Personal Development With Success Ingredients. Mo Abraham. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Mo Abraham
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Здоровье
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456627249
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naturally make good choices, which include eating things you want without gorging on them.

      Over time, you can have a taste of chocolate, without allowing it to control you. In fact, your body becomes so attuned to feeling good and working so well that the desire for the harmful foods simply dissipates and you no longer feel out of control for the wrong foods.

      You find that food lacks power over you as you allow the universe to ‘feed your soul’ with energy and insight so that positive choices are the only foods you enjoy in abundance. With food comes exercise when you’re trying to usher in a healthier new you.

      How to Use the Law of Attraction for Love and Relationships

      The universal law within the Law of Attraction is that you have to believe it to receive it. If you believe that you will attract love and the kind of healthy relationships that you deserve, then you will. It’s that simple.

      The first step is to look deep within yourself. You can’t bring harmony into your life if you’re at discord within yourself. You’ll know that you’re experiencing discord in your emotional core if you’re still struggling with feelings of anger, bitterness or disillusionment when it comes to love and relationships.

      You have to be able to love yourself and you must know that your happiness in life is not bound up in anyone else’s actions or reactions. You need to release others from being responsible for your happiness or emotional well-being.

      Once you practice that, you’ll send out positive thoughts from the center of contentment within you and the universe will pay you back in kind. The way that the Law of Attraction works to bring the good relationships into your life is that it works on a metaphysical wavelength. The vibrations of your thoughts are sent out into the world. What you send out echoes back in every single situation in your life. If you take your thoughts and you dwell on negative things about relationships, that’s what you unleash back.

      That’s why it’s so important that you be free from any past hurts caused by negative relationships. Stop any negative emotions you’re feeling and stop feeling like you’re not worthy. Stop doubting that you deserve the good life has to offer. Wanting positive changes outwardly while harboring negative self-emotions will not allow the power of the Law of Attraction to be released in your life.

      Don’t engage in any negative self-talk. Think about all of your good and positive qualities. You have to be a positive, open receptacle for the Law of Attraction to flow toward you. You want the message that you send out to the universe to be a positive one.

      If you currently have a steady relationship, but it’s not going as well as you feel it should, you have to stop thinking about or dwelling on any flaws in your partner or in the relationship.

      If you don’t have a partner yet and struggle with thinking that you don’t deserve love or don’t deserve a good relationship with a relative or someone you care about, then that negativity will prevent it from happening.

      If a romantic relationship is what you’re looking for, think positively about the relationship you want to have. Think about the positive traits that you want your significant other to manifest in his or her life.

      The energy within your thoughts – the believe to receive – are drawing power that the Law of Attraction uses to make the differences in your life. Keep your thoughts focused only on the good that’s to come in a relationship you don’t have yet.

      If you already have a relationship with say your parents or your siblings or some friends and there’s a lot of family drama bogging you down and clogging up the relationships, then release that negativity. Let go of the baggage. This will harness the metaphysical law that the Law of Attraction is based on and put it to work for you by attracting or drawing toward you the right relationship and the right relationship dynamics.

      How would you act if every day you were surrounded by people who loved you? People who were supportive of you? Live life each day as if that’s what you have.

      Wealth and the Law of Attraction

      What many people want to know when it comes to the Law of Attraction is if it can be used to attract wealth and the answer is yes, it can. The Law of Attraction has a great deal of energy and when you tap into that energy, you end up with exactly what you want.

      Of all of the universal laws, the Law of Attraction is the one that gives wings to whatever it is that your thoughts dwell on. Whatever it is you think about will grow and reach its potential.

      This happens because the Law of Attraction is a universal law that responds to your focus. Focus on health and the Law of Attraction responds. Same thing for wealth. You are the reason behind your life situations and only you can change it.

      How much money you’ll have in your life solely relies on what your focus is concerning wealth and how you visualize money. Do you think that some people are destined to have plenty of money and that some people aren’t? If that’s the way that you think, then you’re wrong. Wealth is available for everyone equally. If you look at the life of someone who has plenty of money, lives in a nice house and takes lavish vacations and think that will never be you, then you’re right, it won’t.

      Because what just happened was as soon as you entertained that negative thought, you made it your reality. You tapped into the vibrations of the metaphysical within the Law of Attraction and you actually sent that attraction flying away from you.

      If you look at people with plenty of money to live the kind of life they choose to live, you’ll notice that they don’t focus on the money. They expect it to be there. It’s one of the reasons why many wealthy people don’t talk about money. It is in their life. Money doesn’t mean the same to them in the same amounts that it does for people who don’t have the kind of wealth they’d like to have.

      For someone who is wealthy, having $100,000 on hand would seem like spare change while to others not used to having that kind of money, it would seem astronomically huge.

      To make the Law of Attraction work for you in the area of wealth, you have to change how you view money. Think about what you would consider to be a large amount of money.

      For some people, that might be $1,000 while for others, that might be $100,000. Once you have your amount in mind, don’t put your focus on the money. Money doesn’t have any power – it’s neither good nor evil and it can’t make you happy or sad.

      Only you have the power to do that. So then how do the Law of Attraction and money go hand in hand? It’s what you think about money in the Law of Attraction that will put the law to work for you.

      If you want to start bringing more money into your life, then think about the amount and think about it being your normal. Picture whatever amount you’d like to have as being what’s meant for you. Simply accept it as what you should have and expect it to be yours.

      If you think about a certain amount of money and then think that it will never happen for you or that it seems like way too much money for you to ever have, then you’ve pushed out a negative vibration into the universe.

      The universe doesn’t consider money in any form of amounts. It simply exists. You’re the one that has the power to draw it to you. Start by thinking about an amount you’d like to have. Don’t see it as a one-time occurrence like getting a huge check or winning some sort of lottery. See it as your life – your normal financial setting.

      Learn to see what you’re worth in a different light. If you’re working at a job and you’re being underpaid and you know that you’re being underpaid, don’t make the mistake of falling into the mindset that you’re simply fortunate to have a job in this economy. Don’t make the mistake of settling for less wealth than you deserve.

      Why? Because even during times when the economy is absolutely rotten, people are thriving financially. New businesses are being created and individuals are succeeding because they expect to and they’re positive that they’re going to.
