– Why did you come back367?
– Mom?
– Mom?
– You ready yet?
– Mom, what’s wrong?
– I was just hearing a very sad368 story about a mutual369 friend who I hadn’t seen for a very long time.
– Caroline, this is Benjamin.
– You knew him when you were just a baby.
– Hi.
– Hi.
– Hey.
– Oh, I’m sorry, I thought you were done.
– Oh, this is a friend of my family’s.
– Benjamin Button, this is my husband, Robert.
– How do you do?
– A pleasure.
– Well, it was very nice to meet you.
– We’ll be in the car, darling370.
– All right371.
– Bye.
– I’m just locking up372.
So… this is the Hobbit
Представление хоббиту главного гнома
«The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey» (2012) Peter Jackson
– Bilbo Baggins, allow me to introduce the leader of our company: Thorin Oakenshield.
– So… this is the Hobbit373.
– Tell me, Mr. Baggins, have you done much fighting?
I just wanted you two to have a proper introduction
Мать представляет дочери нового жильца
«Edward Scissorhands» (1990) Tim Burton
– Hi, Bill! I just wanted you two to have a proper374 introduction375. Edward376, this is our daughter Kim. Kim, this is Edward, who’s gonna live with us.
– Hi.
– H- h-h… H-h-h…
I want yа to meet some people
Представление оборотню его жертв
«An American Werewolf in London» (1981) John Landis
– I’m actually377 glad to see ya, Jack.
– I want yа to meet some people. David Kessler, this is Gerald Bringsley. Gerald’s the man you murdered on the subway.
– This is Harry 378Berman and his fiancé379, Judith Browns.
– Hello.
– Hello.
– And these gentlemen are Alf, Ted and Joseph.
– Can’t say we’re pleased380 to meet you, Mr Kessler.
Как представляют себя
Everyone says a little bit about themselves
Студенты первого курса представляют себя
Куратор-старшекурсник вновь образованной студенческой группы первокурсников предлагает им поочерёдно представиться и рассказать немного о себе.
«Legally Blonde» (2001) Robert Luketic
– Okay. Welcome to law school. This is the part where we go around in a circle and everyone says a little bit about themselves. Let’s start with you.
DORKY DAVID: I have a Masters in Russian Literature, a Ph. D in Biochemistry381, and for the last eighteen months, I’ve been deworming orphans382 in Somalia383.
– Awesome. How about you, Enid384?
ENID: Ph. D from Berkeley in Women’s Studies385 – emphasis in the History of Combat386. And last year, I led the march387 for Lesbians388 Against Drunk Driving.
– Killer389.
INTENSE IVAN: I’ve got an MBA390 from Wharton, worked on Wall Street for four years, mushed in three ididarods and I’ve figured out how to crash the stock market in Sri Lanka391 if any of you want to get together later.
– Sweet. What about you?
ELLE: I’m a Gemini392. I have a Bachelors393 degree from USC, where I was Sigma Chi Sweetheart and president of Delta Gamma394, and last year – I was Homecoming395 Queen.
ELLE (CONT’D396) (continuing) Oh! (dramatically397) Two weeks ago, I saw Cameron Diaz at Fred Segal – and talked her out of buying a truly heinous398 angora399 sweater! Whoever400 said that orange is the new pink is seriously disturbed401.
I’m Detective Curran,