Conversation with Lucifer. Book III. Elena Sidelnikova. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Elena Sidelnikova
Издательство: Автор
Жанр произведения:
Год издания: 2024
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the intermediate states. If this is true, does that mean that by being happy, I make my double suffer?

      You find it difficult to move away from the paradigm of separation. Do you remember how we talked about the living rooms, where the Collective Soul spreads out to experience all possible scenarios, to play in all possible games of reality? Another comparison could be made with an amusement park. You sequentially go through all the rides. On some of them, you are genuinely scared. But once you get off the ride, you shout, "Wow! That was awesome!" Or, "Terrifying! Never again." Now imagine experiencing all the rides in the amusement park simultaneously rather than sequentially. After all these experiences, what would you say? After all, everything happened at once—both fear and excitement. Do you understand? There's no point in separating them. It's all happening simultaneously. It's all your choice to experience it. It's all your experience, and within it, all possible reactions are present. So, you are simultaneously happy, suffering, thrilled, scared, loving, hating, and so on.

      You're talking about the final reaction, the reaction after getting off the "ride." That is, when the Higher Self or the Collective Soul gathers the experiences of all its parts' incarnations. But what happens before the experiences are collected? How does the experience of one of my doubles affect the experience of another? In other words, does one experience become the property of all?

      Let's figure this out. There are many levels on which you currently exist and gain your experience. The Collective Soul has split into many selves, and you are one of them. Essentially, all these many selves are also you; but for simplicity's sake, let's focus on you. You are clothed in many bodies. And before incarnation, the Collective Soul chooses specific living conditions for you. But it doesn't choose the only possible option, but many options at once. And you also spread out into different rooms of incarnation. At the same time, you are clothed in various bodies, and all your incarnations are also distributed across several planes, corresponding to the bodies. Your physical bodies live on physical planes. Astral bodies on astral planes, mental bodies on mental planes, and so on. But this is still division because, in reality, there is only you. You are multiple. You are quantum. There's no separate physical body and astral body; there's a set of bodies of your double on all planes. And there isn't one double and another double—there are multiple projections of you in different planes of reality.

      You have medical equipment that allows you to take layer-by-layer images of the human body. And if you were to draw conclusions about a person only from these images, you'd have a completely different picture of them. Can you judge the state of, say, the liver based solely on its layer-by-layer images? Each image is just a fragment and, moreover, two-dimensional. If you take layer-by-layer images of any organ in all possible directions of the layers' planes, you'll get an approximate picture of assembling you from your doubles. But we're only talking about three dimensions and just the physical organ here. Now combine this image with multidimensionality. Then you can roughly understand what quantum reality is. Your current linear life is just a series of momentary layer-by-layer images from one angle of your reality's plane. But there's also a series of layer-by-layer images from other angles of your reality—all possible angles.

      But no matter how many images of an organ you take, it's still the same organ, just examined from different sides and angles of perception. It's like observing an object from the right, left, top, bottom, and so on. Can you say that the top view is incorrect? Can you say that the right view fully describes the object? Can you say that a layer-by-layer image of an organ is its only description?

      Moreover, an image is a momentary result. But changes are happening in any organ. Therefore, the events of your life are just momentary snapshots of reality from your point of view or, as you say, from your "point of assembly" of the world. But the events of your life are all possible momentary snapshots of all possible realities, allowing you to perceive your reality as fully as possible.

      Let's develop the idea of the image further for clarity. Do you remember we talked about perception being creation? In this sense, it's better not to talk about images because in your understanding, the equipment is independent and captures what is real, although you've already encountered the observer effect. The term "description" might be more appropriate. If you ask different people to describe an object, their descriptions will always differ. But even this doesn't capture the essence of the process. You can describe something that exists. But nothing exists in reality. Everything you see and feel, you manifest yourself through your perception. Do you remember the smell of a rose? The rose doesn't know about its smell. The one who has the olfactory apparatus and through it manifests the smell of the rose knows about it. But the rose itself remains unchanged, regardless of how others manifest it. The same thing happens with the other angles of perception. There's just the movement of energies. And your perception apparatus, the one you've been endowed with, manifests these energies in its own way. Therefore, the events of your life are momentary manifestations of the world's energies through your point of view. And the events of your life are all possible manifestations of the world's energies by you. Do you understand?

      Now imagine a universal connection. All versions (angles) of you are one. And all versions (angles) of you are also one. A matryoshka. An onion. And naturally, all possible manifestations of reality are the common property or, rather, the manifestations of one essence—you. You are part of the Collective Soul, split into many selves. And you have also split into many yous. But what prevents you from perceiving the experiences of all your parts is the paradigms of separation, the limitations imposed on you by matrix consciousness. When you say or think, "It's impossible for there to be many of me," you literally cut off the possibility of perceiving these selves, removing them from perceptual access. You think in terms of a part, not the whole. But thinking alone isn't enough. To be whole is to have not only the experience of the whole but also the capabilities of the whole. Therefore, by cutting off your connections with other parts of you, you lose not only the wholeness of perception but also the energetic wholeness of yourself. Your resources are limited by you, by the part of you. And therefore, perception is also limited by you. But nevertheless, as you say, deep down or in your subconscious, you know about all the perceptions of you.

      All your subconscious feelings and fears, insights, déjà vu, are breakthroughs of you, the energy of you, vague memories of your lives from different angles of perception.

      What happens to the other incarnations of parallel higher selves when one of them dies? Does its experience and energy go directly to the higher self or perhaps get distributed among the remaining ones?

      In the concepts of unity and quantum reality, there's no concept of "going away." "Going away" means "outside." But there is no "outside" and "inside." There is wholeness. You can never truly die. It's impossible. You can transition from one form to another. In this sense, when your physical double physically dies in one of the physical realities, its incarnation and experience gathering continues on other planes of reality. It can reincarnate again with new tasks in the physical reality. And all of this will be it, and it will be you at the same time. If you perceive division into parts linearly, it seems to you that one part must flow into another. But in multidimensionality, it's hard to describe this process. Everything exists simultaneously. You are simultaneously being born and dying in all physical worlds available to you. By dying in one physical world, you continue to manifest in worlds of another density, then be born again in the dense world, and so on indefinitely.

      You find it hard to comprehend all of this. To realize that you are more, that the experience and energy of all of you rightfully belong to you. And that you only need to open this within yourself. Open your path to yourself. Realize yourself as yourself.

      Your thoughts are open, and I can see in them: this sounds a bit crazy. It is indeed so. Your mind works linearly and doesn't allow you to see the quantum picture of unity and multidimensionality. The programs embedded in you build a linear sequence of events and experiences. It's like on a computer when you only use one program, only consider part of the files without access to all the others. In our analogy, you now have access only to the layer-by-layer images. But if you move beyond your current mind, that is, expand your linear perception to a quantum one, you can realize your wholeness.

      At the moment, your task is to realize wholeness with yourself. But further, after solving this task, you will need to remember and