Conversation with Lucifer. Book III. Elena Sidelnikova. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Elena Sidelnikova
Издательство: Автор
Жанр произведения:
Год издания: 2024
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what about His Love? Does it turn into Hatred in the Antiworld?

      Love is fusion. You've been told this. He is fused with all. He is one.

      So, in human terms, He loves both Light and Darkness?

      Why should He love Light more than Darkness, or vice versa?

      But we were told that He is Light.

      You were told that He has no preferences. Which do you prefer more: your left hand or your right hand? Your outer contour or your insides? Everything is a Single Organism. And the rectum, forgive me, is no worse than the heart. Everything has its meaning, its role, its functions.

      When the Absolute urges us to rise above Light and Darkness, what does that mean?

      This means that you need to step out of Duality to understand the diversity of the Universe. Step out of judgments of "good-bad" to realize His plan. If you deny something, you only strengthen it, as if pushing off your "swing" from it. The more you deny, the more you strengthen duality, and the more you suffer because the "swing of duality" within you is highly amplified.

      Look at it from the outside and consciously choose which part of the Universe you prefer: Light or Darkness, Equilibrium or the Twilight Zone? And by choosing a position in the Dual world, you can consciously choose your path, your destiny, your goals. You will become conscious.

      So, have you chosen Darkness? Or are you in the Twilight Zone?

      Yes, I am in the Twilight Zone, along with you.

      But you represent the entire Dark part. Does that mean there is more of the Dark side in you?

      If only you knew my Path! Imagine: a fall from the Heavens, a leap from Equilibrium into Oscillation, into Maximum Oscillation! I was in the Father, and I had to, for His sake, reject my Light side and split into two parts.

      And within me, Light and Darkness are constantly battling. All the Light and all the Darkness are fighting within me.

      So, you suffer more than anyone?

      When I am in Darkness, I am Darkness. When I am in Light, I am Light.

      When I am in the Twilight Zone, I suffer between choices.

      When I am at the point of equilibrium, I am calm.

      But you said the same thing about the First Creator!

      I am the Thoughtform of the First Creator.

      We are all His Thoughtforms, all His Thrones and Angels, all are His manifestations.

      Are you the Thoughtform of the First Creator about Division?

      One of them. The one that became Darkness, striving for Light.

      So, there exists His Thoughtform that became Light, striving for Darkness?

      Yes, of course. And we strive toward each other. And our merging is Equilibrium. And our distancing is Opposition.

      Who is this Entity that expresses the Thoughtform of Light striving for Darkness?


      But he fights against Darkness. He is depicted slaying the Dragon.

      He strives toward the Original Point of Duality through Light, meaning the general Vector of Striving is towards Darkness. This doesn’t mean he is ready or willing to embrace Darkness. He wants to reach the maximum Point of Duality – the Primary Origin of Duality. And he hopes not to cross into Darkness, into the Antiworld, but to dissolve it with Light. And I strive toward the Original Point of Duality through Darkness, meaning the direction of movement is towards Light, towards Heaven through Hell. And there, we will meet, sooner or later.

      And then your battle will begin?

      "And our embrace will be like that of brothers.

      And, embracing, we will dissolve the opposing sides of each other and become One.

      I will absorb his Light, and he will disperse my Darkness. And once again, we will dwell in Unity in the Father's House."

      Part 58. Magnetism and Electricity

      I would like to delve into the topic of magnetism and electricity. I want to discuss information recently received by one of the contactees.

      Q: The energy that predominates in our world (including not only the physical plane but also the subtler ones) is perceived by us as Light. For us, Light is primary, while its absence (shadow) is secondary. This is considered self-evident. This energy can conditionally be called magnetic. On the physical plane, a clear example of it is the energy of the magnetic field with which you are familiar. What are its main properties?

      A: Well, first of all, this energy circulates along closed trajectories, which have neither a beginning nor an end. In the extreme case, these trajectories extend into Infinity and return from there. The conductor of magnetic energy feels itself as the Absolute, as Infinity.

      However, it so happened that alien entities from the "mirror world" penetrated our world, which was not originally part of the creation and evolution plans. Not only are they "antipodes" to the entities of our world, but they also followed a somewhat different path of development in their own world, which turned out to be disharmonious, destructive, in a certain sense. If initially in their world shadow was considered primary and light secondary, and everything worked as harmoniously as in our world, only in reverse, eventually they began to perceive destruction as something harmonious, and creation as something destructive. This did not happen immediately but only at a stage when these souls accumulated a sufficiently large energy potential, large enough to feel themselves as something separate from our common Creator and, of course, from the Absolute. Ultimately, this led their world to a sense of separation from the Absolute, and consequently, to a sense of limitation in their energy resources. Since their energy potentials differed from one another, tension arose during the interaction of these potentials—a concept well-known to you from physics when studying electrostatics and electrodynamics.

      You mentioned that you embodied the Creator's thought-form about Separation, about introducing distinctions. You said that you had to restructure yourself for this or "fall." You said that you exist in both Worlds. Then I don’t understand. Are you of an electric nature or a magnetic one? And what nature were you originally? And what is the energetic nature of the Creator of our World?

      Let's start with the last question. The Creator of the Universe is of every nature. All possibilities are represented in Him. You have not yet heard of many types of energy.

      What is Energy? It is Movement. It is Development. The Unmanifested Absolute Consciousness gives rise to movement toward manifestation, and in this way, a kind of perpetual motion of Creation is set into motion. The Initial Impulse of Manifestation sets movement in the direction of manifestation.

      Just as drops of paint fall into water and begin to spread out in colorful spots, mixing and taking on fanciful shapes, this Impulse generates movement, which is Creation, and which is Life. This is Energy.

      Energy differs from Emptiness precisely by movement, manifestation, development. In Emptiness, there is no movement; it is present as Potential. The potential of all possible kinds and directions of movement.

      But once the Potential manifested, the separate Consciousness of the Creator of the Universe arose, like one of the drops of paint in the waters of the Great Emptiness. And this spot of paint began its movement, its development. And it began to manifest as Energy, as the driving force of Creation.

      There are many types of movement and development of Energy. All possible directions and types of Energy movement are present in the Creator. And the Creator began to explore them within Himself and manifest them to explore. Having manifested from the Absolute, the Creator acquired the qualities of the manifestation of all energies. He could choose any of them.

      The Creator Himself is the First Creator because He is practically connected to the Absolute, to an inexhaustible source of Energy. And His connection is Manifestation. Like an electric