Non vowel resources of some good mood. Alexander Nikolaevich Borodin. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Alexander Nikolaevich Borodin
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Публицистика: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785005395221
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them – do people help their people, those whom they identify with themselves? A programmer is, more simply, a translator who knows programming languages and translates information into a language understandable by a machine, a person can also be programmed, moreover, it consists of various programs, an example of programming a person with phrases can be as follows: «Not» cool «for someone who is not afraid of death, everyone is cool, since everyone will someday die? ” Each gopher is an agronomist – how many people, so many opinions, or are there those who express opinions and those who listen to them and follow them? Whoever screams and gets nervous, and also drinks alcohol, is called non-self-reliant? They say that healthy lifestyle – sex, sleep, sports?

      Lyrics. The report of the man who came from the war: «Please send me to serve in the war zone, because I can not stand the horrors of peaceful life.»

      Resentiment (fr. Ressentiment / rəsɑ̃timɑ̃ / «resentment, grudge, bitterness») – a feeling of hostility to what the subject considers to be the cause of his failures («enemy»), impotent envy, «painful awareness of the futility of trying to improve one’s status in life or in society». The feeling of weakness or inferiority, as well as envy towards the «enemy» leads to the formation of a value system that denies the value system of the «enemy». The subject creates an image of the «enemy» in order to get rid of guilt for his own failures.

      The concept of resentment was first introduced by the German philosopher F. Nietzsche in his work «On the Genealogy of Morality». According to this philosopher, resentment is a defining characteristic of the morality of slaves, which opposes the morality of the masters. Resentiment, according to Nietzsche, actively manifests itself in the «revolt of slaves»: «The revolt of slaves in morality begins with the fact that the ressentiment itself becomes creative and generates values…» – these words, in fact, introduce the concept of resentment.

      Resentment is a more complex concept than envy or dislike. The phenomenon of resentment is the sublimation of inferiority into a special moral system.

      Source: Resentiment

      Regeneration (restoration) – the ability of living organisms to restore damaged tissue, and sometimes even entire lost organs, over time.

      Lyrics: «Such people give meaning to life,» one former military man said ironically about those officials to whom he wrote complaints. Those to whom he wrote were morally and legally unclean bosses; by imparting meaning to life, he meant his complaints and their outcome. «What is this?» They asked him, pointing to written envelopes with information about illegal activities. «These are the instruments of education that violate the laws of the big-bellied and pot-bellied – I am the second teacher of Makarenko, Makarenko 2».

      Lyrics: some go to trainings to become a leader and to develop leadership qualities – dismiss your boss from work with complaints revealing his possible immoral and illegal weaknesses, and then your wings will «grow», you will «fly» crowded with endorphins, you will have something like a «star» disease – and so you will become a leader?

      Once again that in each situation there are both «cons» and «pros». Call any situation that has a minus sign, and there will be pluses, for example, you were fired from work – this is from the category of what can be classified as minus, but there is a plus in this, because the loss of the old is an acquisition new: where it departed, it arrived. In this regard, ideally, no one should accumulate negative emotions on anyone (referring to those who caused troubles in life (minuses)), since offenders can also bring «pluses» (there are no situations with radical cons when they beat someone half to death). But human nature dictates its own – negative emotions in relation to the offender accumulate in many people.

      An example of analysis for the pros and cons of serfdom and its absence: according to historical data, after the abolition of serfdom among former serfs, general alcoholism began after they gained freedom. Pluses – while the serfs were serfs, their owners controlled their behavior, therefore, alcohol was not so accessible, and health due to alcohol did not deteriorate, the liver was not threatened with cirrhosis. Cons – harm to physical health due to the use of alcohol because of the freedom gained.

      So at work, as long as there is work, there are bosses who do not give large quantities of alcohol to anyone who is interested in drinking, as soon as there is no work and bosses, what begins is called alcohol abuse, which is clearly not a healthy lifestyle. When there is so much work that you don’t like that there is no time to fulfill your needs, then it’s better to find a job in which the realization of your needs will become your work.

      An example of an analysis of the pros and cons in legal and commercial senses in the presence of the criminal article «Speculation» (that is, reselling something) in the criminal code of the USSR, and after the collapse of the USSR in the absence of this article: pluses – while commerce was considered speculation, and for this it was possible to go to jail, those involved in illegal trade were very few, respectively, the profits from this type of activity were huge due to the lack of a large number of competitors. Cons – as soon as the article «Speculation» was canceled, and a lot of people started to trade, every entrepreneur’s profits from trading fell, and some were forced to quit commerce altogether.

      Therefore, we recall once again that in each situation there are pros and cons.

      Attention, this is an affirmative sentence: you do not need to commit crimes on an emotional basis, only within the framework of the law you need to «get out» to solve emotional conflicts.

      According to the author’s personal statistics, it is precisely people from the so-called dysfunctional and single-parent families who commit crimes on an emotional basis – perhaps they simply don’t know and cannot correctly respond to the situation.

      Psychologists have projects for the psychological recovery of the population, there is even one that says that emotions should not be restrained, but everyone is inclined to interpret this in their own way, judging by the news according to which crimes are committed around the world on an emotional basis – starting from bodily harm damage, ending with murders, but emotions can not be restrained in other ways, while not committing crimes and at the same time maintaining and restoring their psychological balance, because the main thing is to force the body continue to produce endorphins, when there was an obstacle to this, if not, then some pleasure hormones will be produced artificially by vodka or drugs? Living in harmony with nature in a psychological sense is to do what you want, because it was nature that created your basic needs in you? Some do not grow claws and teeth in a psychological sense, so is it difficult for them against the background of those who have them? Higher forces probably want competition among people, and people themselves call the presence of competition the engine of progress, which is why the human body produces endorphins if someone defeats someone or someone over something, like someone defeated someone or something, internal opiates are immediately developed, for example, you went through an interview for a job you really wanted, or you won a fight with someone, or you discovered some kind of scientific formula – and you just «Fly» after this, but not go, this happens in animals, for example measures, after a fight for the territory, the higher forces award the winner with a portion of the internal hormones of pleasure, how does the trainer treat his pet with delicious food, do the higher forces show us the path and the correctness of action with endorphins? How to restore psychological imbalance caused by insult without breaking the law? Anyone can become the director of their internal high-plant? Someone else’s inconvenient behavior is called syndromes and diagnoses for someone else – if someone began to actively try to attract attention, then they immediately call it Munchausen’s syndrome or there are no syndromes, and they were invented to «break off» those who wants to intentionally or inadvertently «take someone’s bread», depriving him of his work by his behavior? Not litigation and a trial between someone, but a struggle of ambition? I heard on the bus how two women spoke among