Conversation with Lucifer. Book III. Elena Sidelnikova. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Elena Sidelnikova
Издательство: Автор
Жанр произведения:
Год издания: 2024
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Both I and Michael, who represented the Magnetic side of the Universe, were manifested as aspects of the Creator, as His dual parts, as a Dual Pair. We call it: like brothers. Before Manifestation, we were united in the Creator. In essence, there was no Michael or Lucifer, but there was the One Creator. We are the essence of His manifested Thoughtform about Separation, about the emergence of Differences. That’s how the World and Anti-world appeared.

      Then explain the thesis of complete opposition in more detail. How, for example, is creation in the Anti-world destructive?

      The whole question is in the goal.

      Let’s take a simple everyday example. Suppose a person was raised in a family where there was never any order. Things were always scattered around the rooms; there was always chaos and disorder. And then someone comes along who tries to clean everything up, put everything in its place. To organize everything in an order known only to him, not to the owner of the room. How will the owner of the room perceive this uninvited guest? This is, of course, a very exaggerated analogy.

      A good example is sandcastles. Why does sand need castles? Sand is used to being sand and wants to be just sand, unorganized. But then someone comes and starts pouring concrete into the sand and creates solid structures. But the sand suffers from this; it doesn’t need to imprison itself in some, as the castle creator sees it, beautiful structures, in rigid organized frameworks. For it, the creator, the builder of the castle, is a destructor, a destructor of its freedom, its choice to be unorganized.

      Alright. And what about suffering and joy? What is joy for us, is it suffering in the Anti-world?

      I gave you an example with temperatures. When a body used to cold will suffer in warm conditions. But, in our example with sand, the castle builder rejoices in his creation, he feels joy in creation. But the sand suffers from this creation; it is happy in its disorganization.

      So, did the electrical Beings from the Anti-world penetrate the World through the membrane and infect it with the "virus of separation"? How did this happen?

      Let me explain it again in a linear way so you can understand.

      There exists a world of "circles" that are self-sufficient, containing all the necessary energy. When these "circles" intersect, their interaction does not create conflict. They decide for themselves whether to share their energy. Most likely, they simply explore other "circles" and exchange energy—information, sharing methods and ways of Creation.

      But then "lines" enter their world—lines that suffer from their separation and need energy to continue their movement. These "lines" start interacting with the "circles," and by intersecting them, they try to capture some of the "circles'" energy. The "circles" were not prepared for this. Such a thing did not exist in their world. So at first, the "lines" quickly began to capture the energy of the "circles," which was vast, and started to grow and feed on it. The "circles" began to lose parts of their outline, breaking down into "lines," losing connection with their center. If a small section of a "circle" is breached, it quickly restores its "circle" form. But when several sections are destroyed, it also disintegrates into "lines."

      This is how the Virus of Division infected your world.

      When this process began to cause significant changes and posed a threat of spreading the virus to higher structures of the World, a decision was made to isolate the zone of penetration of the Virus of Division and to establish a Veil. Now, all the lines in your part of the World must either return to the Anti-world, their so-called alma mater, or find their unity, restore their connection with their "circle," and then they have a chance to ascend higher and enter a normal magnetic World, where there is no opposition and no lack of energy. This is the process of Ascension.

      And the restoration of your unity, when you find your circle's center, is called Enlightenment.

      This is why you cannot agree.

      Because some of you are immigrants from the Anti-world. Suffering is familiar to them; they cannot understand those who rejoice in creation. Their goal is to draw energy. Like eternal wanderers, they are always just striving for what they lost, but they do not even remember it themselves. And taking someone else's energy is normal for them, a rule of existence, a struggle for survival.

      And the other part of you does not suffer from separation, does not want confrontation, and does not understand why energy should be taken when the main goal is to share.

      So, what about humanity? Does it mean that all of it came from the Anti-world if most people cannot wake up and continue down the path of violence and suffering? Are they all from the Anti-world?

      A significant part, but not all. It is in this sense that I said humans are my fragments. These are the very tiny lines I once broke into. But these people-lines came into the Anti-world and began to live in it. And many of them began to remember their original unity with the Creator, with the center of the "circle," and began striving towards it. They loved your World. They do not want to return to the Anti-world. And the Creator, in His mercy, gave them that right, despite the objections of the Hierarchs of Light. Everyone is given the Right to Choose between Chaos and World Order, between Darkness and Light, between Destruction and Creation, between Hell and Heaven.

      And that is why Darkness and Light are at war within you.

      That is why your Choice is so great.

      And that is why you are the Zone of Freedom of Choice: between Light and Darkness.

      And that is why you make this choice every second, choosing between Unity and Division, between Fusion and Aspiration.

      But above our Level, is there no Freedom of Choice?

      There, this Choice is more global, more fundamental.

      In other words, the Beings that dwell there have already made their Choice, once and for all, and no longer choose to choose. They have made their final Choice between Light and Darkness.

      And what about other civilizations, destructive ones—those who were destructive but eventually became constructive?

      They too are the "lines" that have partially restored their unity, but have also partially disintegrated even further.

      In this sense, a constructive civilization is one where all the small "lines" have united into a single large "line," and this "line" is trying together to restore its connection with its center, that is, to Ascend.

      Destructive civilizations are those that continue to disintegrate into even smaller "lines," moving further away from the center, from their Unity.

      And what about the Beings that ruled our World and, according to some information, were also infected by the Virus of Division?

      They are the ones who came from the Anti-world. They tried to build a system for extracting energy from humanity, to prolong their capabilities and their existence through religions, controlling mass consciousness, imposing the Virus of Division through wars and violence.

      How can those who strive for the restoration of Unity and return to the Center of their magnetic nature achieve this?

      Remember yourself as One.

      Rebuild your consciousness-perception. Stop thinking in forms of Division, and start thinking in forms of Fusion and Unity. This is the restoration of your Wholeness. It's like restoring the interruptions of your true Essence that occurred due to interaction with electric Beings.

      And what about you? Suppose everyone who chose the Anti-world voluntarily transitions there. And those who chose unity and purification from electricity restore their wholeness. What will happen to you then?

      Everything is subject to the Will of the Creator. He will decide. I am His Thought-form and submit to His Will, His Thought about me. But I am weary of Separation.

      But aren't you present in the Anti-world, where they rejoice in Separation?

      Yes. You are right. I am Duality.

      And one part of me