Non vowel resources of some good mood. Alexander Nikolaevich Borodin. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Alexander Nikolaevich Borodin
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Публицистика: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785005395221
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Maybe it’s 60, 70, 80, 90, or even 100% human, and only 40, 30, 20, or 0% an animal, or vice versa, and what happens when something is more and something less? We determine by those places that a person visits, what is more in it – from an animal or from a person? The more you have from the animal, the more dangerous you are in modern society for yourself and others and the more difficult it is for you to integrate into society in a country that is considered civilized? Are all human actions predictable, since they stem from instincts and other well-known needs? If someone at the time of any domestic conflict was drunk, legally he will always be to blame – since a drunk animal is 100% (this is not an insult, but a comparison), and the less sober someone differs from an animal, the more he becomes when drunk? Why do people behave this way and not otherwise – the problem is in physiology? Two days off a week is given to a person to fulfill the needs programmed into him by higher forces, the rest 5 days a week he is engaged in fulfilling the needs of others through him? If a person is not allowed to realize his basic needs, will his psyche «overheat»? I don’t have to act logically, and where to find places where illogical acts will not negatively affect my life – is it possible only in rich countries with good social packages, in other cases illogical acts are a luxury that is fraught with bad consequences?

      According to documentaries, such a Soviet surgeon as Nikolai Amosov owns the following phrases: «Man is an animal, since he has biological needs,» «Man is an animal, only with intelligence.»

      «… You will make a lot of discoveries, not wanting it yourself …”, – a phrase from the song by Ostap Bender (Andrei Mironov), the film «12 Chairs» of the 1978 version of the USSR (there is also the film «12 Chairs», shot in 1971 in the USSR).

      Empiricism is the experience gained in practice – eyes, ears, nose, mouth and skin, in a word, sensory organs? Everyone, in order to survive, uses his life experience, if you do not use it or if it is not there, you can weaken and die? In difficult times and in times of change, do some always have a greater need for coaches and psychics to create pink hurt? Is the industry making money on experience a profitable thing? Everywhere only «cargo», «cargo», «cargo», «cargo» of those who live at the expense of «cargo», and no material assistance? I won’t give money, but will I teach life?

      «… and now you need to think with your own brains, and the people are not used to it, he immediately, like a cow on ice, out of the blue… people will begin to move in bundles with their minds…» – exemplary words about the prospects of creating private insane asylums during the changes of one of the heroes of the comedy film «A Nightmare in a Madhouse», USSR, 1990, directed by Nikolai Gusarov.

      Accidentally overheard in a bus conversation of two women. First woman: «His wife works, he does not work, sits in the apartment, writes a book.» The second woman: «And what is the book about?» First woman: «About life, but I say, did he even see this life?» From this, the conclusion is – can everyone be called psychologists who teach how to live – have they ever seen this life? Of course, in order to tell someone, you need to go somewhere, and not only in some places, but also in various situations, or chat with someone who has visited somewhere.

      «… futurologists,» who don’t know real life, were clearly in a hurry.»

      Excerpt from the article by Andrey Mukovozchik «Continuous Futorology» published in the newspaper «Sovetskaya Belorussia» (Belarus Today) No. 12 (25399) dated January 18, 2018.

      Who is closer to real life – a psychologist, futurologist, or a person who does not have a diploma of the first and has nothing to do with the second, but who has been to various places and situations? Is a real psychologist and futorologist the one who is as close to life as possible, and not hidden from it? Why are there suicides? The psychologist must be a leader, otherwise how will he lead people if he, under certain circumstances, can be one of those who need to be led? The best psychologist is the one who is called a strong spirit person: do people «absorb» their qualities and line of behavior when communicating with him? Psychologists can be divided into theorists and practitioners: the theoretician is the one who deals with psychology in the office, the practitioner is the one who is in practice? Futurologist Alvin Toffler, who, according to his biography, went to work as an installer to learn about life from the inside out? Relations between people can be divided into sea waves: the first, second, third, fourth, etc.? One of the directions in the study of psychology is to try everything on yourself – who wants to try on «alien» shirts, having been in situations that ordinary people encounter? A strong one who does not have what are called weaknesses? A smart one who has weaknesses and can satisfy them? According to the phrase attributed to Guy Julius Caesar, is everything an experience teacher?

      Psychologists, undoubtedly, without irony, smart people, transpersonal psychology, team building (team building), tests by Lusher, Eysenck, they have a lot of serious psychological discoveries and works, among which, as popular science films tell, for example, a woman is excited by tactile touches, and the man from what he saw (how this will help to survive, for example, a hungry and apartmentless guest worker at a construction site), it turns out that the psychology of some psychologists is for a certain social stratum, while those who work are guest workers om and sleeps in a transport car, sometimes feeding lice on himself, everything is fine, since a migrant worker a priori can’t have everything bad, he’s a guest worker, so he’s fine, maybe the migrant workers are all right in the psychological sense, maybe, they are all strong in spirit, because the profession itself requires the presence of fortitude.

      Psychologists are literate, but, unfortunately or joyfully, not all of them know the life, the life of a migrant worker, a homeless person, an unemployed worker, perhaps to become a good practical psychologist, and not a theoretician, you first need to work on a construction site as a helper, in a factory as a machine operator – to find out what kind of «bread» is what people say, as many Nobel laureates in the field of medicine did: they tested everything on themselves, endangering their lives, infecting themselves with diseases and trying to cure themselves of them with their invention.

      There are words that are attributed to Felix Dzerzhinsky: «Whoever didn’t sit in solitary confinement has nothing to talk about» (by the way, such famous people as pilot Valery Chkalov, film actor Georgy Zhzhenov, singer Alexander Novikov, hero were in prison or on guardhouse Kotovsky revolution, and they probably are real psychologists, only without diplomas). You can rephrase the words of Dzerzhinsky – «who did not work at the construction site, with that…» or «who did not experience deprivation, with that …", so no matter how loudly it is said, you can probably go from the Old Testament to the new, in this case, in the sense of psychology, or to supplement existing psychology with psychology that helps to survive such as the same homeless and hungry guest worker, differentiate psychology for different people, since everyone has different problems, they are not universal, because classical psychology is probably about it definitely doesn’t say anything.

      The inscription on the logo of the unit of psychological operations: «Persuade change influence» (approximate translation: «Influence changes belief»).

      How to find a remedy for what is called stress, without side effects – incorrectly released what is called emotions, and has already broken the law? Higher powers gave instincts and other programs of behavior, but did not give methods for their implementation? Aggressive people are no less free than in prisons, they just, unlike those who are in prison for crimes committed on an emotional basis, know how safe it is to throw aggression, for example, in what is called complaints and denunciations (by anonymous letters) – this makes it possible to restore the psychological balance to those who have been offended, without resorting to physical impact on the offender. The states and the people living in them, «banned» some actions psychologically (moral) and, just in case, legally (laws) for those who are not affected by morality and beliefs? In one of the feature films about the war, a soldier took a cartridge in his hand and said something like this: