Non vowel resources of some good mood. Alexander Nikolaevich Borodin. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Alexander Nikolaevich Borodin
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Публицистика: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785005395221
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know that impolite and rudeness can only do harm? Do some affect the psychology of people and in what ways?

      As they say, any policy is implicated in the economy, and any manager wants everything in his household to be good, for this you need to do something and you need someone who will fulfill the desires of the manager on the ground.

      And again about the divisions of psychological operations, we will make sure that the information about them is interwoven for some time in the material with other information in order to deprive the material of monotony without building it on one analysis.

      They say that all units of psychological operations (PsO) perform approximately the same tasks (as of 2018) in:

      oral propaganda, including work with the local population; distribution of propaganda literature and other necessary information; creation of propaganda groups in localities consisting of local activists, their organization and coordination of actions, assistance to the work of «their» journalists, collection of information and identification the most acute problems of the population for using this in the future as an information occasion; monitoring the current moral and psychological state of the local population; providing a group necessary material and technical property; direct holding of rallies, protests and dissemination of propaganda materials. creation and circulation of printed materials; creation and broadcasting of television and radio broadcasts to a designated area; transmission of necessary messages through broadcasting media; use of the Internet in the «right» channel; creation and broadcasting commercials on television and radio channels in the interests of PsO; involving mobile operators to ensure transmission propaganda textual, photographic, sound and audio-visual messages using mobile phones;

      From this conclusion, which will be discussed further: it is possible that various services and mass media of various countries of geopolitical opponents partially participate in the formation of personalities of people.

      But not only humans can control humans, but microorganisms as well: what is toxoplasmosis and is it true that toxoplasma controls the behavior of living organisms, including humans? Who is interested in information about toxoplasma and toxoplasmosis, we are looking for information on the Internet.

      The main thing to know for what to live? Existence must be in tune with destination? Now the purpose is determined very simply – with the help of psychological tests? Those who know what they live for do not always know how and where to achieve what they live for? What is the best way to achieve the goal? When there is a goal, and you want to achieve it, you need to go to it, no matter what, and you should be stopped only by the question of your life and death, although some (famous scientists who tested everything on themselves), as history shows, and this didn’t stop – after all, will we all die sooner or later? When I did what was required for this material, some stopped saying hello to me and laughed at me: don’t be afraid to «break off» if you are engaged in any business, perceive everything as production costs, since people will react just like that, because they were programmed by higher forces? To feel comfortable, you need to live one day, like in a war, while not forgetting that there is a future? The task of modern psychology should be that each person possesses objective knowledge in this area, so that the theory does not differ from reality? Providing anything without evidence can be attributed to rumors and gossip? Not everyone is comfortable with people who go with «measuring devices» in their heads, measuring everyone how far he has moved away from their unwritten personal or public moral principles, collecting gossip, analyzing and criticizing the actions of everyone, and vice versa – comfortable with someone who is not does? Some, when they insulted someone, will bear it like a crown, saying to themselves «I did it», and get pleasure from it – what is the pleasure received from that behavior, which is called inadequate? The law – this is the thing that allows you to take revenge on the one who caused you trouble, is this regenerative psychology or regenerative psychiatry? The 2000s is a fashion for a healthy lifestyle – a physically healthy lifestyle – but what about a fashion for a psychologically healthy lifestyle, what needs to be done for mental health? Mental health is possible without pharmaceuticals; how is sport possible without anabolic steroids? We do not generalize anything in particular to the situation: you don’t need to see either pluses or minuses in everything, in each case there are pluses and minuses – we think in this category, since this is not self-hypnosis, and does it contribute to the correct analysis of the situation? Where it has departed, has it arrived? First we find out what mental health is and who or what takes it away, then we take measures for prevention and recovery? If you compare your favorite business or something that someone lives with a chair, is it worth knocking him out from under him sitting on it, and he immediately has depression and loss of meaning in life? Where are they, radically new ideas at the level of the achievements of modern science to curb what is called aggression? Lawyers say that you can’t release it – prison, psychologists say that you can’t release aggression, since its containment and accumulation in the end can lead to inappropriate behavior, or there are legal ways to release aggression – for example, by writing what is called a secret denunciation or official statement on the offender? All that some psychologists say is dogma or just working hypotheses – do you yourself need to personally be in the «shoes» of everyone to give the right advice? There are many causes of aggression: one of them, when some needs that are different for everyone are not satisfied – in some it is basic, in others it is superbase? The more needs a person has, the greater is his chance to become aggressive when they are not satisfied? When does what is called kindness and good mood end in everyone? What will happen if you create a state and educate people in it with a large number of requests and needs that first satisfy, and then stop satisfying these needs and requests? Those called neurotics are people with unmet needs? The one who is called neurotics, alcoholics and drug addicts are ideologically crushed people? A revolution in the brain, or instead drugs and alcohol – how to change the wrong thinking that leads to the use of alcohol and drugs? One is told about the elephant – he thinks «Elephant and money», the other is said about the elephant – he thinks «Elephant and love», the one who is called a neurasthenic is told about the elephant – does he think that the elephant will think about it or say it? Some say that xenophobia – the difference between their own and others – is built into most biological creatures, do we read the work «Aggression» by the zoopsychologist Konrad Lorenz? The film «Brain Games», which was shown in May 2018 on the Psychology 21 TV channel, speaks of a certain warrior gene, if not mistaken with the name, NAOA, that supposedly those who are called psychopaths have it, and those whom they call normal, if the meaning of the film was correctly understood, it should not be – but what about the fact that not one of the thousands who had to communicate in the army, in prison and outside these organizations, in which a large number of people are concentrated who grew up without a father was not aggressive, and aggression was manifested only about Are those who grew up in a complete family, with father and mother, parents and the environment educate and educate, or do genes still indicate a line of behavior, or a combination of genes and environment? Again, based on information from the movie «Brain Games», are there more people who are called psychopaths in business organizations in one country than among the population of the whole country? There is no resentment, just as there is no scamming – these terms are just a product of competition among people for a comfortable existence: you don’t like that someone wrote a complaint against you, so he is a scumbag or is he a resentment? If the law does not allow «breaking off» the offender physically, find loopholes to «break off» the source of irritation psychologically? In order to provoke the necessary reaction of someone to something, you just need to name the same thing in different ways, for example, not litters, but sparring partners? Having chosen the way of writing what is called complaints, the main thing in life, you may encounter the fact that when you retire, you won’t even have a money «hitch», because you devoted all your time to writing letters, but not to saving money? Those who are called non-self-sufficient and spoiled people always blame someone for their problems – is resentment inherent in them? What is it, the prevention of what is called crimes on an emotional basis – is it for you