Non vowel resources of some good mood. Alexander Nikolaevich Borodin. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Alexander Nikolaevich Borodin
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Публицистика: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785005395221
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by Alexander Dumas «The Count of Monte Cristo» remembers that Fernant didn’t kill anyone, didn’t go to the psychiatrist for help when Edmond Dantes, and not he, became the woman’s beloved man named Mercedes, and the psychiatrist did not prescribe any psychotropic drugs to restore mental balance, he «cured» himself by writing a denunciation to Dantes and removing him from his living space by sending him to prison: life is a struggle, and you can fight, but only by the law? To remain in the zone of mental comfort and psychological stability, some need to violate what someone has come up with and called moral laws? Elements of the psyche inherent in animals (fear, aggression) are absent or present, but to a small extent among those who are called scientists, which is why they became scientists, since nothing distracts them from this? There are worse denunciations of a bullet (words of intelligence chief Johann Staube (Leonid Bronevoy) from the film «End of Operation Resident» (1986, USSR)) – Larie Phillips and Emil Matasarenu (bank robbers), as well as the like because of their absence the necessary information did a great nonsense by picking up a weapon? The main thing with your actions is not to make yourself worse than it is at the moment by answering the offender in an illegal way? It is true that it is useful to society – does each depend on each other? If emotions are something higher than you and it’s difficult for you to control them, then you need to show them without breaking the law? With a person’s psyche, everything will be fine only when he gives «bruises» to his offenders in the psychological and legal sense, such is the human nature of some people, and when you go against nature, at least psychological discomfort is born, but at the maximum mental illness? Is the guilt of an aggressive information environment and the aggressive behavior of anyone? «Peace atom» and «Non-aggression pact» or something else in relations with each other? Is checking the lifestyle of the person with whom you connect the minutes, hours, days, months of your life the main thing? See who you contact – when you get in touch with someone, you need to predict the consequences, based on the person with whom you are in contact, will there be consequences in any case? One was said this way: «From his youth he was preparing for the army.» Not only can another person bring up a person, but he himself? The average person is not stable, he changes not only over the years of his life, as Felix Dzerzhinsky noted, but can change every day and hour – today he loves you, hates you tomorrow, and he also wears and changes «masks» involuntarily, and therefore Do you need to calculate each of your actions related to communicating with someone? Get ready for the fact that you will change every year, month, day and hour – is this called a «life experience»? Do priorities change with age? A person is changing, quarreling, or just breaking up with someone called a friend – is this normal, has he changed (or are you), has your relationship resource just worked out? Parents should remain in the «game» – do not let bring up a child on the street, do you bring him up? Do not scold the child strongly, do not synchronize his age with his age, because he is younger than you, remember how you were at his age? As some say, an astronaut is three personalities: before flight, during flight and after flight? Non-autonomy in life (lack of psychological independence from other people) can be dangerous in some cases? What did Darwin’s brother want to say with his «Eugenics» – many write only to satisfy their ego with at least something, having shown themselves, or does everyone have a rational kernel? You can become infected with love for the struggle, and this will affect your several generations, since you will not have time to earn the right amount of money for your family? Is strength of mind when there is no cognitive dissonance between the considered animal component (for example, fear) of a person and the considered human component of a person (for example, prudence)? Somewhere those who are called minorities won – is there a fierce competition for lifestyle and for any behavior, including sexual? Who sets the standards, and someone is really abnormal or just trying to impress someone that he is an abnormal psychological warfare everywhere, even in everyday life? The main thing is not to do everything from the molehills – as they say, without panic? John Hobs claimed that everyone is against everyone, but everyone is not only fighting, but also in partnership?

      Nature is bloodied teeth and claws.

      Words attributed to Charles Darwin.

      The words attributed to Tsialkovsky, which he said, referring to why other sentient beings do not visit us: «We will not go to visit poisonous snakes, wolves and gorillas.»

      They dismissed and immediately forgot about the place from which they were dismissed – the position of the security officer of the security forces (accordingly, the position of the person before being hired, who passed psychological testing for the presence or absence of excessive emotionality).

      There is a work whose creation was commissioned by several researchers of the phenomenon of persecution – this is the book «Psychology of persecution» (Akademik Press Publishing House), which seems to have been attended by 23 researchers, including Dr. Christina Kinvin, Doris Hall. It reveals the reasons for the persecution of someone by someone, psychological portraits of the persecutors, etc. The book states that the persecution may be based on parting with a loved one, beloved, loss of work, etc. Ex-husbands can be targeted, wives, bosses. The initiators of the persecution, i.e., the subjects of the persecution, can be people suffering from schizophrenia, narcissism, alcoholics, drug addicts. The goals of the persecution can be different – for example, if the object is a former boss, then the goal, as a rule, is to do everything so that he loses his social status, that is, so that he is no longer the boss. The methods of persecution are phone calls, etc. It is not known whether the book «Psychology of Persecution» indicates what those who are persecuted, that is, objects of persecution (former chiefs of persecutors, etc.), are they are with mental health, because the bosses are those who have a need to humiliate people? We can conclude that those who are being persecuted «run into» the same people as themselves – with the need to humiliate? If everything is summarized, is it not all simple – what is called persecution comes from what is called envy and anger: does a person just want to «spoil» someone whom he considers an offender? What is criminal prosecution, why does it exist? According to history, do some rulers pursue their rivals?

      Ideally, it is better not to get in touch with anyone so that there are no problems, but this is for those who do not need to communicate with someone, and what to do for those who have a need to communicate with someone, for example, with the opposite By sex, is information (which some people don’t have) important again to predict the various consequences of communication?

      If communication takes place between a man and a woman, a man should know the average needs of an average woman, for example: a woman who has never been married will need a husband, most women (there are, of course, exceptions, but the majority, as in statistics) in this case they will not start relations with non-free, married men, some men know this and therefore do not always say that they are married. Women who are divorced, with children or married, but with a «bad» husband, usually need a sponsor (they have such a program in place – to ensure the future of posterity). If a free woman meets a man, she will be offended, if he abandons her, she will consider meetings as a relationship, so if a man is married and he needs to communicate with someone other than his wife, he needs to look for a married woman for meetings so that there are no problems and misunderstandings that may arise when dealing with a free unmarried woman. And so on. You can make predictions with information.

      The fact was noticed that some people do not believe that the law works, and some do not know how to use it – some do not, so to speak, have instructions for using it. They don’t think about the fact that there is such a thing as a statement on someone’s illegal actions, that there is a prosecutor’s office and law enforcement agencies, and therefore they react incorrectly to various emergency situations in their lives.

      Let’s say directly that even the law is based on the principle of punishing (giving «surrender») to the offender, that is, the offender brought you mental or physical suffering, and he must undergo mental suffering because he is deprived of his liberty while in prison. For those who have offended, if I may say so, fair prisoners are guilty of a fair, not releasing the offender to freedom.
