Personal Development With Success Ingredients. Mo Abraham. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Mo Abraham
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Здоровье
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456627249
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event such as a job loss, they decide to create their own job and their own wealth. That’s why you hear so many stories about people who lose their jobs and end up becoming wealthy.

      They refuse to give in to the negativity and they don’t focus on the situation. Instead, they focus on and visualize what they want. You can’t make wealth your focus. If you look at people who work simply for the money the career brings in, you’ll notice that those are the people who are unhappy and seem less fulfilled in their lives. Despite making a lot of money, most of them don’t even like their job.

      Not all wealth comes in the form of getting more money. Some wealth is found in an inner peace from having a career that satisfies something within you such as a career where you make a difference in the lives of others.

      Some people find that the Law of Attraction works to give them a meaningful career that gives them a lot of joy and peace. They believe in their talents, they’re passionate about their work and have a vision of what they want that career to mean for them and because it’s fulfilled, others notice their lives are happier.

      Using the Law of Attraction for Stress Relief

      There’s no secret to the negative impact that stress can have on a person’s life. You want to eliminate stress immediately.

      Not only is stress bad for your health, but stress can lead to all sorts of negative thoughts, which in turn will attract the negativity back into your life. So you’ll want to take immediate steps to get rid of the stress in your life.

      You might be thinking that you’re stuck in an awful job with the world’s greatest boss and that there’s no way you could possibly think anything positive about it much less have something positive result from it.

      But that’s because you don’t realize how the Law of Attraction works to handle stress.

      First, whatever it is that’s going on in your life – whatever thing it is that puts knots in your stomach or has you tossing and turning at night – you need to make a list of each of those things. That’s not because you’re going to stare at the list or dwell on it. Just the opposite. What you’re going to do is to take those negatives and learn how to make them over into a positive.

      That doesn’t mean that tomorrow or the next day you’re going to walk into your job and tell your boss exactly what he can do with the job that has you so stressed. What it means is that you’re going to take control of your thoughts and how you see your job and the Law of Attraction is going to change your life.

      Once you have that list ready, you must come up with what’s good about the negative situation. For example, a hateful boss will teach you about getting along with unkind people.

      A reversal in your financial situation could be turned into a positive by teaching you about being prudent, by taking your focus off of having a materialistic mindset and giving you a mindset of knowing what’s truly important in life. There’s ALWAYS something positive no matter what the situation is.

      You have to remember that you don’t see everything at once. You only get a glimpse of your life in small increments. Your story isn’t complete and you don’t know how that negative thing can be exactly what you may need.

      Once you have written down something good about each negative thing, change how you see that situation. Put into practice visualizing what it is you’d like to see happen in every negative situation that you listed.

      How the Law of Attraction Can Help You Move

      The Law of Attraction taps into the positive, action-oriented forces of the universe. It just makes sense that the positive energy can be used to enhance or to kick start a workout program.

      For many people, exercise is a means to an end – a tight, toned body. Yet they don’t really enjoy the process of making that change a reality. The Law of Attraction isn’t going to rid your body of cellulite overnight.

      What it can do is to dramatically change how you handle your workout. Professional athletes know the secret of mental rehearsal. Whether on the golf course or waiting in the airport, a golfer can practice putting successfully.

      In fact, many athletes see their entire tennis game or golf shots in their visualization before actually starting the event. They use visualization, a movie created in your mind’s eye, to experience the game before it begins.

      They feel each movement and rehearse how to respond to the opponent. As a result, by the time they begin the game, they have won in their rehearsal. You can use that same mental rehearsal while you drive to the gym.

      Another important part of your workout is positive affirmations. Begin your workout with an affirmation such as, ‘Exercise brings out the best in my body’ or, ‘With each movement, I improve my body and reach toward optimal fitness.’

      Remember – it’s about fitness – not naming the number of weights or distance in miles that you run. When you focus on those things, you miss the big picture. The universe wants to support your fitness desires, not make you the envy of the local gym rats.

      If you keep records of your running miles or weight lifting, add a gratitude statement each time you workout. You need to show appreciation for your body’s ability to move, stretch, run or otherwise improve your body.

      If you had a great workout or reached a new personal best, take time to write your thankfulness. Even if your workout was a disaster, you can add thanks that you made the effort.

      Then your mind will be clear so that you don’t carry negativity into your next workout. For some people, exercise is work not workout. They do it reluctantly to help their body, yet miss the important positive energy that movement can release.

      Apply the Law of Attraction to lead you to a type of workout that you can really enjoy. You can also ask to find a group activity that will put you around like-minded people who can reinforce your resolve for good health.

      Perhaps the reason you haven’t fallen in love with exercise is that you’re stubbornly doing the type of workout that you don’t like. So what if you bought a treadmill and want to get your money’s worth?

      Sell it or give it away to someone who wants that kind of workout if you find it’s not for you. Release the ownership of this equipment and allow the universe to bring into your life the ideal type of workout and the motivation to stay with it.

      And if you’re looking for other means of loosing weight and having the body you long to have, I suggest you consider Venus for women or Adonis for men.

      Health isn’t the only thing you can improve in your life using the Law of Attraction. You can de-clutter many areas of your life and welcome in the right kind of career, love, friendship, and success that makes you happiest.

      The Law of Attraction Can Work in Sync with Your Spirituality, Too!

      The Law of Attraction scares some religious people. They think of it as looking for a divine Santa Claus or an excuse for wanting more. Those are both wrong impressions. The historical roots of the Law of Attraction are distinctly spiritual.

      Early Hindu writings are claimed to be the first written evidence of the Law of Attraction. Since so much is handed down by oral tradition, the actual concept of attraction likely began well before the first written evidence.

      These ideas were used, ignored and rediscovered over and over. Whether you believe in God or some other name for a Supreme Being, there are forces at work around us that make amazing things possible.

      Miracles, signs and wonders are just some of the spiritually-oriented words we use when the impossible becomes possible. Clearly the power exists for miracles and other amazing occurrences.

      At the time