Only craft. Sergej Strelyaev. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Sergej Strelyaev
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Современная русская литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785449695567
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achieved goals – awoke in men animal feelings, inspired with passion, aspiration to pleasures, and all what it is aloud not accepted to speak about.

      Though Lita was also not worse than these girls: had the same birthmark in the arsenal as at many owners of fine bodies and cute faces, and definitely did not concede in symmetry to the smartest models, and also wore not less tempting lace lingerie, all this for Alexander was not that: it belonged to it. Besides the guy noticed its small wrinkles at eyes, tsarapinka on hands and not absolutely such as it was dreamed, a skin whiteness. But also Lita had advantages over posters: nobody considered frank photoshoots with its participation – they just did not exist. Celebrities attracted Alexander nakedness of the bodies, and it pushed away from themselves.

      “When we will meet now”, – the hope to find Lita ran low, he was met by silence. The familiar loneliness returned, the inveterate grief pulled hard.

      Strolling on rooms, Alexander switched on light in each of them. Everywhere the uninhabited cool, abandonment was felt. Having stopped in a bedroom about a bed, remembered morning. The silence began to fight about walls, to turn into a rumble – silence ringed.

      “If you did not make a bed, I would not decide too”. Having sat down on a bed, he stroked pillows, nestled on them a cheek. All of them still published a weak perfume aroma, but did not keep Liteny heat any more. Having narrowed eyes, Klot heard her ringing laughter, a gentle voice. Actually everything remained is dead, sadly and too drearily.

      – Nothing, I will achieve. We will be together. Soon, soon distances for us will cease to exist. I will achieve! Whereas we solve: you will want to me you will move or I to you, or perhaps at all we will move to other city, far away of the past. Anything, money will become not a problem. You will not need anything.

      Alexander so thought and so spoke to Lita several years in a row. In reply the girl was silent. Probably, doubted truthfulness of his statements. Yes her guy for it also did not blame: itself the success often did not believe in itself. And how to hope for it, without undertaking anything, and only dreaming of implementation of conceived?

      Having forgotten to undress, Klot rushed to a desk. On the way turned on the TV, found music channel: with songs it seemed more cheerfully. Grabbed the sheets which are used up a week ago. Greedy getting a grasp, he hurried to overtake missed during justified inaction – Lita stayed with him, and all attention was paid to her. Without pondering, without penetrating into sense, Alexander ran on lines eyes – everything turned out quite tolerable, at times ideal. Often distracting, listened attentively to the pleasant song, ran in the hall to watch the clip. Then unwillingly came back to the left work. Again read, gently stroked short glasses of “the soiled paper”, stopped, left to smoke, again came back, continued…

      Joy from already reached overflowed soul, the bubbling energy convinced of reality of big fulfillments, promised forces and success in any field.

      “Perhaps after and the script for the books will be asked to write. I will cope. I will act in a leading role – it will turn out. I will try to write in all genres, and I will not forget verses, or perhaps even I will add on a sensuality”, – accelerating a thought, it flew on the road knurled by dreams, and its infinite width appeared as the sign validating the chosen way.

      Going to the fairy tale, Alexander forgot about the reasons and saw only the investigation. Turning on a chair, considered insufficiently big rooms of the house. Considered as will place the new furniture acquired thanks to creativity and the technician, solved, where exactly in the yard will break a beautiful lawn what will construct an arbor of. Business remained for small ….

      With such thoughts dead of night came. About twelve Alexander finished with sense not begun affairs and, as usual, jumped on the site which is daily visited by it: checked the last decisions of the government seeing the main objective to worsen welfare of people, it povozmushchatsya on the planned increase in prices, got acquainted with other news, unsuccessfully looked for continuation of favourite series about stars. “When already…?” – muttering to itself under a damnation nose, Alexander tried to guess further development of a plot, then approached the shelf with disks. Despite late time, the habit prevailed: before going to bed it is necessary to relax – at least ten minutes to look, it is not important that. The most part from the allotted ten minutes left at choice of the movie. All of them seemed interesting, at least, entertaining, quite often giving an impetus to writing of the new story. But once he pressed “Play”, and interest right there vanished. Old pictures also close did not stand with modern. They only in Alexander’s memory remained fascinating – a tribute to the past, nostalgia; and he felt love not to movies, and by times in which, by accident those were finished shooting. The past was the beautiful fairy tale, and everything, capable to awaken memory, to stretch to it thread, was same …. The majority of written down and became dusty on shelves, having never got to the player.

      – Let will be. Can after sometime …, – said Klot, perfectly understanding that this will never come most “sometime”.

      From the neighboring room the measured hum of fans reminding of the work stopped and which is given up suddenly reached.

      “Tomorrow”, – the guy told, included the movie and went to a bed. He so long lived one that he already got used to talk to himself. And, if it happened to stay overnight on a visit, having forgotten, Klot quite often cried out the whole phrases, it is unknown to whom intended. On morning snickers of owners it was necessary to dodge, lie: “In a dream I talk”, – he explained the words which are broken long before arrival of dreams.

      The spring rushed into a serene somnolence, brought the blue sky with fancy lambs of clouds. The father who is taking away him by a hand in the wood, there, where the transparent, bystry streamlet with pure tasty moisture which overgrew on coast the magnificent grass, fragrant flowers turning the head came back; sitting down, stolen by darkness, the sun, the gloom which lodged in thickets; friendly bushes and trees, harmless in the afternoon, at sunset frightening by the blackness; the wind shaking their trunks, terrible feelers the moving long shadows – everything seemed hostile, other around ….

      They went further, the father began something sadly and to read with inspiration, words got stronger, napityvatsya by sense. The boy did not sort them entirely yet, but already guessed the secret hidden in them… It is a little more and he will hear them:

      We leave gradually now

      To that country, where calm and grace.

      Perhaps, and soon to me to the road

      To collect transitory belongings

      Lovely birch thickets!

      You, earth! And you, plains sands!

      Before this assembly of leaving

      I not in forces to hide my melancholy.

      The ringing trill pulled out the child from the wood, forced to mature instantly.

      – Yes, mothers.

      – You from work got home?

      – Already I sleep.

      – Probably, again soaked legs? Buy normal footwear.

      – Money will give, I will buy. I sleep …, – the guy begged, calling for silence.

      – All right, tomorrow I will call, have a rest …. Lita left? – he heard one second prior to shutdown of a call and did not manage to answer any more.

      “Litas! It every minute is farther and farther. Sleeps, probably. Or looks out of the window on infinite lampposts, rushes by someone’s lives”, – Alexander tried to present darling to a compartment gradually of the rocking car, to guess her thoughts.

      “I will call”, – looked for hours. Midnight – they warned. For about a minute посомневавшись, put phone aside.
