others, the partial consequences of your choices. But if someone made those choices consciously on your behalf, they will accept the consequences of those choices to a greater extent. And all of you together, as a single Planetary Spirit, will accept the consequences of your human development. And there should be no fear in this; it is a conscious step towards healing. And maybe for some, the medicine will be bitter, but there is no other way.

      Become aware. Accept the consequences of your choices, at least on your level. Consciously accept the consequences of your choices at the level of your personality. And realize that there is no one to blame outside. There is you and YOU. And that is all one. And by calmly—without aggression and seeking to blame others—accepting the consequences of your choices, you learn to be independent, you learn the responsibility of creators of your reality. And then, if your shared reality does not satisfy you, if you don't like it as humanity, start repainting it, redrawing it, recreating it, transforming it. You have all the colors of the world.

      And if you want to create a world of joy and harmony, then create it! Accept your negativity and transmute it, to begin with, into the energy of joy and love. Many of you are already doing this and have done so. And if you have managed to transform your personal reality into a reality of joy and love, then help others do the same—accept their negativity and transmute it into the energy of joy and love. And let this energy, at the first transitional stage, be felt by you as the energy of compassion. And maybe in the process, you will experience some discomfort from the influence of negative energies, but if this is your conscious path, no one can stop it, no one can stop this process. And sooner or later, you will process this energy into the energy of joy and love and build the world you choose.

      You are called the Prince of Darkness. And you are telling me how to build a path of joy?

      Within me exists both Light and Darkness. And this is my choice. I emit both energies and try to merge and reconcile them. I observe how one energy transitions into the other within me and what happens during this process. I am a testing ground for the merging of energies. With each person, I interact with the side of myself that best corresponds to them. With you, I communicate through the light side of myself, the part that resonates with you.

      Thank you. I want to ask something else, not related to this. There are many people who read our conversations and are grateful for them because these conversations uncover layers of energy within them, revealing new understandings. But there are also some who utterly reject them, accusing me of spreading Satanism, leading thousands astray. What do you have to say about this?

      Everyone aligns with a particular type of energy exchange. Breaking away from stereotypes of thinking, from familiar energy exchanges, can sometimes be painful. You are parting with old dogmas of subjugation, the dogmas of causing harm, of blaming someone, of violence. The dogmas of delusion—there are many more to list. You know this yourself. All these dogmas must be transmuted into new concepts, living and changing concepts that encompass a multitude of nuances and differences, corresponding to the many distinctions in energy exchanges within you and within all humanity. Like the riot of colors. Like the multitude of patterns of force and magnetic lines.

      Thus, subjugation is transformed into agreement, into interaction. Causing harm is transformed into compassion. Blame is transformed into responsibility. Violence is transformed into giving and love. Delusion is transformed into awareness, and so on. No one can make a choice for you. Everyone makes it themselves and accepts the consequences of their choice.

      But there are many who are so accustomed to existing within the old paradigms and so fearful of freedom that they cannot calmly accept the consequences of their choice. These are the ones who shout about it. You must have a lot of patience and compassion for them. Therefore, you are free to make your own choice. You can absorb their energies and transmute them within yourself if you have the capability and strength for it. In any case, it is a valuable experience. But it is difficult. Because for this, for transmutation, you must remove all your attachments that they can latch onto in their desire to hold onto the old worldview, which is now crumbling before their eyes. It is not an easy path, in some ways, it is the Path of Jesus.

      But you can continue to live in your joyful world and choose not to engage with them—choosing your own path to joy and to God, and discovering new Divine energies within yourself.

      And since other people read what you write, your choice is quite serious. Because, on one hand, when you interact with those who are still unable to let go of the old dogmas, you take on some of their energy. And if you cannot transmute it, you will inevitably color yourself with it and the information you receive. Consequently, you will distort it. But on the other hand, the experience of transmuting negative energies into compassion is very valuable; it is a beautiful path, accessible to few, and it also helps others on their journey. Therefore, the choice is yours.

      But I would advise you for now to simply learn to maintain a constant presence of the new energies within you—the energies of the new world, the energies of joy that you have chosen. By perfecting yourself in this way, first of all, you accumulate your power; secondly, you systematically cleanse yourself of negative energies; and thirdly, you purify the quality of your reception of information and, accordingly, transmit it to others in a purer form. Later, when your power grows, you can begin to try transmuting the energies of others. But for now, you can only transmute your own energies.

      But the choice is yours. And everyone's.


      Please provide an understanding of the destructive and constructive energy exchange of primary civilizations (Orion, Anunnaki, Greys, etc.) in their relationship with the observer—the human.

      Both types of energy exchanges differ only in direction—giving and receiving, merging and separating. For any essence to exist, it needs life energy, which you call prana, or life force, or chi. This is the energy of the Absolute, inexhaustible and eternal, that which drives and renews all living things. Destructive entities, by separating from their Creator, sever their energy ties with Him, and in order to exist as forms apart from their source, they must feed on someone else's energy. Thus, their energy exchange is the capture and appropriation of another's energy. Entities following the constructive path of development replenish their life energy reserves by connecting to a more powerful union of Souls; this is the method of merging, collectivism, unity.

      In constructive interaction, everyone contributes their part to the overall energy configuration and, through this unity, gains their strength. Therefore, in a constructive community of Souls, there is no need to measure one's strength, as it is shared by all within the community. In the destructive path, it is characteristic to measure strength and fight for possession of power, for possession of the opponent's energy.

      Humans are somewhat in the middle of these two paths. Some more so, others less, but very few people use someone else's energy with authorization.

      How can we imagine the energy exchange of technogenic civilizations, scenario-based, energetic in relation to humans? What is the equivalent of exchange and why?

      Technogenic civilizations seek sources of life and emotional expressions in humanity, which they lost long ago. Human energy, in that sense, is "tasty" for them. They feed on it as you would on delicacies. Your sensory parameters are unique; perhaps there is no such range of emotional characteristics of interaction in the entire Galaxy. A riot of colors, so to speak. As an analogy, I can give you an accessible example: just as your women moisturize dry skin with various balms, so too do technogenic civilizations absorb your emotions for their restoration, for the opportunity to feed on emotions unavailable to them. For them, it's a kind of drug, highly valued. Thus, one equivalent is the emotional characteristics of your energy fields.

      The second direction is the maintenance of life and the creation of new life. Technogenic civilizations have lost the ability to self-reproduce in the way that you can. They study your processes of fertilization and the birth of life. But what primarily interests them is not the birth itself but the energy released as a result of this birth. They try to use it to prolong life, like elixirs of youth.

      And the third direction is the crossbreeding of species to produce new species.
