Conversation with Lucifer. Book III. Elena Sidelnikova. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Elena Sidelnikova
Издательство: Автор
Жанр произведения:
Год издания: 2024
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Then it turns out that Love is the same: the farther a person moves in their Love from the Original Point of duality, the less they can feel Hate, and the less resonance with Hate, the less they understand what Hate is? But this contradicts your stories. After all, the Point is the Absolute? And the farther we are from the Absolute, the greater the Centrifugal Forces and the more Darkness there is.

      The Point is the potential for the realization of the unfolding of a Dual Pair. The Point is where Duality grows from, like how roots grow underground and the above-ground parts of a plant grow from a seed. In this sense, it is, of course, the Absolute, His potential, which the First Creator manifested as the seed of Duality.

      The farther you move along the Ray from the Original Point, the less you interact with your Dual Pair, and you move either into the Light or into Darkness, either into the World or the Anti-world. And each of you has the Freedom of Choice to move away or approach along the Rays you have chosen.

      Darkness or Light is a Dual Pair. And Light is a distancing from the Original Point.

      Just like in your physical world, Light dissipates, and the farther it dissipates, the weaker it becomes because it is distant from the Source.

      And now, try to take a step further in your imagination.

      The two halves of the "urchin" are the Realm of Light and the Realm of Darkness, Dual Pairs, in all their diversity, where the realm of Darkness encompasses all possible dual continuations of the vectors of Light, but not in a linear way, but like in a Möbius strip.

      The farther Light distances itself from the Source, from the Point of Separation into a Dual Pair, the more it dissipates and weakens. And there comes a Point of Light Dispersion when it enters the space of Darkness.

      The same applies to Darkness. The farther the vector of Darkness moves away from the Source of the Dual Pair, the weaker it becomes, and the more Darkness dissipates, the more it begins to resemble Light and transitions into Light.

      This is a complex structure for your understanding, but still, try to imagine it. At the Original Point, there is a clear division between white and black, between the Dual Pair.

      But, just as day transitions into twilight and night gives way to dawn, so too does Light, dissipating, give rise to twilight and flow into night, and Darkness, dissipating, flows into dawn. And twilight and dawn are essentially one – a shift in Polarity as a result of the fading of the Primary Vector. It darkens – it brightens. Transitional states.

      Does this mean that there are twilight and dawn realms of the Universe?

      Yes, that's correct.

      And, there are Beings that dwell in the twilight and dawn regions of the Universe. For them, there is no distinction between Light and Darkness; their Worlds are in the middle.

      And, there are Beings that reside close to the Original Point of the Duality Vectors, and in them, duality is expressed most vividly. There, Light does not tolerate Darkness, and vice versa. The closer they are to the Original Point of Duality, the more rigid the Structures of Hierarchy become. And these Beings feel that they need to fight against the Opposing Vector. I say "feel" because duality is an illusion created by the Prime Creator. Those Beings who dwell near the Original Point of Duality cannot understand what the "Opposite Side" is and they struggle against it, opposing it.

      In this confrontation, there are no personal ambitions; they simply, by their structure, do not accept the Opposing Vector. Those in whom Light is strong are frightened by the abyss of Darkness. Those in whom Darkness is strong are blinded by the Light. And they build Systems of Defense and Directions for Struggle against each other. Of course, these are all humanized concepts, to make it easier for you to comprehend.

      But they say that Light can illuminate Darkness, while Darkness cannot overshadow Light.

      You have not yet plunged into complete Darkness, so you do not know what it is like. There is a degree of Darkness that consumes a lot of Light.

      But we are always told that God, that is, the Prime Creator, is Love, and that this is the greatest Force in the Universe, capable of dissolving any Darkness. And you speak of Love having a Dual Pair – Hatred and the Vector of Hatred in the Anti-world.

      I already told you that in the Anti-world, everything is the opposite. And there, the main driving force is Hatred, just as in your world it is Love. You continue to evaluate everything from the perspective of your moral principles, but there are simply two Poles of Energy of the Prime Creator.

      So, does it mean that Hatred is also the Prime Creator, and He can hate just as He can love? It's hard to believe.

      Abstain from moral judgments, though it is not easy. Everything was created by the Will of God, by the Will of the Prime Creator, based on His Thought-form of Separation, dividing into two poles. In your World, the Prime Creator manifests as Love; in the opposite World, the Prime Creator manifests as Hatred. These are simply two different poles of the Prime Creator, two different poles of His Divine Will.

      It's difficult for me to abstain. In my World, if a person hates, they kill another person. I understand that death, in the grand scheme of things, does not exist, but what good is there in killing? How can it be justified? It seems like an inverted World.

      I understand that it's difficult for you to grasp this and to take such a colossal step away from what you have been taught for many centuries. But if Duality exists, then why does it cease to exist in one part of the Universe? Where does it go?

      We are told that only in part of the Universe is there an Experiment of Duality, while in the Higher Spheres, this division does not exist.

      Yes, in the Higher Spheres, there is no division into duality, because the Higher Spheres are located close to the Original Point of Duality. And so, in the Higher Light Spheres, everything is clear as day, to use your language. There, Light prevails; it is strong and pure.

      And this Light does not accept or understand Darkness. And this Light, from its position, in the form of the Hierarchy of Light, fights against Darkness, opposes it, and does not accept it.

      But, the further a Being moves away from the Higher Spheres, that is, from the Original Points of Duality, the more the Light dissipates, and the more twilight elements begin to dominate in the Beings (as in humanity), the less the Light is heard.

      And there are points in the Universe where Light is balanced with Darkness.

      And there are points in the Universe, at a distance, where Light transitions into Darkness and, by this vector, now moves towards the Original Point of Duality, but as if from the other side.

      The same is true in the World of Darkness. The closer Beings are to the Original Point of Duality, the darker they are, the less they understand what Light is, and the more the Hierarchy of Darkness fights against Light and opposes it. And hence all the stories about how Darkness advances.

      But, the further a Being moves away from the Original Point, the more Darkness dissipates.

      And there are areas in the Dark World where Darkness is balanced with Light.

      And there are areas where Darkness transitions into Light and strives towards Light, as if from the other side.

      And the Points of Equilibrium in one World and the other are essentially the same regions of the Universe, into which Beings enter by different paths.

      And the Twilight Regions of the Universe are, in fact, the same areas through which Beings travel between the two Worlds.

      And therefore, it is possible to enter from the Dark Side into the Light Side through the Original Point of Duality. But this is a Path of Strengthening, a difficult path, the Path of Strength and self-denial and self-sacrifice.

      And one can move from the Dark Side to the Light Side by moving away from Darkness through the Twilight Zone.

      And one can move from the Light Side to the Dark Side through the Original Point of Duality, by maximizing one's Light, through the Path of Self-denial and Strength. Or, Light can enter Darkness by moving away from Light into