Only craft. Sergej Strelyaev. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Sergej Strelyaev
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Современная русская литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785449695567
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same hours, as well as in the hall, monotonously killed the last minutes of silence. In total around it seemed disgusting, hated. At each inhaling in a cigarette crackled the smoldering tobacco. The flashing spark snatched out from darkness, reflected a face of the guy in windowpanes, added shades red to his brown eyes, decorated with a flush thin, actually very pale face. Small shuddering, long fingers brought and brought a cigarette to lips. Smoke scratched a throat, forced to cough. Gray clubs, coiling, settled on the black, unbarbered head. As if trying to dump from itself the living being, Alexander swung hands, crashed fingers into a thick hair, with a force pulled the hand which is getting stuck in them and, without paying attention to the rising pain, tore apart the hairbrush and shampoo, ringlets bound, long ago calling. But to take care of the own life there was neither desire, nor time; and now there was a wish only – to return one to heat, to bury in a fluffy blanket and, having felt its soft touches, to fall asleep even if forever. Such minutes death attracted it for itself, seemed the disposal bearing long-awaited rest. It after, before noon, life will seem tolerable, worthy continuations ….

      “Has a sleep only four hours. This movie was given me”, – Alexander in each cruel morning repeated, repeated that he by all means will lay down today earlier, will sleep. Then evening came, morning tortures were forgotten, and it sat up again late. The competition begun very long time ago with itself continued. “All right still would be engaged in business …. No, looked, envied others talent. And that…? Differently it is possible to feel, let without having slept, but having satisfied made. You look, and others will begin not to fill up, accusing my art, damning morning. So not, I sit, I look what the hell! Today I will surely be engaged in work and to sleep!” – while the head broke up, Alexander trusted in the promises made to themselves.

      Having smoked one more cigarette, glanced in a bedroom. In the twilight, hardly dispersed nochnichok, guessed outlines of the sleeping girl. Having creaked polovichka, trying not to rustle, approached closer. Eyes got used to darkness: more and more distinctly objects in the room appeared, appeared through a wall dullness, book shelves, posters with the girls who are pulled out from magazines. Having inclined, Alexander distinguished the nutbrown hair scattered on pillows, the long shuddering eyelashes, accurate handles of eyebrows and the small cheek birthmark dementing him, are a little higher than lips. All the rest hid a blanket which impressive thickness could not conceal symmetry of the Liteny figure. At these moments the girl seemed especially expensive, especially fine. Its easy breath called for itself, immersed in a dream, desire to get to it under a blanket, to nestle on a young, smooth body awoke.

      “Late to climb in a bed, – having once again envied the sleeping girl, he right there became angry to himself: – Gave to drink cold wine …". The last night had to be spent separately, far away from each other: Lita strongly caught a cold and went to bed early. And therefore – an hour or so more in front of the TV, and then one more…, and as a result night on an outcome together with the pathetic remains for a dream – neither sense, nor forces for a travel to the neighboring room – a leaden sleep on a rigid sofa.

      “When we will meet now?” – Alexander decided not to keep the promise made by it the day before, decided not to awake and say goodbye. Having kissed the girl on a beautiful mouth, put on and resolutely left to the yard.

      – Protect everything here, and I will go.

      Having learned the owner’s voice, the dog jumped out of the box. Alexander glanced in the big eyes exhaling human mind. Slowly translated a view of massive paws of a sheep-dog. Not without pleasure frayed the new, appeared by winter Thunder wool.

      – In it you are actually a giant, – having remembered, returned on a cold verandah, dug up a full bowl of porridge from a pan. – You though demand, and that somehow you will remain hungry …. It is advisable to release you to run about.

      The thunder silently agreed with the owner, wagging a tail. Agreed and hoped for freedom in a thousand time in a row.

      – Tomorrow by all means, – Alexander pledged it the word and looked down.

      It became already awkward for expired promises. And an animal, constantly hearing same, could not understand told in any way. Words and words, as well as many others, not intended for his understanding, never supported though with any actions, and remained empty phrases.

      …The dim sun, having seemed on the horizon, designated borders of the earth and the sky, separated them for time allowed to day. For night of snow increased. The white smooth surface painted with the thin beams sliding on a surface of an ice crust gleamed bloody steel. The boundless field where look. The rare tree on branches brought by an icy cold met on the way, reminding the pathetic look of death, lifting inexplicable sadness in soul. The heaps of stones scattered in a disorder, frightened by blackness, threateningly gleamed frost peak, and in several kilometers the vast object of the gloomy wood at some distance was seen.

      From time to time it seemed that got on others, the planet abandoned and forgotten in space depths. Only rare traces on a white carpet hinted that Alexander not the only inhabitant of an ice block. But the imagination solved in own way: “Than not other planet?” – it went on. Confirming a mad thought, on a dim star the clouds which are poured out of the most sad tones ran. They promptly rushed forward, then, suddenly braking, ate light which is let out by a star.

      Alexander took off a glove, was verified with hours: “Morning”, – they convinced, rejecting suspicions that still night and in the sky moon. Through the opened hole on a hand ran cold. A second later Alexander hasty returned a missing part of “space suit” on the fingers which already stiffened from a frost.

      “If not on other planet, so in Tibet precisely”. Here, as well as in mountains, time was played infinitely long, without submitting to laws of the nature. Above – the millennium, in the world – minute. Created around it is not important at all: vanity, wars, opening – whether yes everything is equal. … Here are lived whole eternity, without losing anything, without losing in anything to the destiny: even to this ubiquitous pushful person there was no course here, it was not allowed to dominate over the fact that it was born long before her.

      Observing the infinite scatterings of ice covered with snow in the thought-up deception it was believed easily, and at times willingly.

      …Failing knee-deep during snow, became enraged pulling out legs from tenacious embraces of the nature, it moved ahead. Running into the cruel wind gusts continually saying directly ice kristallik it was covered with a glove and went further.

      “I will go!” – angrily Alexander through clenched teeth growled, without hearing own voice. He believed in especially difficult moments that he resists to the living being, such as he: allocated with the feelings, emotions and desires for some reason developing for him into the ban to move further. It is even more обозляло the guy, as gave to persistence. He hated the fantastic being who is so unmercifully resisting his ox.

      “I am stronger than you, I will not give up!”

      In reply the opponent exploded new, stronger blows of anger.

      “Give still, all perhaps?” – turning away, Alexander swallowed of cold air, choked from filling lungs, blowing from them oxygen, winds.

      At last, having overcome the most difficult, he went down to the lowland. Dramatic changes guarded at once, then gave rest. Huge a poplar quietly dozed under snow caps, severe wind did not disturb their dream. In the distance, through a kiselny drizzle scanty five-storey buildings appeared. About their marevy walls snow fought, wind resorted to new attempts of destruction, but it is vain: here the person was stronger.

      Alexander by heart, without looking at a track, made the way to a treasured stop, to the penultimate purpose of usual morning torture. Sincere disgust finished the working bus: cold, with through the chilled windows, with the sleepy, gloomy silent passengers, with the smell of the reek of alcohol soaring on salon