Conversation with Lucifer. Book III. Elena Sidelnikova. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Elena Sidelnikova
Издательство: Автор
Жанр произведения:
Год издания: 2024
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They mean nothing to Eternity.

      So, were you not dissolved for all the deeds you have committed?

      I am my Father's son, and I love Him as a Father. I carried out the mission that was predestined for me.

      Who predestined it?

      The First Creator.

      So, you mean that it wasn’t your initiative, but rather a suggestion from a higher Creator—the First Creator?

      At the core of Creation lies a thought. And the thought of the First Creator created the duality of the world. I took up the baton; I agreed with this. I volunteered to help in the realization of this thought-form of the First Creator. I became the executor, in your language. The executor and the volunteer.

      A volunteer for what exactly?

      You have already been told that the thought of the First Creator was about the division into the seeker, the search, and the sought, as mentioned in one of your books. In reality, it’s all one.

      Or, you could say: into activity and passivity, distancing and closeness, analysis and synthesis. And so on. I became the seeker, I became activity, I became distancing, I became analysis. Call it what you want.

      Or, you could say you became Darkness.

      Someone had to become this so that His thought—His initiative—could be realized.

      So, the First Creator gives orders, as it were?

      This is not the case. It’s an intention to which those who resonate with it, those who have the corresponding energies for the realization of this intention, are drawn. The thought of the First Creator itself creates an energetically colored zone into which, like a magnet by resonance, the beings are drawn to whom this is resonant, or, in your language, interesting. This sparked a resonance-interest in me.

      Are you saying that this was not your initiative?

      I’m saying it wasn’t just my initiative, as it’s usually understood. I was the one who responded. The first one.

      And for that, you had to undergo a sort of reformatting and fall into lower dimensions, that is, to break apart, to divide into myriads of beings?

      Yes, that’s correct. If I chose division, chose to experience what it is and what it would bring to the Universe, I had to divide myself and include negation.

      When I was the radiant Archangel in the Light of my Father, I was pure and undivided, harmonious, and bright. I was one with the Father. But I had to divide into myriads of parts and rediscover the Love of the Father, to rediscover the unity and harmony of the Higher Spheres, to comprehend it in every separate part of me, restoring my True Self bit by bit. It’s not an easy task.

      So, you didn’t anticipate that things would turn out this way?

      This was something new in the Universe.

      Just as Jesus hoped he would be heard and not crucified, but things turned out differently.

      I assumed that all my parts could remain united in the Creator’s Light and become a tier of co-creators on the lower levels. But such fragmentation deprived you of the memory of the Father and your Unity. And each part began to consider itself autonomous and independent and pursued its selfish interests.

      And so, what you call Darkness was born.

      And in contrast, to help you, to help us all remember our true nature, Teams of Light were created from Higher Beings, striving to help. And these beings descended to the lower levels to bring the Light of the Father and His Truth. But some of them also became entangled in the illusions of the world and also began to pursue their selfish goals. And the struggle between Light and Darkness began.

      Another statement about you from channelings:

      “If we talk about Lucifer, then he, as a screenwriter, as a former screenwriter, as today’s consultant for those civilizations that are in power, defines this System as complex, as delayed, as lagging behind the System of normal reformatting. In many ways, it is indeed his achievement that a very large number of inertia coefficients, holding coefficients, egregors, have been introduced into space. These egregors, this retention, this interaction system, in one way or another, influence the space today, holding it back in its initiatives, holding it back in prospective developments. And he acknowledges this, he understands this, but from the point of view of his influence, from the point of view of our influence, from the point of view of the Absolute's influence, this has no relation to the future outcome, because understanding and doing are different things.”

      So, you are a screenwriter? And do you acknowledge the failure of your script?

      Speaking in your terms, I am more of an assistant director.

      As for script development, there are also various teams, or, in your language, specialists.

      This script is alive, not predetermined. It's as if the actors were given the theme of the play but not the essence of the finale. And so, each of them simply improvises and lives on the stage in their own character.

      Do you think the experiment has failed, that it wasn’t worth initiating?

      Judgment is a human category. Good or bad—such concepts do not exist in Eternity. Everything is, and everything has the right to exist.

      And if we speak of purpose, the Creator's goal—differentiating poles of development, highlighting opposites, and creating divisions—has been achieved. And the distinction has been made.

      With the emergence of the Zone of Free Will, differences arose in everything, identity appeared, and individual characteristics emerged. And despite the fact that we are all one and all are part of the One Whole, the Experiment showed that differences are possible within this unity. However, these differences led to opposition.

      Are you saying that differences did not exist before this?

      There was no separation. Everything was unified, and everything was internal. There were no Levels, no persons, none of what you know as the Hierarchy of the Universe. There were no galaxies, no planets. There was an Ocean of Energy, intelligent and creative, which manifested within itself and calmed the rotation and movement of its energy, if I may say so, amusing and admiring itself. It was aware of itself but did not understand itself. It could not know itself because it was ONE.

      This Experiment divided it into parts and allowed one part to know the other as if from the outside. And then the property of creation was fully realized. Separate worlds, galaxies, levels, thrones, services, and worlds began to emerge from this Ocean of Consciousness.

      An analogy can be drawn. It’s as if a mass of people lived in one large room without ever leaving it, in one big hangar, dressed in the same clothes, eating the same food, and doing everything the same. And suddenly, each was offered a separate house and a plot of land where they could build and equip their dwelling according to their own taste and choice, to build on this plot, on their personal plot, any world: paradise, hell, whatever they preferred, whatever they liked, in accordance with their preferences and skills.

      And now this colorful "city" represents all of Creation.

      Are you saying that all of Creation, as we know it, is the result of the dividing thought-form of the First Creator, and before that, everything existed within the Absolute, like an Ocean of Energy? But the Absolute told me that He manifested many First Creators who created many worlds. Aren’t these worlds entirely beyond even your perception?

      The Absolute is potential, the All-Powerful Void, if I may say so.

      The Ocean of Energy is already the First Creator, manifested from the Absolute as a living organism. And this Ocean of Energy produced the Thought-Form of Differences. And so, Differences and Levels began to emerge. And thus, Separation arose.

      Wait. If you were the one who first responded to that call of the Father's thought-form, does that mean you are present on all levels of Creation? But they speak of you as a fallen one, a betrayer