Non vowel resources of some good mood. Alexander Nikolaevich Borodin. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Alexander Nikolaevich Borodin
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Публицистика: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785005395221
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respectively, the rhythm of life is faster, respectively, more time has to be devoted to work, less to solving one’s problems and satisfying personal needs, this affects life expectancy, therefore in less rich countries it is less neck.

      Affirmative sentence: the most important thing is to understand that absolutely everything is suggested and suggested, that the material state of a state, rich or not, does not affect the psychological comfort of anyone, it affects what thoughts and program in the head. Some are potentially able to feel comfortable on the planet Mars, where there is no civilization, where the expedition from volunteers is going, and with all this it will be a one-way road, since it will be impossible to return back.

      In poor countries it’s worth a little relaxation, and you are already at the bottom – do you need to rely on yourself in them? You can’t relax, otherwise there will be a hangover, as after alcohol?

      Partly, maybe it’s true, because not everyone lives in a humane Canada, where, according to rumors, they give a vacation in the presence of depression in a person, in a poor country it is a luxury, a poor country simply can not afford it, because its economy will bear losses are such that the standard of living may become lower than the existing one, so you can’t get addicted to alcohol and other things that are considered weaknesses and addictions, since then no one will help you. But in a poor country, where living conditions are much harsher than in a rich one, you can also be the one who is called happy, having the same needs as the population of countries where wealth is very close, but it is only possible in poor regions in in most cases, only if certain points are observed, for this, of course, there is no point in going on the road for advice to a local or foreign psychiatrist or psychologist (they were created, probably, in order to solve issues that are unresolved by some heads of state, as a rule, economically of a nature: if there is no money – go to a psychologist or psychiatrist, he will help you, but, of course, not only with money, but only with suggestions and pills, but with money, a hitch, only the governments of rich countries give money in the amount necessary for a comfortable existence).

      Is everyone a practicing psychologist? A new psychology is being created, the essence of which is the life experience of an individual person?

      As a rule, to solve unresolved problems it’s just worth talking to those who know life not in theory, but in practice (who knows best how to trade – a theoretician with a trade education who himself never traded, conducting trainings on the sale of goods, or himself seller), and it’s not necessary to do this purposefully, as a rule, all this happens by chance and spontaneously, just like that.

      As was said, many people feel happy in a not-so-rich state (if it were the other way around, then the poor countries would not exist), and vice versa, there are unfortunate people in rich countries, you need to find out how they get it, there are meaning those who live in poor countries – either they curtailed their «exorbitant» needs, if any were available, or they learned how to satisfy them, and, of course, they play an important role in achieving the desired time and place where you are trying to to achieve, and not only something material.

      For example, about time, if someone remembers, then in the 90s in the USSR and after its collapse, when the VCR was a luxury and when there were no more than 4 TV channels on television, TV shows like «Slave Izaura», “ It’s just Maria», there were practically no people on the streets, emergency services – police, ambulance, firefighter – were resting during the show of the series on television, all the events in the series were discussed by the people of the USSR that was ending their existence, but they would have shown these series now, probably if someone looked, then not in the same quantity as before, the series was shown in the right place (where no one had seen such series before and where there were only 4 television channels) and at the right time, professional artists of the USSR of that time were surprised and perplexed how such films could win the viewer.

      It must be remembered that everyone has their own concept of happiness and comfort, everyone has everything in their heads, some people have such a concept of happiness and comfort that can shock others. Perhaps someone has heard about people with a syndrome of impaired perception of the integrity of the body, these people become happy when they deprive themselves of their own part of the body, and they dream about it until the moment of amputation, for example, legs, until they do it, they they feel extremely uncomfortable in a psychological sense, and no one knows what it is, a mental disorder or something neurological. But only a person with a syndrome of impaired perception of the integrity of the body deprives himself of his legs – he becomes a happy person.

      Some states that, in their rhetoric, like to talk about the rights of ordinary people, in practice do not quite follow it – in order to enter from a country that is less wealthy, to a country that is more wealthy, it is necessary for the one who enters to the bank account was solid by the standards of the country from which he leaves, the amount of money or his salary should be quite large, is money the thing, if not the main thing, then one of the main ones? Is money anyway in the first places in importance, is the penal economy the receipt of money from fines in the budget? It is fashionable to be a materialist at some time and in some place – no one forbids you to be a materialist if you follow the fashion: for the soul, write a book, invent something, do business for money? Some in official rhetoric argue that they are against something, for example, material wealth and money, it turns out that in reality in life it is not even against – much of what is called guile and licorice? Some people have a healthy interest in money, but they convince others that money is evil, and some listen to them and believe them? If adults speak of high ideals, is it suspicious, since at this age most people are only interested in material goods and preparing a «sweet» life for their children? Is money a magic wand and a magic wand? For some, the greatest benefit in life is independence, and independence is given only by money, or is independence a profession in demand? In any confrontation with anyone, can money play for him (if he has one) and against him (if the opponent has one)? Is independence a profession in demand when no one will do a job better than you? Is money the first necessity before something else or the second after something else? For some, no one will change their lives for the better, only money is this a delusion or not? If a person has many weaknesses, then his friends are not people, but only money, and such a person cannot be the one who is called a devotee, since his weaknesses will force everyone to betray? If you are ugly and do not know how to sing, and if at the same time you have money, you turn out to be very beautiful and sing great? At the institute or at the university, if you wrote a work and let the teacher get acquainted with it, you will most likely be told when they read it, that you are a demagogue, they will refuse to print for free, and when you have money, you he is his own master, and everything is decided: you can print your work for your money in an unlimited number of copies, does this mean that money still gives independence? If you have something called weaknesses for alcohol or such as gambling addiction and so on, and at the same time you do not want to solve the problem of removing these weaknesses, then in any case you should care about the money, otherwise you will be lost, or the presence of money will only bring harm, since you will «get drunk» to death with alcohol if you are prone to what is called drunkenness? If there is a lot of what is called weaknesses, then you need to go where you can earn a lot in order to satisfy big needs, for example, for businessmen? If there is not what is considered weakness, then you need to go where there are hardships, for example, in the army? As the musicians say, if I do not play one day, I notice it myself, if two – my friends notice it, if you do not play three days the audience will notice – you need to prepare yourself for the realization of your dream (program) in order to be in harmony with by yourself? It is said that in some cases, as a rule, some vulnerable and ambitious personalities tear to power, they perceive power as protection against unnecessary criticism and as the impossibility of any aggression against them, but in our world power is not ideal, and when do they understand this, does it disappoint them, to put it mildly? In some places, power is not ideal and not absolute for the rulers, it needs to be shared with those