Conversation with Lucifer. Book III. Elena Sidelnikova. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Elena Sidelnikova
Издательство: Автор
Жанр произведения:
Год издания: 2024
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more familiar to you) exists in potential in the socket, and you manifest it when you connect some device or lamp to it.

      What movement in your world describes Infinity?

      The figure eight.

      That’s one type; we’ll return to this later.

      How could the separated Creator become infinite? After all, He also exists in a Form manifested from Absolute Consciousness. Infinity is achieved through closed movement. In a circle. Or in a sphere. One can move infinitely along a circle or a sphere, and this will be eternal movement. And the Creator began to explore His unlimited infinite possibilities, the infinite movement of His Energy. And being in this movement, He gave rise to the Thought-Form of Differences. He wanted to explore: what distinguishes His different movements, the movements of His Thought-Forms and Energies. And the concept of Finiteness appeared. As different from the Infinite.

      What movement in your world describes finiteness, what movement is finite? Linear movement, vector movement. When movement occurs along a circle, the energy potential at each point of the circle is the same and stable; the movement does not fade or flare up, it is smooth and calm, it is infinite, each fragment of the circle is no different from the others, because the radius (or proximity to the center of the circle) is the same for all. That is, the Centrifugal and Centripetal Forces are balanced.

      In other words, if the center of the circle is the Starting Impulse (or the Point of Presence of the Meaning of the circle, or the Point of Presence of the Spirit), then each point of the circle is equally close to the center and is no different from other points of the circle.

      Now, let’s extrapolate this picture to a sphere, and the same applies.

      But if the circle is broken, a line appears. This line begins to move in two directions, in two opposite directions. And as these points of the circle move in these directions, they increasingly distance themselves from what was previously called the Center of the circle, from the starting Impulse. The vectors of the straight line, striving in different directions, begin to lose their connection with each other. Previously, they were connected through the Center, but now the concept of the Center is shifted for them, they have practically lost it and are traveling, as it were, blindly, not checking in with the Center, the barometer, the Initial Impulse. If they are not connected to the Center or the Initial Impulse, they cannot receive an unlimited amount of energy and begin to fade as they move. Then, to continue their movement, they need to get this energy from somewhere. Unable to draw it from the Center, they begin to take it away from other straight-line vectors they encounter along the way. And at the moments when these straight-line vectors intersect, an interaction begins, built on energy siphoning, on power interaction: who overcomes whom. Doesn’t this sound very similar to your World?

      In reality, each line-vector seeks to find its Center; it strives to return to the circle, to connect with the other end of the line, which began to travel in the opposite direction. You have a symbol: a snake devouring its tail. This is the symbol of movement; this is the striving of vectors, separated, detached from the Center.

      Now extrapolate this linear geometric picture to spheres, to many broken spheres that strive for Infinity. Think about it. A line strives for infinity. And what is infinity? It is unbounded movement, infinite movement. Movement where there is no end, that is, closed movement. A plane strives for infinity, it strives to reunite with its beginning, with the center of movement in the sphere.

      May I ask a related question? If the Creator is closed within Himself and upon Himself, then where does He draw His Energy from? If the System is closed, isn’t it finite?

      I'll try to explain. When one ball hits another, it imparts energy and direction of movement. The second ball passes the energy to the third. And the third… returns it to the first. Energy moves in a circle.

      Yes, but in the physical world, your example with the balls doesn’t work. Energy, after all, eventually dissipates. The point is that we are connected to the infinite Absolute Consciousness, where there is an endless supply of Energy.

      Energy is movement. The Absolute, or the Great Void, possesses Energy or Movement only in Potential. And this Potential unfolds in the First Creator.

      In your world, this is not manifested, which is why you don’t see the path of the ball, because the number of balls in this example is much greater. As for the experience with three balls in your hands, the question is about the strength of the impulse. If you could give them an energetic impulse equal to that of the Creator, they would move infinitely, infinitely long for your human consciousness.

      Well, okay. Let’s go back to the question about your nature—what were you like before the Fall, and what have you become?

      Before the Fall, I was one with the Creator and was Infinite.

      So, you were magnetic?

      Your concept of “magnetism” is a bit narrower; it’s a specific, let’s say, case of Infinity. The Creator, as it were, divided the Universe into two Forces, two directions: Centrifugal and Centripetal Forces. I represented the Centrifugal Force, the one that strives away from the Center and tries to restore connection with It through other means, by moving away from It.

      So, you came to represent what are called electrical forces, the electrical world, the world of broken circles and spheres?

      Yes. I broke apart, in your terms. I lost Unity. I disintegrated into parts, which also began to strive for disintegration, for breaking the contour.

      Look, if a circle disintegrates into a line (and we’re not talking about a pencil line, but an energy line), then this line will eventually break into segments because it’s not being fed by its center, and its energy depletes, and gaps appear in the energy line. And then, each segment eventually also breaks into smaller segments. And so on, endlessly.

      It sounds like a nuclear fission reaction.

      No. In a nuclear reaction, the breakdown happens into parts identical to the starting one. Without reduction.

      Like cells dividing into two equal parts, without losing their strength and power. But this is similar to the manifestation of many Forms and the distancing of Creation from the center. The line retains the memory of itself as a circle connected to the center. It breaks into segments that partially lose memory of their belonging to the circle and the center. Then, each segment breaks into even smaller segments, each of which loses even more memory of its connection to the Whole. And each segment strives somewhere. It strives to reunite with something, with another segment, and thus replenish its energy and restore its integrity.

      And then the Brownian motion of these segments begins. Some of them merge and combine their efforts, and then you speak of love. Some of them intersect, and a power struggle begins over who will take energy from whom. Some of them clash, meaning they join at their endpoints and start intense movement in opposite directions, trying to overpower the opponent and draw him into their movement, into their direction of movement. I explain this to you in linear terms because it’s easier for you to understand the picture of this movement and interaction.

      In reality, it’s, of course, about spherical interaction, which makes it more complex because there is no movement just left-right, and the interaction becomes more multifaceted. Some parts of two spheres merge, some oppose, and some intersect. This is manifested in your society as well. And if you imagine such an interaction of multiple spheres, the picture becomes even more complicated; this is the model of interaction in your World.

      Alright. Let’s return to the Beginning. So, initially, you broke the infinite contour and began to move away from the Center, and began to disintegrate into parts?

      Yes, that’s what you call the “Fall.” And electricity.

      And the Magnetic World? Did it continue to exist as the World of Light?

      The Creator manifested two of His Sides, which differ: magnetic and electrical. We call it that conditionally because, in reality, it’s somewhat more complicated. But for you to understand, let’s call it that.

      Before this, there