Conversation with Lucifer. Book III. Elena Sidelnikova. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Elena Sidelnikova
Издательство: Автор
Жанр произведения:
Год издания: 2024
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your wholeness on a higher level, to gather all of you into a single perception. And so on infinitely. The principle of fractality.

      How can this be done?

      This is not an easy process. First, simply accept it. Accept that you are not the only one. There are many versions of you. Allow them into your life. You are afraid of the multiplicity of perceptions. You call it madness and split personality and consider such people outcasts, locking them up in mental institutions. But these are precisely the ones who, for one reason or another, have managed to step away from linear perception. Yet the matrix of linearity imposes its conditions on them, and thus their worldview doesn't fit within the usual framework of the established world order. Many of these so-called mad people do not understand the reasons for their splits, and so their journey can be painful, painful in terms of trying to gather themselves into Unity. These separate parts of YOU have attempted to recognize their multidimensionality and are undergoing their experiences. This is, in fact, YOUR attempt to understand yourself as multidimensional, do you understand?

      If you do this consciously, your life will turn into exciting journeys through different branches of realities created by your other PARTS.

      What is so exciting about the suffering that another part of ME might experience?

      This is divided perception. If one part of YOU suffers while another part of YOU rejoices, then what do YOU feel as a whole?

      Everything, but something predominates.

      Exactly. Therefore, the next task is to balance YOURSELF as a whole so that YOUR experience is pure, meaning that nothing dominates within it.

      Can I ask you a question on behalf of those who read our conversations? Can the Higher Self later refuse to integrate the part that was incarnated if it "dislikes" what happened to that part and doesn't want to take it back?

      You are again reasoning in human terms. "Like" is a human concept. What does "like" mean? Your human definition depends on many factors, including externally imposed paradigms and moral norms. For instance, do you like it when people walk around naked in the street? No, because you were taught that a naked body is shameful. Many more examples could be given. But there is another meaning. What could your Collective Soul possibly "dislike"?

      Well, for example, the experience of killing or the experience of suffering.

      Where can your Collective Soul put a part of itself? Everything happens through it and within it. Your Collective Soul, or Higher Self, has endowed you with free will according to the laws of the universe. Free will to choose the experience of manifesting reality. If a child chooses to paint with black colors, would you forbid it? Would you reject the child? We have already talked about this. Black paint allows you to draw outlines, and without it, the boundaries of images would be blurred. Duality allows forms to manifest more clearly. Therefore, the Collective Soul cannot accept or reject something because it is everything.

      But we are told that all experiences are collected, analyzed, and some of the negative experiences are either destroyed or overwritten.

      Nothing can be destroyed, only transformed. But the latter statement is akin to, say, removing shadows and outlines from a painting and cleaning it of dark colors. That would no longer be a complete perception, do you understand? It's about something entirely different. When an equal amount of all possible experiences is accumulated, the perception becomes clearer because everything is balanced. Therefore, nothing is erased or overwritten. Everything is simply balanced.

      Are you saying that if a lot of negative experiences accumulate in all incarnations, then positive experiences begin to develop for balance? That is, if everything is blissful and joyful in all worlds, then it must be balanced with a certain amount of suffering for equilibrium?

      You are introducing human judgments into this. Strive to think not as a human. As you are taught, think like a god. You are the artist of reality. You choose the colors with which to paint the canvas of the universe on its own canvas. When an artist paints, they add different colors. And when looking at the whole picture, they indeed add shadows and outlines in some places, and more colorfulness in others. Does that make the painting worse? Or should the artist consider whether the parts of the canvas where black paint needs to be applied dislike it? This is, of course, an exaggerated example, but it is an example of shifting from the thinking of the canvas to the thinking of the artist. From human thinking to God's thinking. As long as you cannot grasp the entire picture, your thinking will resemble the "thinking of the canvas." The canvas does not know what the painting should be. It judges from the perspective of a part.

      Can parallel incarnations somehow influence each other? Suppose both are faced with a similar situation at the same stage of life. Let's say there are two ways to resolve it. One incarnation made its choice, but it turned out to be unsuccessful. The other was still contemplating, taking no action. And suddenly, it gets a feeling (intuition) that the issue should be resolved in the second way, not the first. How does this interaction happen? After all, intuition is nothing more than knowledge already tested by the Higher Self or your copy.

      The interaction occurs quantumly. For the sake of your understanding, you can imagine a shared library. Or computer files that are constantly being added to, and all users of that computer have access to them. In this analogy, the computer is YOU, and the users are your current self and all the other parts of YOU. Intuition is a broad concept for you. You could say it is a fleeting sensation of your Wholeness with the other parts, breaking through your separation and lack of faith in your unity. In these brief moments, you hear the other parts of YOU. And not just intuition. Unexplainable fears. Insights.

      So prophecies are from this category?

      Yes, partially. Your clairvoyants can read information from other incarnations of the collective soul, from other planes of physical reality. This is why they are dangerous. Because if someone predicts a global catastrophe or world war for you by observing them on other planes of reality, they influence the collective thought form, and you may collectively attract that catastrophe or war into your reality. And thus, relieve another part of reality from negative manifestation.

      Are realities parallel, or do they intersect after all?

      This is also an incorrect concept. There is nothing parallel, nor intersecting—this is linear perception. There is quantum unity. When everything exists simultaneously, everything exists within everything. Each point of reality is simultaneously a point of all realities.

      I don't understand.

      How can I explain this to you… Sometimes I run out of linear analogies.

      We've already talked about a crumpled sheet of paper. If the sheet is flat, all its points are separate. If you crumple it, many points converge. Imagine the crumpling of the sheet to the extent that all points intersect. This would be like rolling the sheet into a very dense paper ball and then compacting it even further. The degree of "crumpling" represents the density of the world. Now, imagine that this crumpled sheet of paper has astral and mental bodies that are crumpled in different ways. But in the end, it's all still the same sheet of paper. If you write text on it, crumpling will make it unreadable. If the sheet is slightly crumpled, the words in the text will be distorted; the more you crumple it, the more the words and text written on it will become distorted. But if you unfold and smooth the sheet, you will be able to read the full text. Do you understand? In this way, you only read fragments or single words of the Divine text on the Divine "sheet of paper." If you can unfold it within yourself into Wholeness without distortions, you will understand what God has written for you. For now, each point on the "sheet" perceives only the part accessible to it, based on its degree of crumpling.

      Can I, in my current state, jump from one reality to another? Or can I only hear what is happening to me on other branches of reality?

      It’s not jumping. It’s connecting to multidimensionality. If you were to literally jump to another branch of reality, there would be two of you there. In reality, sometimes you instantly connect to the perception of YOURSELF in another branch of YOUR reality. It's a breakthrough into another perception. When you can simultaneously be all parts of YOURSELF and