Conversation with Lucifer. Book III. Elena Sidelnikova. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Elena Sidelnikova
Издательство: Автор
Жанр произведения:
Год издания: 2024
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is the process of awakening, as you call it.

      An individual part, an individual person, suddenly begins to feel that there is no support nearby, that the part that supported them no longer holds them. And the process of swaying begins. And sooner or later, they too will separate from the general matrix structure, realize themselves as a separate independent essence, and begin to seek other structures to join.

      Or like the magnetic particles Saint Germain told you about. The magnetic field weakened, and the parts suddenly began to realize their independence in a certain sense. The magnetic field began to restructure. And depending on how large this magnetic particle is and, of course, in accordance with the law of free will, this particle begins its path of attraction and creation of new structures.

      When you speak about the weakening of the magnetic field, are you just using an analogy for understanding, or has the magnetic field indeed weakened? In this context, could you please explain what some sources refer to as the magnetic path of ascension? Is this somehow related to the change in the magnetic field of space?

      Yes, of course. Everything I say, I try to select analogies that correspond to reality and are understandable to you in perception. The magnetic field is undergoing changes. You have already heard about this from the guardians of the magnetic field. Everything is changing. For there is nothing unchanging.

      The magnetic field is the degree of fusion into Oneness. The planet unites many parts-essences into a single form of energy contact, which undergoes a shared experience under these magnetic conditions. Interdependence. You, as humanity, are also united into a single form-conglomerate. And if you do not realize yourselves as a single form, a single being, a single union, it does not mean that this does not exist. You are a unified conglomerate organism that undergoes its development under certain shared conditions and causes, under certain laws and interconnections, to develop its energetic potential as a single organism called "Homo sapiens." And this unified organism is transitioning to a new stage—the stage of the "Quantum Human."

      The same thing is happening with all other civilizations. Each of you is a part of a vast human organism called humanity, which is also a part of a vast organism called the planet, which is a part of a vast organism called the star system, and so on. Everything includes everything. One can also go in the other direction. Your cells are part of you as a vast organism for them.

      But you are still in one of the early stages of remembering yourselves as a Whole. In the first stage, there is unification and strict laws of unification. Your cells cannot disintegrate; they undergo the experience of strict unification into a whole. They depend on this whole. They practically cannot leave this whole, only some parts of them. They are learning to be a single organism in the literal sense. They obey, they learn to accept your will and your choice. They act strictly within the framework of the functions they have. They are attracted to you, to your single organism, by some magnetic field or rather its configuration, which creates all your bodies. And the most interesting part is that the formation of this configuration is your task and your level of creation. You do all this yourself, but unconsciously so far, just like each of you.

      You create and generate the configuration of the magnetic field that holds your cells in the state and composition in which they exist now. You are their god. And this can be called the third density, where your actions and your choice are determined by some god who unites you into a single conglomerate, into a single organism, into a single strictly oriented team. And at this level, the magnetic force of a certain quality unites these parts into a single organism. And it was the same with humanity. For a long time, you carried out the tasks of strict unity, tasks of submission. And your tasks and your path of development were determined by that god who united you.

      Which god united us?

      I already mentioned. Your Planetary Essence.

      I don't understand. Is the Planetary Essence Gaia or Sanat Kumara, also known as Jehovah?

      These are two aspects of the planetary essence, two dual aspects. Two types of energy.

      It feels like they exist separately.

      Yes, at your level, it is so.

      I don't understand. Sanat Kumara has his female half, his Archai, probably. But what about Gaia?

      Gaia is the female half of the planetary Spirit. And on your path of development, the male spirit became predominant in determining the will of humanity's development as a community.

      So, the god who united you with his magnetic will, or rather, who maintains your collective form as humanity, who unites you together as a whole, and who determined the laws of your development.

      Many people are currently dissatisfied with Jehovah's actions. Does it turn out that he is not to blame and is just working as a universal magnet?

      The concept of blame is not quite accurate. There are choices, and there are consequences. You were drawn into the concept of guilt. No one should feel guilty. Everyone should just understand the consequences of their choices and accept those consequences. There is no system of punishment and fear of punishment. There is a clear understanding of the cause-and-effect relationships of your choice. And the ability to accept these consequences.

      Jehovah, like everyone else, exercises his choice within his authority. He united humanity with his will, and the quality of his unification is now reflecting on him as a consequence of his choice. He chose to make your unity exactly this way. And for a long time, you lived as cells of his organism, obeying his commands, his choices, his tasks, maintaining the organism he created. Similarly, the cells of your body obey the commands from your brain. Although each exists as a separate independent essence, a separate ray of consciousness and Spirit. But they chose to undergo their experience as part of your body and you as part of humanity. And humanity as part of the Planetary Spirit. The experience is manifold and also includes Everything. And your cells can also be "dissatisfied" with your choices. And believe me, they don't want to die, but each of you makes many choices on your path that lead to the death of cells. So, this is not the time for accusations. You need to move forward and realize yourselves as creators, as gods.

      But then, some children suddenly start showing awareness. They begin to understand why they were confined by adults and gradually start exploring the world around them. They see the dangers that might be lurking. That’s when the next stage of maturity begins. This is the stage of being in a group, recognizing oneself as a part of the whole, and understanding oneself as both a part of the team and the team itself.

      When each of you starts to understand that you are an individual part of humanity and can be independent of it, but at this stage, you fulfill common tasks and follow common rules that are not harmful but rather contribute to your development, complementing and educating you, then such a person can slowly be 'let out through the gate' beyond the fence of the 'kindergarten,' beyond the boundary of the world in which they reside.

      Some of you have developed the notion that the planet is a prison. This is a distorted view. It’s not like that. It’s simply that care is being taken for you, for your safety. Of course, inside the 'kindergarten' fence, you play strange games. And your caretakers do not interfere with this and carefully ensure that no one causes significant harm to another. Those who fall ill are moved to isolation, and so on—everything follows the same script.

      But when someone among you begins to show understanding, they start being taught about what lies beyond the 'kindergarten' gates—explained what laws operate there, how to navigate, and what to beware of. Gradually, you are allowed to take walks in the outside world, but under the supervision of a caretaker. After all, you do the same with your own children, yet you don’t call it a prison. And believe me, sometimes they think so too. Some of you may find this comparison offensive; you don’t want to remain in a kindergarten. But believe me, there’s no condescension here. Only care.

      But then, what about the seven Kumaras that Sanat Kumara created: the Kumara of Suffering, the Kumara of Pain, the Kumara of Death, the Kumara of Judgment, the Kumara of Greed, and so on? It is written in the TAO that these are his inventions. Why did he do this, as the leader of our 'kindergarten'?

      He spoke