Non vowel resources of some good mood. Alexander Nikolaevich Borodin. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Alexander Nikolaevich Borodin
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Публицистика: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785005395221
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be considered a «surrender» of a psychological nature), it’s a kind of pill for recovering from the stress that you got fired, as the hero of the Italian movie Octopus said in one of the episodes of season 7 yayas with your enemy, is a politician, by discrediting of the enemy, the head of a criminal organization Ramonte professor (played its Rolf Hopa): «Once again I feel the power of it comes back to me.» This is how the psyche of some people reacts when a person does poorly in a psychological sense to someone who has done poorly in a psychological sense. This kind of psychological «surrender» in the form of revealing discrediting facts in the life of someone is shown in many films, in the same film «Prisoner of If Castle», for example. Everything happens only with a pen, pencil and paper, no physical strength to anyone. Someone will say that this is a film, but all films are built on real events (according to information from documentaries – Soviet feature films about intelligence were necessarily watched by the enemy’s intelligence services, which means that the intelligence agencies took into account the fact that the films contain a significant percentage of reality), it’s the same in science fiction films, only they describe future events that, as history shows, will come true sooner or later, and the film «Inspector of the GAI» (USSR, 1982, director Eldor Urazbaev), which shows how GAI inspector and his relatives are under pressure for not following the road of unspoken relations between people in society (in the «Reshalov» mode), everywhere «resolved» put him in the way of his principled position in the performance of official duties, in motorcycling classes, where they also got him, they explain to him that he «crossed» the road to one person, the film is «abruptly» in the teachings of those who are called political strategists about some persecution of officials on the heels.

      In the film «The Elusive Avengers» (USSR), one of the heroes says something like this: «… I have a debt, I need to return it …”. And after that, he starts to whip the one who beat him – many films say that psychological equilibrium can be achieved only when you make disgust to the one who did it before you – this is the prescription for treating psychotrauma without pills, which will not be prescribed not a single doctor?

      Whoever wants to read a sermon to people should not eat more sweetly than they.

      The phrase attributed to A.S. Pushkin.

      What is the salary of some media workers? The manipulator teaches that life which he himself does not live and does not want to live – does he have his own life, which depends on how the manipulator convinces others of something? A fraudster is one who is looking for people with weaknesses in order to satisfy their weaknesses, for example, he has deceived the one who is called a drunkard (who are usually from incomplete or so-called dysfunctional families), – he bought an apartment from him for cheap, resold and gave a gift to his mistress?

      Who is Gene Sharp? How much money do those who own some media own? Combat social technologies, as some people like to call them a phrase that popularizes them, for whom are they created and who are reaping their positive and who are negative about their results? Mass psychology says that she has a simplified perception of something, namely they told everyone from the rostrum or in the media that he is bad, that means he is bad? There is a lot where the destruction of one by the other happens – someone eats someone in the natural sense, eats someone: does a sparrow eat a bug, a sparrow cat? If you do not lie, will civilization disappear? Live to old age – with age comes the system of mega-views on life?

      Some of the advice of various ideologists on how to go through life for some people is absolutely unacceptable, especially for causing physical harm to themselves and possible death in connection with this. They completely contradict, to put it mildly, the rules in terms of healthy lifestyle (healthy lifestyle), so you can read for fun in order to know what you do not need to do in life. We remember that they themselves are not in a hurry to inflict physical harm on themselves and live to a very old age.

      There are beliefs that harm their carriers and are usually aimed at young people, since they are easy to manipulate, because some young people want something global. Therefore, all the «downloads» can be clearly divided into harmful and useful for a psychologically and physiologically healthy lifestyle and understand where harmful and where useful come from. Harmful always come from a manipulator, looking, as already mentioned, for a better person, carefully study this issue and make sure that it is so, you can suffer from some tips. Some people in the service of the geopolitical opponents of your state create people with psychological discomfort to «undermine» the system and do what is called the monopolar world, and it’s not profitable for any person, because when there is one world state, they’ll end all rights and freedoms, why – will be indicated below in the material.

      We move away from the global and return to everyday life. Here is an example of how the author’s acquaintance «recouped» within the framework of the law after a neighbor made a fake call to law enforcement agencies. He didn’t go and beat anyone, he simply started recalling the «sins» of the neighbor and also voicing them to law enforcement officers, and the «sins» of the neighbor were as follows: he walked the dog in the wrong place, was engaged in illegal entrepreneurial activity (he was selling cars) and did not pay tax on this, arbitrarily built a warehouse under the staircase of the apartment building – this was already reported not in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but in the BTI and in the Ministry of Emergencies, since the construction was illegal, it had to be removed.

      Lyrics: they say that in the old days it was possible to go to the camp for denunciation – in those days it was not the evidence base that proved the guilt of anyone, but the «naked» fact of the accusation of the accused, and therefore they could go to jail for a long time after denouncing the neighbor.

      By the way, the blood feud was present in the cultures of some peoples – from a scientific point of view, revenge is a justifiable action: one species harms another, and then those whom it harmed harm, since it endangered the physical survival of the one it harmed.

      Also, a person seeks to isolate himself in the microworld from those who interfere with his life – destroying pathogenic microbes, without experiencing the slightest sentimentality to them. Why? Because they did not inspire pity for them, and if inspired, how paradoxical it sounds, would he really suffer when he would kill pathogens in himself?

      «You may not be a poet, but you must be a citizen,» the work «Poet and Citizen,» N. A. Nekrasov.

      Reporting a violation of the law is not a crime or an offense, moreover, it is the civil duty of every citizen, and in some cases the direct duty of everyone, without exception, when it comes to crimes belonging to the category of grave or especially grave, in this case, failure to report may occur criminal liability.

      The motto on the website of psychological operations is «Capture their minds and their hearts and souls will follow.» (Sample translation: «Take hold of their mind, and their hearts and souls will follow.»)

      Do you need to forget about physical strength in solving any issues? Is modern classical psychology a psychology forbidding people to protect themselves, or is it not so? Is real psychology not just when they say it, but «clash» – only in a psychological sense? Is a real psychologist one who has let everything through life through himself, or maybe a person who hasn’t let anything through himself, except for lectures and books about psychology? Everyone himself is involuntarily a participant in a social experiment and a psychology researcher? To survive, it is not enough for a person to just satisfy his needs for food and other instincts, like in an animal – should his interests, inherent only to man, which animals do not have, be satisfied? The animal unconsciously understands why it is here – it satisfies its instincts, well, but a person needs to do something and love it almost as much as life, otherwise a person does not understand why he is here? What is freedom – is it the possibility of realization of sexual and other instincts, the realization of emotions, or is freedom freedom from the presence of the same instincts and emotions, that is,