Non vowel resources of some good mood. Alexander Nikolaevich Borodin. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Alexander Nikolaevich Borodin
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Публицистика: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785005395221
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as they say, romanticism (what is called adult childhood) is its own architecture of pseudo-reality, i.e. when in your head your own, unacceptable reality, pseudo reality, and all of this work for those not mentioned about someone, but who is heavier than the other, because of something, in short, for all those who are experiencing psychological distress.

      It is also believed that there are people of certain statuses and certain professions, after parting with whom they cannot adapt to new forms of social relations, they say that this, for example, may be a military man who found himself in a «civilian» before he rose to retirement, a prisoner who has spent most of his life in prison and released, etc.

      Both in jurisprudence and in psychology need a program of action? Stereotypes are different at different times, then what’s the point of stuffing yourself with stereotypes? They who have grown up in an incomplete family or in the absence of it cannot compete qualitatively with those who grew up with their parents? In some cases, people’s psychological experiences are related to their inconsistency with modern social standards, but people come up with standards, and can everyone set their own standards? Whoever is called stronger in spirit sets the standards? What are called fortitude, is taken from the correct idea of the surrounding reality?

      In general, the presence of normal, it must be emphasized, normal parents in the generally accepted sense – this is the right program of action for their child in all stages of his life cycle, which they give him, and this correct program of action gives positive results again for their child.

      Heard about a man who is classified as a major, he had a rich father by the standards of the region where he lived, and the bandits used it, they promised to make him thieves, luring him in parallel with money, and he asked them when he will become thieves, to which he received the answer that he will soon become.

      The source of information for people like those who grew up in single-parent families and in the other cases mentioned above is usually people who are not their relatives, as they don’t have either a father or an older brother, sister, mother or no one at all, who could give advice, also the source of information in this case – some media, films trying in most cases to manipulate the above people (and not only them) with unprofitable consequences for the manipulated (for example, popularization of the illegal image life, the result of which may be a prison, is not warned about this, as about the dangers of tobacco or alcohol on the labels from them, before the movie about the bandits begins, it is not indicated that if you repeat everything, you can go to jail), forming with him manipulation of a distorted understanding of reality (the term «Pepsikol generation» has been heard by many), which subsequently interferes with the quality of the so-called social adaptation as a result of misunderstanding or misunderstanding of what is happening.

      Simply put, when there are no normal relatives, the creation of a program of a child’s line of behavior does not occur through their advice, but through those who try to manipulate others around them arbitrarily or involuntarily, for example, through criminals who lure, as they say, children from dysfunctional families.

      Manipulation can be through hidden and non-hidden advertising – it can be alcohol advertising (hidden advertising is when many scenes in the cinema are an order for the director of the producer of any product, in this case, if we talk about alcohol, the order for the director is a scene for drinking produced by the company that ordered the director a scene with alcohol, on the bottle with alcohol there will be a label of the customer’s company, in the cinema they will drink alcohol of this particular producer) or the manipulation can take place across the street – this is popular tion violation of the law, about this already, in principle, and said, manipulation is certainly present in various organizations.

      By the way, the presence of relatives for someone is not only the information they receive from them about how to survive, the relatives are also «pulling» – they help to survive, forcing, for example, the boss of the one who has these relatives, the so-called “ secret diplomacy» works, Well, an orphan does not have such luxury.

      Let’s talk about internal drugs, which are natural opiates in the human body – are there natural ways to get endorphins and artificial ones? As the song says, «the song helps us build and live»? You need to listen to only a very few, since the «phrases» of some can be dangerous for psychological health – is it better to let the refrigerator win, and not the TV, the apartment, and not the street? How is consumer behavior manipulated in trade objects, in advertising, in the media, in the cinema?

      The natural ways of producing endorphins are considered to be listening to music, traveling, eating food, doing what you love, and artificial – using alcohol or drugs.

      Any material can be written or read to music. Also, endorphins in someone can cause weather conditions, for example, heat. Therefore, I want to emphasize that it is best to get acquainted with the information in any material or create any material, if possible, while listening to music, or while working, listening to your favorite work – do we remember music in the trading floors of hyper- and supermarkets? It is believed that this contributes to greater sales, a person is introduced into a small, but in a trance or in its weak likeness (a favorite piece of music causes chemical reactions in the body, expressed in the release of internal drugs – endorphins and time begins to flow in a different way. e., as they say, time is relative – when you are pleased, it goes quickly, when it is unpleasant, it stretches slowly). Any sounds, images that can change neurochemistry to a pleasant area are also used to increase sales, you can also pay attention to the fact that in supermarkets and gambling establishments windows are closed, as a rule, with tarpaulin extensions so that visitors to institutions and shoppers in the store are not distracted by what happens on the street, it is believed that this also affects the amount of profit and the volume of sales, but this, as they say, is another story, we return to the dominant essence of the material.

      The inscription on the logo of the unit of psychological operations: «Win witn words» (approximate translation: «Victory with words»).

      In the modern world there are places where, besides reading a book, there are almost no other entertainments, in some cases, books are forced to read circumstances, after you become a hostage to these circumstances?

      Gratitude for the help in creating the material to police officer OPNiON Yu. A. Yuryev, French foreign legion sergeant A. Antonsev, philologist A. I., working as a translator in Asia, human resources inspector A. N. Anttseva, who was serving his sentence in places of deprivation of liberty Strunov E.I., former district police inspector Kotov S.S., seller Vorodina N.L. and many others.

      There may be some incorrectness in the material, since there was more ambition to create the material than time, and more than money to correct it in the editorial office of the print publishing house, the goal was to convey information, the rest is secondary.

      Everyone should convey and tell what he understood during his life? How can one make a choice without sometimes knowing its consequences – the main thing in life experience? It is impossible to develop standards that will suit everyone, since everyone is different? Many have acquaintances who commit suicide, or acquaintances of his acquaintances, all of these people most likely were assigned to the category mentioned above: from single-parent families, from families that are called dysfunctional? Many of the deceased met with psychologists and psychiatrists – why did they then die? Psychological and psychiatric science can not help in some cases, since it, like any science, is at a certain stage of development? What was previously considered a dermatozoid hallucinosis (for example, the apparent presence of something foreign in the body) is now called morgellon’s disease (parasites in the body) – is science prone to make mistakes even in our time or does it correct old mistakes? What is called the formal approach to blame? Is suicide flaws in the psychological structure or the result of a lack of information, such as how to fight for survival in modern conditions?