Personal Development With Success Ingredients. Mo Abraham. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Mo Abraham
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Здоровье
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456627249
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power while negative thinking drains power. Which do you want in your life?

      Visualization Techniques to Help You Embrace the LOA

      Visualization is what Dr. Maxwell Maltz, author of PsychoCybernetics, called ‘theatre of the mind.’ The more vividly you see yourself in the new career, bigger home, more energetic body or a happy relationship, the more you support the belief that this is meant to be yours – and it's on the way to you.

      Another use of visualization is as a mental rehearsal to determine if it's really what you want before you ask for it. Get moving from where you are to where you want to be. Einstein's theory showed that everything is energy and energy is in constant motion.

      You'll have a hard time changing the flow of energy into your life when you’re sitting still. If you want to move forward in your life, keep moving toward your goal every day. A stubborn person always insists that you ‘show me.’

      That’s like most adults who have difficulty believing something until they see it for themselves. There’s another phrase you hear frequently when you talk about making changes or going for a better job – ‘I’ll believe it when I see it.’

      The fact is, we are socially programmed that what we see is reality. After awhile, we start to think that what we see is the only reality – the only possibility – and that’s not accurate! If you desperately need a new car and look out in your driveway, what do you see?

      You see the old rust-bucket sedan that your grandmother gave to you after she drove it for 30 years. You aren’t being greedy in wanting a new car – you can no longer afford the repair bills on the old one!

      You need a decent looking car so you can apply for a sales position and have dependable transportation to go to client appointments. As you prepare to receive your new car by applying the Law of Attraction, you are ready to visualize this gift.

      This is not daydreaming, that’s a random musing. Visualization is a targeted and detailed way to prepare you to receive what you need. Begin each day by seeing in your mind a ‘movie’ of how you start the day.

      See yourself walking outside, pause and smile at the image of your new car. Here’s where you must insert an actual new car image. To make the visualization effective, see yourself opening the door of a four door, midnight blue SUV with leather seats, chrome wheels, cruise control, CD player and tinted windows.

      In order to make this image clear, look online or in the showroom at new cars until you spot the exact car that you want. After you make a choice, get a photo of that car and use this image in your visualization.

      See yourself driving to work, to lunch, shopping and back home. Feel the sense of pride at your new car and enjoyment at how well it drives. During the day, you can reinforce images of being a new car owner in your mind.

      Even while at a traffic light in your clunker, you can visualize how it will feel to hear the purr of a smooth motor, the comfort of the leather seats, the balanced music from four stereo speakers and the security of knowing that the new car is in top condition. Visualization works as well for actions as for things.

      If you desire to be a positive person and release negativity, then begin and end each day with a visualization of yourself acting as a positive person acts. Hear what you say. Connect to the way you feel when making positive expressions and handling difficult situations without over-reacting or getting frustrated.

      Each time you replay your visualization, give more attention to details or add more information. With practice, you will feel as if you are in a surround sound movie theatre watching a wonderful life unfold – with you as the star!

      How to Create a Proper Vision Board

      Why it’s important to have one: a vision board will help you to see what it is that you want the Law of Attraction to do for you. You can have a board for each area of your life or you can have a board that focuses on one area at time. Our brains take visual snapshots and hold on to what we visualize. It’s easier to keep focused on what we can see.

      What you’ll need: something to attach the pictures on. Most people use a piece of poster board or a board like you see used in a child’s science fair project. Whatever you prefer is fine.

      You’ll also need a way to attach the items onto your vision board. You can use tape or you can use stick glue. You might also want to get some labels for your vision board.

      What many people do when creating their vision board is to take pictures of what they want the Law of Attraction to bring into their lives and attach them to their board. You can do this by going through magazines or printing images offline. Some people also use photographs that they’ve taken themselves.

      You can do this and by arranging the pictures, create a beautiful collage of what you want to see happen. This might be pictures of a new home or a new vehicle or the direction you’d like to see your career take.

      But what you can also do is to put up certain phrases that help you focus as well as bits of words – your own or something else’s – like quotes that help you to affirm your focus.

      The look of your vision board will depend on how much or how little you want to do with your board. You can put a lot of energy into it or just have something simple that helps you to visualize what you want. When you can see images, it helps you imagine and believe that the image can happen for you. Whatever you place on your vision board needs to be an image or words that stir you, that make your emotions come to light and make you feel happy or passionate or moved.

      Some of the categories you might want on your vision board could include wealth, love and relationships, health, career or material possessions. You can have areas of your vision board where you write on the labels and affix them to different picture in one of the categories. For example, you might want to write, ‘I will live in a house like this’ and fix that label onto the image of a home you want to live in.

      Make sure that you don’t make your vision board and then tuck it away out of sight. You want to keep it where you can see it daily. There’s no right or wrong way to make your board. You can place the pictures in any order and they can even overlap if you want them to. You can use scrapbook supplies to add color and highlights. You can mix pictures with words you’ve cut out of a magazine or printed out.

      Don’t limit what you place on your vision board. If you want something particular out of life, put it up there. While some people list a date when they created their vision board and a date when they saw their visualization become reality, don’t make the mistake of putting an expiration date. Don’t write, ‘I want to live in this 4,000 square foot home by this date’ because the Law of Attraction doesn’t work that way.

      Real Stories of Law of Attraction Success

      The Law of Attraction is a high sounding theory until you see how it works for real people. That’s when you find these principles are more than just good reading – they are good for living an abundant life.

      It’s no wonder that books telling stories of real people who experienced the Law of Attraction are so popular. Without a doubt, the best seller, The Secret, launched a new wave of interest in the Law of Attraction.

      Rhonda Byrne’s book is actually a compilation of the views of many believers over the centuries. Even Oprah Winfrey featured Rhonda and other contributors to The Secret movie onto her show to notify the masses about this concept Oprah herself says she’s always known, but never named.

      If you want to know how this works for regular people, there are many great stories to read. The Chicken Soup empire was built on that first book which several publisher turned down called Chicken Soup for the Soul.

      This collection of short reflections shows how the Law of Attraction worked in the lives of ordinary people. Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansfield have expanded this instantly popular concept to specialized stories of Chicken Soup for teenagers, older adults,