Non vowel resources of some good mood. Alexander Nikolaevich Borodin. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Alexander Nikolaevich Borodin
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Публицистика: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785005395221
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not serious anymore? Each consciousness has its own torture – for some, torture is an ugly hairstyle, for others is torture being in prison? Make muck – get joy, or the antidote for stress has long been known, should the psychologist give the necessary information to restore psychological stability, as the doctor needs the right medicine? The behind-the-scenes psychology prevents mental problems (you got naughty, and you spoke out) and heals them, while the classical one is not quite capable of this and deals, as a rule, with the consequences of stress, and not with warning it (you got naughty, and you «Swallowed» without responding to rudeness)? Is behind-the-scenes psychology a kind of «wild West,» an area of psychology that is not yet officially used? Is classical psychology transformed into coaching and motivational oratory or is it just inventing new phrases by ambitious people to emphasize individuality, and is there really no difference between classical psychology and everything else, or is there? An example of the actions of the unspoken psychology is given in the film «Prisoner of If Castle»? Judging by the actions of the heroes of the film «Prisoner of If Castle», psycho-technologies for healing have long been known, why was it necessary to reinvent the wheel again in the form of psychology, and even which rides poorly? There is no stress at work, if there is stress, then this work is not for you? There is no stress, since stress is only someone’s personal perception of a situation as stress? It is necessary to make sure that no one defeats you, you need to get a job where you feel like a fish in water: choose a place where we will be the first, not the second? Is life cruel to those called tender? If you don’t like people (it happens), you need to isolate yourself from them or find a job where you work alone? Live yourself and do not disturb others? If they will listen to the speaker, then only then will he be a speaker, without listeners there is no speaker, without listeners there is no psychologist and there are no other experts on life? The suite is made by the king – if everyone considers the king to be a king, then only then is he a king? Are angry, vengeful people usually sentimental? Voodoo doll and black magic – «yesterday’s snow» and self-hypnosis, denunciation (anonymous letter) with real facts pointed out in it by someone, is this the Voodoo doll and black magic? There should be books with unofficial (unofficial) information (or etiquette) with the information that is given to children in families considered normal according to generally accepted canons and not given in other families, such books can be given to those whose problems the state could not solve through psychologists etc., for example, to people suffering from various addictions, since people with addictions will sooner or later stumble on a wall of social misunderstanding, such a book is something like the «Field Charter» of an army unit, which briefly states what is needed for lat in order to fulfill the mission and survive? If books with information about the real structure of the social system and about other things that help people correctly understand what is happening and survive, these books do not always want to be sold in bookstores, they can be sold in specialized places, for example, in pharmacies for those who were not helped by the classical psychological help, or can the same psychologists and psychiatrists write to their clients who are confused in life’s labyrinths so that they can find a way out of this labyrinth? Deprogramming from unsuccessful programming – is this when the new replaces the old? Is the information in this material the information that should at least be voiced? Offend the weak – well done against the sheep, and against the well done the sheep himself? When you are weak, everyone attacks you, when you are strong, you have no conflicts with anyone, and nobody touches you – is a lame duck always in greater danger than healthy? Are they afraid of making the bold their enemies, but they are not afraid of making the timid one their enemies? When someone was fired, is there no longer power over him who fired him, or is his influence limited at best, which gives certain opportunities for the dismissed person? After the fight, waving their fists? It is generally accepted that some people in creative professions have a psychopathic personality type – it is believed that some artists self-medicated, unconsciously used what is now called art therapy for treating or stopping their psychopathic conditions, whereas about denosotherapy (anonymous therapy) or intrigotherapy and recognition of these terms officially scientific and psychological, it’s not a secret that many people use this to restore psychological balance? Rezanuli and does not overgrow – how to make a psychological wound overgrow? You need not look for ways to fulfill your needs, but learn to manage yourself – again, cognitive dissonance? What is the lordly attitude towards people? How to deal with what is called «socially unapproved norms of behavior»? Having two rather than one job gives an independent position: is it noticeable that those who constantly have two or more jobs do not «break down» and work out to retirement? If you work in the civil service, and at the same time you or your relatives have a business, then you have a quiet life and career? Ikar’s syndrome is when an overly self-confident boss, who has never seriously broken off before in life, with inclinations called sadistic, runs into a subordinate who looks like himself, dismisses him, and then he writes complaints about him and «drags him» in court, until the fired boss is fired? For any boss, a dismissed subordinate can cause trouble, since he now has no power over him, and the former subordinate has nothing to fear, since he will no longer be fired and since he has no job? Is any team an aggressive environment or at least fair competition with each other? Confidence is transferred from one to another, like a baton in a baton – defended your own, and you are full of confidence, lost, and you have a bad mood? Can you concede in anything if this contributes to further victory? Does everyone talk about everything that happened at their previous place of work when they «drop out» of the cage (when they no longer work there)? If you are not mistaken, it was in the comedy «Dog in the Hay» filmed in the USSR that one of the heroes of the film (a hired artist) said something like this: «The boss is the person who, when he’s the boss, needs to carry the pot and knock him over the head of this pot when he is no longer the boss»?

      «Anyone who has shamed a great power will never be safe. As long as people are obsessed with revenge, they will set precedents that they are not good at joking with, «the phrase from the movie Terminal F about Edward Snowden.

      The inscription on the logo of the unit of psychological operations: «Win the mind win the day» (approximate translation: «Win the mind – win the day»).

      The public demands the resignation of the Telecoms management (the name of the organization was changed for legal reasons, the similarity in the name to any organization is an accident) after a wave of suicides that swept through the company.

      The information obtained from Internet resources and other media outlets indicates that at least 20 employees of the company committed suicide in a year and a half and that the company’s leader was allegedly to blame – it is asked, someone wants to say that none of these employees went for help to psychologists or psychiatrists? Definitely had to go, given the Western European mentality announced in the media, where it is considered the norm to go to psychologists and psychiatrists for psychological help, well, did this help those who committed suicide? It can be seen that there is definitely no, well, if there really was a problem in the leadership, then the same Fernand, a character from the work of Alexander Dumas, showed how to solve this problem (we repeat – why it’s been known why to reinvent the wheel). There, as they say, it’s a matter of technology, there would be a person, but there would be a criminal code article, could psychologists and psychiatrists give such advice to those who turned to them for help from Telecoms? Of course, no, who can imagine a psychologist or psychiatrist who gives advice to his client to write a denunciation (anonym), for example, about the violation of the law by the boss, which is the reason for his psychological discomfort and even the reason, as in this case, of suicidal behavior, but write to the head there is that, «clean» people do not exist, and the one who doused with shit is to blame, and let him then launder. And the head of Telecoms, according to the media, «jumped» from the accusations against him, saying that he was just doing his job, demanded from his subordinates, and they just got so weak on their own.

      Nobody wants to say that all the bosses from the category of those who are considered sadists are just as wrong to say that all teachers or pediatric doctors are pedophiles or all pathologists are necrophilia, just people with the above