Conversation with Lucifer. Book III. Elena Sidelnikova. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Elena Sidelnikova
Издательство: Автор
Жанр произведения:
Год издания: 2024
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you will return to multidimensionality.

      Let’s get back to fractality. As I understand it, fractality of realities also exists. So, there is some entity that has split into a network of incarnations, each of which has split into a further network of incarnations, and so on indefinitely. Or like a jellyfish with tentacles of perception, each of which grows its own tentacles of perception, and so on endlessly. What, then, is the so-called transition in these analogies?

      Remember when we talked about the Harvest? Or it can also be called the gathering of fruits. The return of experience to unity to form the Whole. You accumulate experience. You play all the games and performances that interest you. YOU give this opportunity to each of you until each part of YOU tires of it. And then, when all parts of YOU have played enough, you all return to YOU. This is the gathering of fruits; this is the Harvest. The gathering of the Whole, the accumulation of experience, the merging of the complete picture of the world. And this picture is a fragment of a higher picture of the world, which also gathers its fruits, fruits of a higher order. What you call the descent of Spirit into matter is a fractal penetration in all directions to gather experience. As if you needed to feel an incomprehensible object, and for this, many tentacles grow. But this is also not quite accurate because there are no separate objects. Each tentacle reveals its world, perceives itself as separate in its perspective, in its layer of the world’s image, revealing different perceptions of the world’s energies like on film with varying sensitivities. Therefore, the real god for you is YOU as a whole. Your god is YOU, who gathers all parts of YOU into unity. And this process is called both the transition and the Harvest and the gathering of fruits. But YOU are also part of a higher God—the Collective Soul, and YOU also strive for wholeness.

      Has everyone in my world played enough to gather the fruits of their perception?

      What matters is that you have played enough! Do you understand? You are YOU. So, if at least a part of YOU, represented by you, has played enough and realized the need to unite into the Whole, the process has already begun. And now, you, as a part, are telling the other parts of YOU about the necessity of unity, about Wholeness. You are telling yourself. And your realization, on a quantum level, becomes the property of every part of YOU. The process cannot be stopped, like a nuclear reaction; it’s only a matter of time. More precisely, it’s a matter of the speed of perception. Sooner or later, all parts of YOU will "get" this information and realize it. It’s already happening.

      So, there won’t be a single quantum moment of transition for all humanity as promised?

      There will be. When all parts of YOU realize their quantum interconnectedness, this quantum leap in perception will occur. Like an explosion of awareness, like the manifestation of YOU as a Whole in a new, higher octave of reality, which is the merging of all the realities created by parts of YOU. And if in some parts of YOU, there were black or dark colors, then when the entire splendor of colors is combined on the canvas, an unprecedented picture of creation, a new reality, will emerge. But if at the moment of realization there are more dark colors within YOU, your picture of the reality of the new level may appear more somber. Therefore—it’s up to you to choose. All parts of YOU. If you want this picture to be in brighter tones, you must balance yourself. By balancing the dark and the light within you, you will gain the ability to observe the pictures of parts of YOU more evenly. Because as long as you are unbalanced, you cannot purely accept the experience of others within yourself; you will constantly evaluate and either accept or reject something. When all parts of YOU reach balance, the picture of the world in your new reality will be beautiful.

      This is the process of creation, and every creative essence in the universe is engaged in this. Namely—creating worlds of perception. You’ve recently become fascinated with paint-by-numbers. A very similar analogy. Imagine that each of you is painting one of the areas of the great picture of creation being created.

      What will happen to those who don’t want to return and unite?

      That’s impossible. Can your hand protest against touching your nose? Sometimes your humor becomes accessible to me. The process is already underway. Remember the predictions that 1% of humanity is capable of consciously leading everyone through? This is what it’s about. You are the pioneers of the transition. You are the first to wake up, the first to realize yourselves in Unity and strive for this Unity. The process has already begun. It spreads quantumly, but in the paradigm of separation and within the vast number of illusions, it slows down and doesn’t manifest as clearly.

      In other words, the bodies of all people on Earth already know about the transition, even though most of them haven’t read about it and aren’t aware of it with their minds. But the cells of their bodies already know about it. They are already prepared for the transition; they are gradually restructuring. They are already ready to unite into the whole. And this is as inevitable as the sunrise is for you. And with your daily work, you continue to launch more and more systems of holistic perception. Because everything that happens within you simultaneously happens in all parts of YOU. Everything is One.

      Part 55. The Quantum Human

      Can I ask a question on behalf of another person?

      Of course.

      Let's follow the standard procedure that I am advised to use. Are you Lucifer?

      Yes, I am Lucifer.

      Who are you, speaking with me?

      I am Lucifer.

      Are you Lucifer?

      Yes, I am the essence of Lucifer, I am a part of him.

      A part? Which part?

      You cannot comprehend my Whole. Therefore, you are speaking with a part. And, of course, this part slightly distorts. More precisely, the part doesn’t distort, but you perceive the information somewhat distorted because you receive it from a part. But when you are able to reach the Whole, then you will understand. I am Lucifer by right and am speaking with you. I am that part of Lucifer that you were able to reach. Let go of your fear. You are under the protection of your Soul. Proceed calmly towards knowledge. I promise you that I will not use your curiosity and openness for evil. I myself have walked this path. Therefore, I understand what you need to be protected from in your search. Each time, I will speak to you about this so that you can choose which direction to take. Each time, I will warn you of dangers so that you can decide how necessary it is for you. The law of free will is inviolable. And I honor it just as others do. So, let go of your fears and the fears that are being instilled in you.

      Then let's continue.

      In the last two years, the concept of “transitioners” has been introduced through channelers. Observers have thus been divided into two conditional groups—those who transition (or define the experience of transition) and those who do not (who sleep). How do You see the path and development of these primary observation groups?

      In reality, there are more groups. But there are two directions: ascending and descending. In fact, everyone transitions somewhere because there is no stagnation. There is always movement or, rather, attraction toward something. Everyone is drawn to the area that they correspond to the most. And if the majority of humanity is still here, on your earthly plane, it only means that it corresponds to it.

      However, separate groups and individuals have emerged who no longer correspond to this dimension, who no longer match its characteristics. They have changed and no longer fit into this world. Like puzzle pieces that can no longer fit in their previous place. And these "puzzle pieces," just like in your game, start trying to fit themselves into different places. This is how the process can be described.

      I cannot predict what happens to each person. I can only observe trends. Some of you clearly understand which path you are on. But this part is insignificantly small compared to all of humanity. Some of you are completely unaware of which path you are on, and this part prevails. But a chain reaction has been set off. It's like a disintegrating structure where the parts held each other together. A certain structure of the world, where everything was extremely dependent on each other. And now this structure is slowly beginning to fall apart because some parts have seemingly