Personal Development With Success Ingredients. Mo Abraham. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Mo Abraham
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Здоровье
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456627249
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to the visualizing is the wrong way to use the Law of Attraction. The universe doesn’t work on your timetable, and self-doubt and impatience are signs that you have some wrong beliefs about the way the universe works.

      Make sure that what you believe lines up with what you want. If you want something, you can have it through the Law of Attraction but if you want it and don’t believe it will happen, then it won’t.

      Thinking that you can treat the Law of Attraction like a get rich scheme is the wrong way to use the Law of Attraction and the universe will not respond to a focus or belief that stems from anything that’s negative.

      The wrong way to use the Law of Attraction is to think that all you have to do is believe and then not do anything else. You have to focus on what you want. You have to visualize it as if it’s already come to pass and know it’s going to happen.

      You Have to Actively Pursue the Low of Attraction

      From Rhonda Byrne’s bestseller, The Secret, to classics like The Power of Positive Thinking by Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, there are plenty of great books about the Law of Attraction.

      You can even find stories of people who put these principles to work in their lives with amazing results. If all you do is read about it, you’ll never know what a difference the Law of Attraction can make for you.

      Without a doubt, the stories about how the Law of Attraction turned about situations that seemed impossible are inspiring to read. If you’re new to this age-old concept, you definitely want to read about how to use the power of this force to tap into the abundance of the universe.

      You can also find daily calendars or journals with a new Law of Attraction thought to keep you connected and motivated. Regular reading of the concepts definitely reinforce the ideas in your mind.

      The more you read, the more you realize that the Law of Attraction is about action not theory. It’s designed to be part of your life – not catching dust on your bookshelf. Attraction is to bring something toward you – that’s movement.

      You can only bring your desires toward you when you are willing to actively pursue them. The universe is polite and responds when requested to respond. If you are waiting for good things to drop from the sky, then get comfortable – because you’ll have a long wait.

      That’s why so many people feel helpless to reach beyond their current situations – they don’t ‘reach,’ they sit around and complain. To reach for help from the universe is action oriented.

      If you’re uncertain, then take it gradually. Start with one goal or dream and actively apply the Law of Attraction to it. Maybe the reason you are reading instead of doing is that you aren’t sure it will work for you as well as it does for other people.

      If that’s the case, then you need to test it. The universe loves a challenge and will show the power to you if you are willing to receive. Even the process of receiving is an action. When someone brings a birthday gift to you, you have to extend your hand to receive the gift.

      Then you have to be willing to open the gift and use it. The Law of Attraction is the same way. The abundance of the universe will be there whether or not you are willing to extend yourself to receive it.

      And you’ll never know what’s there until you open the gift and begin to use what the Law of Attraction brings into your life. So promise yourself that you will test the Law of Attraction by actively following what you read and believing that it’s available to you, too.

      You’ll never know whether this is real or fantasy until you live in the reality of abundance. Then you can write your own story and share it with others.

      How Can I Apply the Law of Attraction?

      The Law of Attraction is limited only by your imagination. You'll find books on how to apply the Law of Attraction to career, education, dating, smoking cessation or other specifics.

      Never think for a minute that what you see in writing are the only options. If you can dream it, you do it with the Law of Attraction as your guiding principle. Without a doubt, the Law of Attraction is personal.

      You can claim this approach to bring whatever you want or need into your life. You can't order it like fries at a drive-through without a thought and expect it to just happen for you.

      The Law of Attraction requires an investment of your beliefs. There's just no other way to make it work. When you talk about beliefs, many people tie that to their upbringing as a Jew, Christian, Buddhist, Hindu or other religion.

      Beliefs certainly have a spiritual link. Early Hindu writings are said by many to be an early inspiration for the Law of Attraction. Some groups within Christianity denounce the Law of Attraction as being in opposition to their beliefs.

      Yet an early writer on the Law of Attraction, James Allen, titled his 1902 book, As a Man Thinketh. This title is a portion of a Bible verse which states, ‘As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.’

      The Old English use of ‘thinketh’ is today just ‘thinks’ – yet the sentiment still makes sense. It's about who you are at the heart level – who you are inside. Where some Christians part company with the Law of Attraction is in the belief that they can have what they want by using positive energy, thinking it’s pushing prayer by the wayside.

      Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, whose distinguished 52-year career pasturing Marble Collegiate Church of Manhattan, was even better known as the author of The Power of Positive Thinking.

      His positive thinking is very much in line with The Law of Attraction by applying repetition of positive affirmations, eliminating negative thinking and applying this to every aspect of life.

      Dr. Peale saw no conflict with God in this approach because he felt that we could tap into God's power to use for our needs. Regardless of your religious affiliation, you can apply the Law of Attraction in your life as long as you merge these concepts.

      Some people use the Law of Attraction to lose weight, so let’s talk about one specific area of your life that you can change using the Law of Attraction – your weight.

      Affirmation Messages

      Discipline is required for you to use the spiritual power to get what you desire or if you wish to move the mountains in your life. This often involves meditation. On other occasions people use music to calm their soul while some choose quiet reflection when they are alone.

      I managed to keep myself centered and grounded regardless of what was going around me with the power of affirmations. The power of affirmations probably lays above all others when it comes to that. I managed to maintain a strong and steady connection with the energy within me by using the power of affirmations.

      Believing that something is already present is a positive statement known as an affirmation.

      Affirmation requires a positive thought-process. Constantly reminding yourself that something bad is bound to happen takes the power of affirmation away from you thus keeping your thoughts positive at all times is important for the success of affirmations.

      A positive statement or intent is what makes the affirmation effective. The power of affirmation is dependent on your thoughts, and whatever your mind focuses on becomes a part of your life, thus it’s important to keep your thoughts positive at all times.

      You should not base your affirmations on future assumptions as they require positive statements made in the present time. An affirmation made in the future tense is not as effective as one made in the present one. Affirmations in the future tense stop you from performing the action in the present time and future affirmations may never become a reality. On the other hand, I can tell you from experience that affirmations made in the present tense push you to get started right there and then and do not end up being a mere fiction.

      You’ll have a hand full of ‘unfulfilled’ promises if you use the word ‘I will’