– Hi.
– Oh, my302. I apologize for the way things look around here.
Aren’t you going to introduce us?
Известной певице представляют известного археолога
«Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom» (1984) Steven Spielberg
– Aren’t you going to introduce us?
– This is Willie303 Scott.
– This is Indiana Jones, famous archeologist304.
– Well, I thought archeologists were always funny305 little men searching for their mommies306.
– Mummies307.
May I introduce my father?
Представление отца однокурснику
Отец подъехал на машине ко входу в университет, и сын знакомит его с однокурсником. (Эпизод относится также к разделу «Как обращаются». )
«Spider-Man» (2002) Sam Raimi
– Um, Peter, may I introduce my father, Norman308 Osborn.
– I’ve heard so much about you.
– It’s a great honour309 to meet you, sir.
– Harry310 tells me you’re quite the science whiz311.
«Человека, занимающего в обществе менее видное положение, представляют человеку более известному и влиятельному… Ваших родственников, даже если они старше по возрасту и занимают более видное положение в обществе, представляйте всем остальным это знак уважения».312
This, madame, is Versailles
Представление королеве Франции двора
«Marie Antoinette» (2006) Sofia Coppola
– Madame, at the morning dressing ceremony rights of entry313 are given to members of the high court314.
– Major rights to princesses of the blood and mistresses315 of the householdwhile316 minor rights to the valets317 and charges.
– Anyone with rights of entry may enter at any time. So you must pay318 attention to acknowledging319 properly320 each arrival.
– And you must not reach for anything for the handing of an item to the dauphine321 is a guarded privilege322.
– Must go to the highest rank323 in the room.
– For example, the Princess324 de Lamballe is a princess of the blood by marriage.
– Madame325.
– Thank you.
– It’s cold.
– Yes.
– Good morning.
– So now the position must go to the Duchess326 of Char because she is also a princess of the blood.
– Hello.
– So now, as a member of the royal family, your sister-in-law327, the Comtesse328 de Provence329, must have the honor.
– This is ridiculous330.
– This, madame, is Versailles331.
It’s very very lovely to meet you
Знакомство мужчины с двумя девушками на вечеринке
При этом одна из девушек представляет другую, а мужчина просит произнести имя своей новой знакомой по буквам.
«Eyes Wide Shut» (1999) Stanley Kubrick
GAYLE: Do you know Nuala Windsor?
BILL (smiles): Nuala… I certainly332 feel like I do. How do you spell333, Nuala?
NUALA: N..u..a..l..a.
BILL: Is that a Hawaiian name?
NUALA: No, it’s an agency name. They all laugh.
GAYLE: You were very kind to her once.
BILL: Only once? That sounds like an oversight334.
NUALA: I was on a shoot, modelling at Rockefeller Center, on a very windy day. You happened to be passing by.
BILL (remembering): And you got something in your eye?
NUALA: Just about half of 5th Avenue. You were such a gentleman.
BILL: That can happen when you’re in a hurry.
NUALA: You actually had a handkerchief335 – which was also clean!