Personal Development With Success Ingredients. Mo Abraham. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Mo Abraham
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Здоровье
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456627249
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affirmation as they ask for something to happen rather than making it happen. The words ‘I have’ confirm that you already have something and the universe around you conforms to provide you with just that.

      Using the words ‘I am’ is a very powerful way of affirmation. This causes the universe around you to simply respond and not judge. The universe around you responds by providing you with the experiences which you affirmed by saying the words “I am.”

      Thus by saying ‘I am kind and generous’ will make the people around you perceive you exactly in that manner. With the aid of ‘I am’ you program your subconscious mind, and each time you re-iterate that affirmation, you reinforce the programming. Affirmations have prophetic elements attached to them that fulfill what we desire and what we aim to be.

      Re-iterating affirmations help us to take control of our unconscious mind and we finally become the person we wished to be. Affirmations help you to look at the world around you from a positive aspect and reshape the way you think and ultimately act.

      The power of affirmation does not come of a single thought but from repeated actions including the things that we wish to encompass our lives.

      Your soul and the energy that lies within you is perfect and also needs to be fed with positive affirmations to take control and get the outcome that you desire. You may repeat affirmations out loud, silently or even by singing it out. A set of belief is that written affirmations have more power than other firms of affirmations.

      Another set of belief dictates that you should start by saying out affirmations loud then gradually decreasing its audibility until it becomes a whisper.

      I personally like this last type of affirmations which requires you to affirm in the mind without any break in concentration. The reason I choose this method of affirmation over others is because it has a significant amount of power as the power of such affirmations do not lie in the words themselves but in making a connection with the universe through these affirmations.

      It’s important to feel the energy within you through these affirmations, and one way is by visualizing the affirmations while repeating the words. This could include any of the methods mentioned. This makes the affirmations more effective. If you repeat affirmations over a good period of time regularly, you are likely to be able to take control of your unconscious mind.

      Author your own affirmations. If you abide by these ideas and author your own affirmations you'll discover that they are a great deal more centered and particular to your needs consequently you'll begin to see improvements in your results earlier. If you must utilize affirmations that were written by somebody else make sure to tweak them to suit your situation first. This surplus bit of work may mean the difference between success and failure.

      Make certain to utilize a positive voice when phrasing your affirmations. Avoid utilizing words like can't, won't, don't and no in your affirmations.

      Once you start to narrate your affirmations make note of how you feel when reading the words. If you don't feel anything then your affirmation is powerless and needs to be more potent. If you feel resistance to the words i.e. they don't feel credible then you need to soften the affirmation make it a bit less focused.

      Be ordered in your utilization of affirmations – stating them once a week and then expecting to see betterments is a little absurd. If you would like to experience the true value of affirmations then you need to utilize them at least twice daily. First of all in the morning and final thing at night is a great way to begin. Then work your way up to utilizing them constantly throughout the day till it becomes second nature.

      If you are able to abide by these easy guidelines you'll soon be in the position to make significant changes in your life. Instinctively you know that the law of attraction works and you know that affirmations work, so if you discover how to mix these two amazing forces it's inevitable that you'll become exceptional at manifesting your wants. All you have to do is abide by a couple of easy instructions to start utilizing to your benefit the real value of affirmations.

      Affirmations can help you to eliminate the negativity from your life, see the universe in positive light, and live a more cheerful and prosperous life.

      Examples of Affirmation Messages

      Here are ten powerful affirmations that you can practice each day:

      1.‘I can achieve greatness.’

      2.‘I love and accept myself for who I am.’

      3.‘My body is healthy; my mind is brilliant; my soul is tranquil.’

      4.‘I believe I can do everything.’

      5.‘Today, I am brimming with energy and overflowing with joy.’

      6.‘Everything that is happening now is happening for my ultimate good.’

      7.‘I am the architect of my life; I build its foundation and choose its contents.’

      8.‘I forgive those who have harmed me in my past and peacefully detach from them.’

      9.‘My ability to conquer my challenges is limitless; my potential to succeed is infinite.’

      10.‘Today, I abandon my old habits and take up new, more positive ones.’

      Voice Practice

      “My voice goes after what my eyes cannot reach, with the twirl of my tongue I encompass worlds and volumes.”

      – Walt Whitman

      Does your voice convey confidence and conviction every time you speak? Or does your voice need strength training? If your career depends on a strong, confident voice, then voice control is the one thing you need.

      A surgeon may have years of experience in his business. He may have training and knowledge of what to do under normal and abnormal circumstances. Yet without tools of the highest possible quality, he’ll be under a handicap which will surely reduce his percentage of successful operations. In like manner, an individual in, e.g., sales business may have years of experience. He may have training and knowledge requisites for success. Yet without a critical tool of the highest quality, his production and income will be greatly affected. The tool to which we refer is our voice.

      Our voice greatly influences how we’re perceived by others. People with clear, strong, and pleasant voices are invariably believed to be more intelligent, trustworthy, competent, and likable than those who do not possess good vocal qualities.

      Zig Ziglar, one of America’s top speakers on sales and motivation, wrote:

      “Beyond any reasonable doubt, if you’re going to build your sales career to the fullest, you’ve got to do something that 95% of all salespeople never do. They never deliberately train themselves on how to use their voices more effectively. They don’t do any work toward developing voice inflection and voice modulation. This is a skill which you can learn. In my judgment, this is the single most important undeveloped skill you need to concentrate on in your pursuit of professional sales excellence.”

      A good voice is one that is easy to listen to, that holds your audiences’ interest and is confident and inspiring. A good speaker will:

      •Command the attention of their listeners.

      •Communicate their messages clearly.

      •Influence and inspire their listeners.

      Voice Practice will help you strengthen your vocal cords. Also, a quivery voice will give the impression to the person at the other end of a conversation with you that you’re not sure of what you’re saying.

      Just like the rest of our body, muscles, cavities, tissues, nerves, fluids, etc make up our voice that can produce at least 325 different pitches. There are more nerves in the muscles of the larynx than any other muscles in your body, with the exception of your eyes.

      In addition, you use three quarters of your body when you speak a word,