Only craft. Sergej Strelyaev. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Sergej Strelyaev
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Современная русская литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785449695567
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victories. Expectations of happiness did the world delightful, crowded high sense. All planet, each person separately turned around him, existed and were created only for him. Naturally, the settlement left by it for a while passed into a waiting mode, and the people left in it fell asleep. Seemed, their talk which he will not hear some them are impossible put about which to him not to learn. Alexander sincerely trusted in this delusion and was perplexed if he upon return from work noticed the freshly painted neighbour’s window or the new cut down barn. How something could appear in its absence? How everything is capable to live without its participation around? And especially how the world will remain on the place and will not grow dim after its leaving? From area of a fantasy torsion of mechanisms of the Universe during a stop of his own heart.

      Клот trusted …. He so long dreamed of recognition that the hope could not die any more, it needed to get stronger, develop into the confidence supported with nothing, but by all means feasible. “Something has to happen soon, and happens good”, at last pulling out it from a mouth of oppressive need…

      Imperceptibly sublime dreams ceased, daily occurrence was accurately risen. Thoughts directed to pressing problems, tried to discover decisions for daily existence: “To make a lunch, to repair to the Thunder the box …". Noticing what thinks of trifles, Klot straightened out himself, was angry: “Will be enough. I spend energy …. Where here great? Well from made me over the last ten years and for all time, will remember century later!? It is opposite to think of these worthless affairs, they are intended to burn me in insignificant vegetation”.

      Alexander resisted, refused reality…, but it should have weakened for a moment control and it, pulling along avarice, came back.

      Chapter 3

      In a locker room it is quite cold. Persons on duty forgot to merge water from ten, and after emergency shutdown of electricity, the ice formed inside broke off pipes. As soon as possible Alexander pulled a dirty uniform, disobedient fingers buttoned ice-covered overalls. On a body plaintively small pricks the shiver slid. It was necessary to suffer a couple of minutes, unceasingly long a couple of minutes until the clothes heat up.

      Having taken a bucket with tools, Klot rose by the twentieth floor. The majority of flights were not put by a brick yet, and poured simply out by a monolith – a skeleton of concrete – and wind, freely walked on floors, mashed on them huge heaps of snow. Overcoming weakness and desire to have a sleep, Klot undertook the tool. On an object blows of a trowel, pick, brick were boomingly carried. It is more a sound, all around deafly and quietly as though it is wrapped in vatu. On days off most of workers stays at home. At own will there are only a few people. Клот it is constant among volunteers. He does not dare to have a rest long ago: it is necessary to live a dream of Lita, to endow everything for achievement of goals. Working, he thinks of it. Through some time of the guy called the hoarse, hoarse voice belonging to unnaturally stout person – the same numerous layers of clothes the matter is that. For about a minute he silently considered Alexander. “What does he see? How treats me? What life at it? Obviously better than mine: he is the production master. In everything our distinction is noticeable: purity of clothes, cheerfulness, expensive mobile phone – everything at it is easier, brighter. … Long ago in one crew, but plainly never communicated”, – Alexander reflected, trying to remember own person, it was impossible to look at himself from outside. Клот did not even remember when last time looked in a mirror. “And what for? Lita loves. What else?” Own appearance remained a riddle and thanks to the beginning blizzard the chief needed to consider also a little. The only thing that it could sort is high, under two meters of growth, the fellow from whom because of leanness the clothes hang down and, despite it, there will be lines of the athlete. In any case, Alexander had enough force in hands. Through the old greased overalls, the same worn felt cloaks and a shapeless cap bigger it is impossible to guess. On a belt a laser roulette – Klot’s pride, the truth given on change and that by extremely need. To it the guy tested special tenderness as he, however, and to any electronics, without thoughts spent the personal time, measuring another difficult sites of walls and floors. He and himself such bought, having never put it into practice. In life to sense from it was not, but all the same would get – legenky such device, here only the price very heavy.

      – Give a roulette. And in an hour come for a lunch. You will get warm, – at last the person why came gave out.

      – Unless we remain? – Alexander shifted from one foot to the other, took a frost.

      – Yes. Will not darken yet. Ventilation needs to be finished, the end of month.

      Damning sitting in heat and a cosiness distributing orders of people, Klot understood that on the market it will not be possible to come. “Though shops will be still open”.

      Without having received any answer, the chief left, having thrown finally several phrases through a shoulder: faded, reluctantly and unclear why.

      – Take away a bucket on a ladder, communism did not come…

      “To you it is good, few times in a day left, looked how moves ahead, and back to an oven”, – Alexander was angry with the wide, removed back, stroking the belt which was deserted without roulette.

      Having roughly sworn – the woods slippery – Klot returned to work. The small snowball broke. The sky tightened heavy clouds. The sun, hardly making the way through the hung kissel, went to a zenith. The city fell down, only occasionally in faceless windows lamps lit up. Alexander did not see the earth. It was surrounded by the last floors of high-rise buildings, all the rest – in a veil. Began to grow warm, greedy thawed drops, small and awfully cold from everywhere broke. Air was overflowed with moisture, it could be scooped a spoon. Below dogs barked furiously, rare passersby exchanged words, but it was impossible to see owners of invisible voices.

      The brick wall grew a row behind a row. “It is good though this time received a straight line, and that bring behind others tails, yes balconies spread corners. On them you will not disperse, you will not earn”.

      By a lunch fog so also did not get to anywhere. As annoyingly to stop work, and it was necessary to be supported. Клот pulled, did not leave to the last, and in a change house people already gathered. One sedately chewed food, others, changing clothes, with more cheerful faces gathered home. Silently having sat down by a table, Alexander got a thermos. Did not manage to take a fork as laughter sounded.

      – You have buddy buckwheat with egg again? – the malicious, semi-humiliating smile from Oleg’s lips – the former miner and the bore what are not enough, at heart clumsy, negligent, always in solution, often working fingers instead of a trowel flew.

      – Yes, again, – it is strummed vigorously Klot waved away, using the same words day by day, answering the same constantly repeating catch.

      As if the joke was even released by Oleg always at the same time and repeated once again when Klot began to turn a filthy polyethylene bag and hid it in a bag. “Anything. You about me will hear, I will escape, and you in cold yes of dirt will decay with worthless to nobody the necessary dushonka”.

      – It did not bother you!? Gourmet. You eat nothing any more, – Oleg on a fork has a fat pork gammon similar to his self-satisfied person.

      – No.

      “What you would understand, – Alexander cheerfully swallowed the grain which actually very bothered to him”. Fried eggs still nothing, more, than nothing; but two-three eggs a day will not improve a diet, and to eat more for time – to remain next day at all with empty porridge. “Why people cannot do without food”?

      After a lunch of Klot there is one. Around sound. Blows of own hammer are shrill and heard, probably, for hundreds of kilometers. There is no wish to break tranquility of the world. At each ring of the tool the guy pulled in the head in shoulders, looked around, waited for a hail to stop. Sounds were leveled to a crime.
