Conversation with Lucifer. Book III. Elena Sidelnikova. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Elena Sidelnikova
Издательство: Автор
Жанр произведения:
Год издания: 2024
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the other rejoices in Separation.

      And I long for the end of this Division of myself into parts.

      I have learned much in the journeys of Separation, leaving the Father’s House, in search of treasures outside the Home, as the Father wished. But all the treasures of the World are incomparable to the treasures of the Father. And I hope that He will allow me to return to the Father’s Home.

      Isn't that decision up to you?

      It is up to me. Up to all my parts, which cannot decide and are at war within me.

      I await Eternity and will wait another Eternity.

      But if the Universe splits again into two Worlds, and everything returns to its original state, how will you return to the Father’s Home?

      "Returns to its original state." Pay attention to this saying of yours. It accurately reflects the essence of what I have been telling you.

      I will dwell in the Creator as He wishes to see me, as He conceived me.

      I am His Will.

      Part 59. The Last Judgment

      I am trying to understand what happened in the so-called Experiment. The thought of the First Creator about Separation created divisions into Forms, Levels, and Essences that inhabit them. This gave birth to diversity. But then, one of the Creators created Duality, meaning a division into extreme positions. Who is this Creator?

      You spoke with him. You call him Jehovah.

      Jehovah said that he is simply the Thought of the First Creator about the Separation into Duality. You said that you accepted the will of the Father and became the embodiment of the Dark side of the World. So, who is this Father, Jehovah or the First Creator?

      This is inseparable. Everything is the First Creator. And I, Jehovah, and all of us. One day you will come to non-separation, to union. Your father at home and your father at work: which of them is your father? He is one, just in different aspects. Or take your physical body. Is your heart you or not you? And your skin? And the cell of your body—is it you or not you? Everything is one. We are all thought-forms of the First Creator, our Father.

      But the First Creator, that is, the Thrones of the Absolute, is the 34th Level, and Jehovah is the 24th Level according to the information from one of the channelings? From which Level did you fall?

      I arose as a Form from the Thought-Form of the Father about Separation. I was and am One of His Aspects. But then I sought to further develop the Thought-Form of the Father about Separation and broke into myriads of Fragments, which continued their movement of centrifugal force, the movement of separation. This fragmentation created even lower Levels because an environment was needed for my smallest Fragments to exist. Some brothers joined me in this journey. And hence your legends about a million young angels who went on to create the Galaxy of Duality in your sector of the Universe. These are human analogies, but they are close.

      It's like a powerful current that sweeps everything along. There was a calm river flow, but suddenly a whirlpool forms, and the flow accelerates. And all the swimmers are carried away by the powerful current.

      The thought of the First Creator about Separation continued to accelerate like a river’s flow, finding no obstacles for its development. The Separation began to grow and grow, like a chain reaction, and this created currents of separation, breaking into myriads of Forms. And some of my brothers, that is, the Aspects of the Absolute, the Aspects of the Father, also rushed with me along this Stream of Separation, like swimmers caught in the current. Some of them began to fight this current, and so our Separation arose.

      Some of the brothers, caught by the current of Separation, did not want to fall further and generated within themselves the Thought-Form of Resistance to Separation, to Darkness, as you call it, the Thought-Form of Light. And so Duality arose when many brothers generated the Thought-Form of Light as resistance to Separation. And so, two sides, two poles were born. Thus, Duality, Light and Darkness, was born.

      And some of the brothers chose to embody only Light, like Michael. Some chose to embody both Light and Darkness, like Me. And some chose to embody only Darkness. And the Opposition began.

      Your legends speak of this—of the rebellion of the Angels, where some Angels, along with me, fell into Darkness, and the Angels were divided into Light and Dark, and their Opposition began.

      To choose Light means to accept the energies of Light, the energies of Unity, the energies of Merging. This means to renounce your own exclusivity, your own personality. This means being in everything and everyone, having nothing of your own, separate; it is a process of merging with the whole, with the Whole; it means renouncing choice, it means dissolving in the Will of the Father.

      To choose Darkness means to be separate, to strive for separation in knowing yourself. This means creating your own, personal, unlike others. This means not hearing the Will of the Father. This means gaining the Freedom of Choice for your Striving, your Peculiarities, your Preferences, your Path, and your Movement.

      And the Hierarchy of Light, as you call it, was born as a movement, an attempt to balance the movement towards separation, like a kind of dam holding back the rapid flow of water towards separation. And so, the struggle of Light against Darkness was born.

      You asked why Darkness does not fight with Light, why there are no channelings from the Dark Hierarchs. Because Darkness has no desire to involve anyone in its Path. Darkness simply strives for separation, like an unstoppable river current; it cares not for dams or for the swimmers it has captured and carries further from the Source. From the source of the river, where it all began.

      Remember: there was the River of Being, calm and majestic, in which there was no division into parts. But then a whirlpool arose, and the River rushed into channels and then broke into many rivers and lakes, into streams and waterfalls. It is very difficult to turn rivers back.

      And then? Did you fall further? And why is your name specifically associated with this process if many Angels supported you?

      Of this multitude, I alone remained between Light and Darkness; they were all drawn into Darkness, carried away by the swift Stream of Separation. I held on because I remembered the Father, because I was closest to Him, to the Source, because I remembered the Beginning, remembered how it all began, and remembered the Light and Love of the Father. But the swift “waters” carried me further away from Him, and my desire to fulfill His Will of Separation led me far from the Father’s Home. It led me into your sector of the Galaxy. And it left me balancing between two Worlds, between the World and the Anti-world. If you take me and Jehovah, we both balance between two Worlds, only he is more in the Light, and I am more in the Darkness. That is why we are considered opponents.

      Alright. Let’s move on. So, this Separation and striving for Separation carried you and some of your brothers along. And thus, they fell in their Separation, meaning their energy level decreased during separation. And so, the Levels of their habitation were created, namely—the Anti-world. Is that correct?

      Yes, you understood correctly.

      And then, you said that the two Worlds existed separately from each other, but one day, beings from the dark Anti-world, the viruses of separation, penetrated the World, and thus began the Battle of Light and Darkness. But there is also information about the so-called "Essex experiment":

      When Lucifer returned to my Light, to the Parental Home, for he is as much my son as you are, he began a new experiment, the goal of which was to expand the Creation, that part of it which was created together with you, my children. These are the dimensions of high matter rarefaction, the dimensions from 14 to 16. As part of the new experiment, Lucifer began to merge the two matters of opposite Universes. One matter was the matter of Nebadon. This is the Universe, my children, in which you reside. And the second matter is the matter of the opposite Universe. It is called Ragnarön. In Ragnarön, the Universal Laws are opposite. My children, both Universes were created by me to maintain balance and mutual experience of life forms, both ascending and descending currents. A lot was affected in Nebadon during the experiment, which was called "Essek". The purpose of the experiment was to