Only craft. Sergej Strelyaev. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Sergej Strelyaev
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Современная русская литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785449695567
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will descend; but will not publish – let it pass, with creativity; around abundance of interesting. Nobody advised Alexander, helped, learned, but the originality living at him inside asked outside, demanded that told of it to the world.

      Wishing to learn tracks of the famous classics, Klot once again plowed the websites, studying biographies, diaries and habits great, in passing introducing the coming across reviews of electronics in bookmarks: plasma TVs, video cameras, cameras ….

      What pushed people to creativity, biographers did not know, but thanks to them Klot understood why he is afraid to write – fear not to cope and inability to admit to itself it: “And suddenly it will not turn out and it is necessary to start anew? How to be if offers are not connected, paragraphs and all book?”

      Alexander wandered, having assimilated to the little boy in a dark cave, having the feeling of shchekotyashchy, catching horror known for everything got lost: “Perhaps there is no exit, and I am doomed to remain in eternal darkness!” – the despair, but when daylight from round the corner flashes leans, the joyful hope overflows soul and not to find in the world more happily than saved. Today Alexander understood the main thing, so, saw the light: sooner or later it should send stories to edition. They will be read, to impartially estimate, try to discover defects, so, it is time to stop playing upon words and to write to a table, time of persistent work came: numerous readings of the text, infinite editing of compound sentences, unsuccessful phrases. That is the moment came, to turn inaction into a heavy burden, an opposite duty. On the way to success the pleasure did not have more place. Primitive excuses about the reached a limit ink in a cartridge of the printer and shortage of funds for its gas station were forbidden – besides paper there was a computer screen. Also there are no reasons to stop process. Issued opened the real depth dividing the guy from the planned purpose. The way presented in the beginning to lungs was full of the hidden obstacles. It became obvious: or to stop aimlessly wandering about the fictional worlds and to be engaged seriously …, or to stop writing. For a minute Alexander wanted to choose the second, easy, but he already passed line of a non-return, dug more deeply, than followed. Awareness of range of distance is already a half of any way.

      Having torn off a newspaper piece, wrote down the first instruction: “To listen as people speak, to remember anywhere and everywhere, in movies, on the street, in line for bread, on the way for work…, to listen to dialogues. To learn it is correct to hear”.

      Klot did not manage to reach the paragraph in the story as still piece of paper with a new mark was added: “To remove excess words, to develop restraint in style, to delete the unnecessary, not bearing loadings, repetitions. To get rid of the phrases interfering with perception of the main thing, delaying on themselves attention. To leave exclusive what will play later a certain role without what the text will fall down”.

      Soon paper scraps with similar records it saved up a great lot. Клот regained consciousness, not persons interested to be appeased, the thoughts which are continuously climbing in the head were activated. Crowding, shouting, they required to themselves attention, were afraid to remain forgotten, did not allow to develop a plot. Near scraps of notes, the huge notebook laid down. Suddenly come phrases, separate words were introduced in it, for the time being they could not be held in the head.

      Imperceptibly for himself Alexander stepped into long journeys, having left behind dreams and fears. He was not afraid of either critics, or the websites any more. Клот began to understand about what the father marked to it – transparent words bore great secret sense.

      “Sing the song the poet, sing …", – his lips slightly were considerably moved and already scanty dawn looked in the chilled windows.

      Chapter 5

      – You want to die of an old age in a bed? – Ivan insisted, continuing a hot discussion which beginning workmates already forgot.

      – It as? With a duck under a bed? No, thanks. Enjoy freedom, the sky of wons. Nature. Grace.

      “Prick”. Perfectly! It is necessary not to forget”.

      – What is freedom?! It is not here and in mention, and it is close to us did not stand. You here try be late for sawmill …. Not here it is freedom. Not here.

      – It is possible to think, you know where?

      – I know. It seems, I know, – being reflected in pupils memoirs, headlights of the car parking at the building site flashed, carefree voices at the elevator came to life.

      – You are mistaken, – sure intonation of Ivan hinted that he is aware of Alexander’s hobbies.

      – You from where you know?

      “Whether spied. Sometimes in a notebook at it wrote down something”.

      – I had a friend ….

      – Where disappeared?

      – And is not present. It was presented, a kingdom to it heavenly, last June. And you will die if you do not stop.

      Клот pondered month, confusing places June and July, counted them on fingers – Ivan any funeral in the designated month did not mention, did not ask for leave anywhere.

      – You think, I studied nothing? You think, did not speak to me supposedly you eat, drink, have a good time and consider it life and that it is wrong that it somewhere is deeper, under iceberg top. I trusted, and now I know: there is under this top nothing. And you were simply tired or are afraid of work.

      “Perhaps he is right, maybe, there is nothing to hide and there is no place. I have other life. Well and where it? Who saw it?” Alexander nearly gave the secret, but restrained, words did not manage to slip out, but thoughts did not stop: “And still in time I began to write. Just at the moment of clarity when understood senselessness and monotony of the parts assigned to me and all the rest too. In fact, all people are similar: we do one, we speak and it is thought also. Only distinctions: Ivan smokes cigarettes, and I cigarettes …. And understand I all dullness of the situation, without having hope, for certain, death: only suicide would be a consolation”.

      – If to the person not to work, then what to be engaged in? – Ivan lips, after a small pause pozhmakat.

      – That’s just the point – anything!

      – How so?

      Alexander only hemmed, is lazy undertaking a saw. In a pocket phone began to vibrate, without having allowed to start the tool.

      – Yes, – he almost always spoke now “Yes”, having noted in “Hallo” some naivety.

      – To you the credit is by default calculated. We can list on the salary card, – was distributed in a tube. – Interestingly?

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