Non vowel resources of some good mood. Alexander Nikolaevich Borodin. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Alexander Nikolaevich Borodin
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Публицистика: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785005395221
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is no longer a man if he does not take the initiative in meeting a woman – in the classical understanding of a man in his relationship with the opposite sex? It is said that in countries where laws prohibit men from meeting women in public, men are afraid to take the initiative in dating, women themselves are suitable for men, and women become the main ones in the family when it is created.

      They also say that some guys who came to such countries from countries where the relationship between a man and a woman remain classical (where a man meets a woman) like this situation – when women themselves come up and get to know each other, as the local man will not, he is afraid of responsibility for breaking the law, saying, as already mentioned, that showing attention to a woman in the form of an offer to get acquainted can be regarded as sexual harassment. To recall that the above is of a real nature, if you wish, on a world map you can find some countries where what is called the feminization of society has occurred and where it is legally expressed in the form of the above prohibition on a man to take the initiative in getting to know a woman, this will still be mentioned.

      As a rule, all social movements are created in the rich (in the rich, where people don’t think about what they think in the non-rich – where the first steps of the Maslow pyramid are passed) countries with a high standard of living, in poor countries people think, again as a rule, how to earn a living, and even if there are social movements in poor countries, they are created there by representatives and citizens of countries with high living standards, in any case, as many sources say.

      A person can be brought up, as you like, and upbringing, according to modern statements, is the main thing in the formation of personality, not psychogenetic heredity, as there are proofs of this and there were countries (not just one person, but entire states), in some of which people are like «cogs» what they are told they will do, in others it’s the same ethnic group, but the situation is different.

      There is nothing eternal, and this applies to the human psyche, it is also not eternal in the sense that it changes with age, and it is different for different people at different times and in different places, and the evidence given above speaks about this (if we recall the rich states, we can ask where did the warlike people who inhabited them and made their country go, what happened to the warlike psychogenetics of their descendants living). The richer you are, the more you and your descendants become weaker, because you become dependent on the servants and other attributes of a rich life, and you become weak not only psychologically, but also physiologically – you don’t walk, drive a car, and this is not entirely positive for health?

      Therefore, I want this fact that the human brain is a plastic material, as well as the fact that in connection with this fact it is possible to fashion anyone and anything from a person, like plasticine, by a red line across the entire lower material of this work in the process of reading it. Also, based on the above, it must be said that you, being now fearless, could be careful, and vice versa, if you are careful, you could be fearless and not forget that this is confirmed by the facts that have already been said: it all depends on education or, if someone does not like the word «upbringing», from the environment.

      There may be several options for the development and formation of what is called your psychic constitution – depending on the time in which you were, or on the place or places of your stay during your life, and also on who you talked to: you how a personality could go in several ways – this is similar to the assertions of theoretical physicists that according to quantum physics your copies can be many, many copies in the sense that here you are doing one thing, one work, and your copies are doing other things, and life in general they have developed differently.

      The second red line to keep in mind is the need for some to constantly «fiddle» with the endocrine system, which is responsible for the production of pleasure hormones by any action, both harmless and unhealthy in ways – alcohol, etc. Around the hormones of pleasure and “ human behavior revolves, it is endorphins that regulate and control human behavior, regardless of how these internal opiates are received – naturally, from any favorite occupation, or artificially, through drugs or alcohol, that is, as narcologists say, drug addicts and alcoholics enjoy pleasure without any strong-willed and intellectual efforts, that is, if higher powers give pleasant things only for something, then some want endorphins to be brought to them «Saucer».

      If all those human qualities, which will be discussed below, disappear only, for example, after 40 years of a person’s life – is it a delay in mental development or what is called infantilism – eternal childhood? Is an adult when all that is considered weaknesses in modern society disappears? A sign of adulthood in the modern sense is autonomy, independence from someone and from anything, for example, the absence of an uncomfortable psychological state in the absence of friends, the lack of emotional attachment to someone or anything, and so on in this sense? It’s normal to feel psychologically uncomfortable in some cases, because if everyone felt psychologically comfortable, then if we take into account the sexual factor, then no one would reproduce, and almost everyone without the opposite sex has discomfort, which is expressed in different degrees for everyone – Is it not a mobile (stable) psyche only for single people, for example, for the same astronauts? The average person – how does he differ from the non-average person, and what is the psychological portrait of both? The struggle for males and females – some do not take part in it, since they sincerely do not need and are not interested, are they all different? Units are not subject to what is called propaganda? Propaganda is a quiet weapon – it’s easier to deceive a crowd than one person, does the criticality to one’s and others ’actions turn off in the crowd? When an investigator invites a minor child to investigate, the boss sometimes tells him «Work with him (with the minor) ” – we extrapolate this into civilian life. Work with him (inspire) – with your husband, wife for a harmonious relationship? Propaganda propaganda – those who do it do it so that their refrigerator is full, and you watch not in the TV, but in the refrigerator: for some, the main thing is their economic assets? Cosmonauts and IT specialists do not spend time on emotional experiences, such as fear, love, aggression, sexual desires – since they do not have them in such volume as the majority, which gives them the opportunity to do what they do – their work and the implementation of those tasks that most will not cope with? According to the films about the training of astronauts, the people who are preparing to be sent to space are put into enclosed space for several weeks and watch them how they endure their deprivation of liberty, if someone has a «roof» from unfulfilled desires, so there’s one conclusion: no desires – no psychological problems from the impossibility of their implementation? There is not what is called weakness of spirit – are there people whom the majority and who are ordered by higher powers to have what are called weaknesses, for example, the instinct of reproduction? If everyone was like astronauts, that is, without what is considered to be weaknesses, and could restrain their sexual instincts, or if they were almost absent, who would multiply then – with higher powers everything is thought out in advance, there are no weak and strong ones in spirit, there are those, to whom one is prescribed, and those to whom the other is prescribed? Do not envy anyone, for it is written in the Gospel – to whom much has been given, much will be asked? Cosmonauts are those who don’t need what the majority needs, that is, they don’t have what they call weaknesses or their minimum – do the astronauts have no cognitive dissonance? Someone’s torment is when this someone does not do what the higher forces want from him? PSOG (psychologically healthy lifestyle) is the knowledge of the ways that you need to go to achieve the tasks set by higher forces, for example, higher forces tell you in a hormonal way that you need some person of the opposite sex, but you don’t know how to approach him, and you are already unhappy – an unfortunate one who does not do what higher powers say to him? Cognitive dissonance is when there are several tasks, and you don’t know which one to perform, and also when there are several ways to solve problems, and you don’t know which way to choose: there is a basic law (constitution), there are simply laws that should not contradict the basic law (constitution) – can this be brought to life? Most