Conversation with Lucifer. Book III. Elena Sidelnikova. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Elena Sidelnikova
Издательство: Автор
Жанр произведения:
Год издания: 2024
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succeeded. Having entered the Light side of the Universe, they began to create within it, according to the laws of the Freedom of Creation, as they saw fit and in their own likeness. And they partially embedded themselves in the gene-light codes of the genesis of many races, including humanity.

      And this too was sanctioned, because it created a Great Precedent. Not just to create two different worlds, dark and light, two poles, but to divide all existence into these two poles so that in each, these two poles would be present but in balance. And this was achieved.

      But in some civilizations, the balance was disrupted, the Dark side began to prevail and push back the Light. And this virus spread through all the lower layers of density, and therefore they were isolated behind the Veil.

      So, starting from the 4th level and above, the Essences that separated as a result of the Experiment of Division do not contact the Darkness and do not possess a Dark side? And the lower three Levels of density are infected by the virus of the Dark side's penetration into the Light?

      Yes, more or less.

      What is the solution?

      Each of you must decide which side you choose. Dark or Light. And accordingly, you will either be directed to the Anti-world or remain in the World. And it is necessary to restore the balance of the World, that is, the White side. This is what the White Brotherhood and the Ascended Masters call for. This is also what most of the prophets, who have descended and continue to descend into your World, are telling you.

      But, as long as a person cannot decide, they…

      They continue to exist in suffering. When their Light side suffers from the Dark, and their Dark side suffers from the Light.

      Are you saying that there is no suffering in the Anti-world?

      This is hard to understand. But in the Anti-world, everything is the opposite. And what is suffering for you is joy and pleasure there.

      Why would anyone want a world where suffering is pleasure?

      You are judging from the perspective of your perception, and that’s why you can’t understand it. For example, the parameters of your physical body are tuned to a certain temperature range for sustaining life. You suffer from the cold. You feel cold, pain, and so on. But imagine that the parameters of your physical body were tuned to very low sub-zero temperatures. You would suffer from the heat just as you now suffer from the cold. These are neutral categories. Just different temperatures.

      By the way, the temperature range in which your physical bodies can survive, around zero from plus to minus, indicates that you are between worlds. And the range of temperatures is significant. Your body, more or less, can exist from minus five to plus thirty. If zero is taken as the boundary between the World and the Anti-world, you will understand what percentage of you is in the Anti-world. This is very telling.

      Humans are currently hanging between the two Worlds and can’t make a choice. And at the same time, your sufferings are the result of the penetration into the World of the viruses of the Anti-world, the Essences of the Anti-world, and their implantation into your genetic structures. That’s why suffering was born, because your Light side suffers from the presence of the Dark side within it. Your Light manifestations oppose and reject your Dark manifestations and the Dark manifestations of other people. This is where the struggle between Light and Darkness was born.

      Not as a battle between two armies, but as a confrontation against the spread of suffering in your world, suffering due to the interaction with the Dark sides of your Essences and your manifestations.

      So, when all humanity makes its choice and selects one side or the other, it will all be "sorted" into the two parts of the Universe: the World and the Anti-world? And suffering will cease in our World? But the Experiment won’t end, and the World and the Anti-world will continue to exist?

      Until the First Creator adopts a thought-form that transforms this Division or destroys it, the thought-form of Division will exist.

      And what about the return to the Void, to Pure Being, which we are called to, and which I hear about in my channellings?

      This is one of the Paths. It is a life vest, an individual "emergency brake" for everyone. Since the merging happens sequentially (Essence – Soul – Monad – Creator – Primordial Creator), there is a so-called "emergency" exit. Because the suffering in your World is so immense, you have been given this opportunity: not suicide, which solves nothing and only brings about a new cycle of the Wheel of Samsara, but an exit into Absolute Consciousness. This chance always exists, like a life ring for anyone who is "drowning."

      How would you comment on this channeling information:

      Your planet has ended up in the conditions of the "sewer" of the Cosmic Abyss, which implies its complete sanitary destruction. The fact is that its main ruler, by the forces of gross materialization (centripetal forces) named Lucifer (Prince of this World), has become a traitor to the Hierarchy of Light of the Solar System and has rejected the further evolution of the planet in favor of extending his authority, his personal authority, even to the point of the complete destruction of the Planet. That is why the planet has been taken over by various parasitic entities of extraterrestrial origin, which have arrived from different anti-civilizations of the Cosmic Abyss of the Galaxy and even the Universe. These entities have made a pact with the Prince of this World to exploit the energy potential of Earth's humanity for their parasitic needs.

      Do they call you Lucifer?

      There are many mistakes here.

      Yes, I represent the Centrifugal Forces, that is, the Forces that strive to separate from the Whole, from Unity. And yes, they call me the Prince of this World because I am incarnated in this World.

      But I cannot become a traitor to the Hierarchy of Light because I am present in both Worlds, in both Hierarchies. In other words, to draw an analogy with a vine, some branches of the vine are in the World, and some are in the Anti-World. How can the vine betray its own branches or clusters? Different kinds of grapes grow on this vine.

      The extension of my authority is available only to the one who created me, that is, the Primordial Creator. And if that is His Will, then I will submit to it. I simply cannot not submit because it will also be my will, for I am just a part of Him.

      And what about the pact with the parasitic Entities of extraterrestrial origin?

      You simply do not understand that I myself am represented in these Entities because they are parts of me; they are part of the Anti-World. So how can I sign a pact with myself? You judge from a human perspective, but everything is much more complex.

      There are parts of me that have chosen the Light side of aspirations, the Light pole. There are parts of me that have chosen the Dark pole. And these parts of me are in conflict with each other and oppose each other. This is the sad result of the Experiment.

      But the positive result is the vast diversity of beautiful Worlds that exist in the Universe. When one creation differs from another, yet in essence, they are all one enormous beautiful Canvas of Creation.

      I still do not understand. Did the Experiment of Separation create structures in the Universe and differences between Entities and Levels, meaning it created some kind of Hierarchy? And at the same time, all that exists was divided into two poles: the World and the Anti-World. So, in the Anti-World, there are also mirrored levels of the Dark Hierarchy, which we know little about because, in reality, the two Worlds do not intersect. Only in part of the membrane, through which Dark Entities penetrated our Light World. If your parts are present at all levels of the Dark Hierarchy, does it mean that you are present in all parts of the Hierarchy of Light, at all levels? You descended from the level of Thrones of the Absolute. And if there are parts of you in the Dark Hierarchy, then there must be your mirrored reflections in the Light Hierarchy. Or vice versa.

      Does it turn out that all the Entities we know of are parts of you? This is hard to believe.

      No. I was the one who agreed to identify with the opposite side, dared to do so. The division into "me" and "not me," into various Entities,