The Ellipse: The Fall and Rise of the Human Soul, Secrets of the Cosmos. Zakariyya Ishaq. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Zakariyya Ishaq
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Философия
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780980999532
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out, invoking, ascending in, entering into, drawing out, emanating, (eating fruit from the tree - the Quranic, and Biblical metaphor) all mean the same thing: inwardly, by deep concentration meditation, one leaves one station-state, and goes to another. The consciousness of a person becomes enveloped in that particular station-state of consciousness (fruit from the tree) for as long as they are there. They may return to the neutral 5-source station or descend further in another vine of consciousness, there is no end to this traveling. All these pure states of consciousness are indescribably blissful, that is why it is called paradise.


      Sphere 5: Source circle: Physical core point of celestial or soul circle, where all other circles revolve around. Includes, inside of it, circle 6 and 15. Also, vacant point of pure consciousness and timeless energy, the Lord, in Lord of the worlds. God principle.


      Sphere 1: The lower solar circle - represents the circle of theoretical truth, or truth in potential.

      Sphere 2: The circle of the physicalization of truth - truth in form.

      Sphere 3: The circle of imagination.

      Sphere 4: The circle of nothingness, or the circle of creative potential and destruction. The circle known as the forbidden tree. The only circle in which an ellipse can be.

      Sphere 6: The circle of the subtleties (lataifs): one of the 2 inner circles.

      Sphere 7: The circle of the Lord of the earth. Concept of spirit presiding over form.

      Sphere 8: The earth circle.

      Sphere 9: The circle of binding.

      Sphere 10: The circle of un-binding.

      Sphere 11: The circle of the tariqa (inner).

      Sphere 12: The circle of the sharia (outer).

      Sphere 13: The solar circle, the circle of the sun.

      Sphere 14: the lunar circle, the circle of the moon.

      Sphere 15: The circle of purification or the circle of the chakras: one of the inner circles, also the dog (protective) circle of the lower circles.


      Sphere 16: The circle of Gabriel—circle of intelligence.

      Sphere 17: The circle of Michael—circle of protection.

      Sphere 18: The circle of Israfael—circle of expansion.

      Sphere 19: The circle of: Azrael—circle of death.

      Sphere 20: The circle of Kidder (earth angel).

      Sphere 21: The circle of Malik—the King.

      Sphere 22: The supreme Archangel Ashuara (the Dog-Star) the circle of evening (to even).

       (See Figure 6 on next page)

      Note: Number places on circle are listed in Annotations on page 185.

      Figure 6: Illustration of perfect circle, Garden of Eden - paradise (essence)


      The word circle is our metaphor for the term “tree of paradise” which itself is a metaphor for the essence. A circle, station-state is a condition of consciousness. When a state envelopes the heart by the person ingesting it or bringing it into the consciousness through the psychic spiritual exercise of concentration meditation (not the concentration meditation we know today which is not even remotely similar to the original), it is like taking a powerful drug that does not wear off. A circle is entered via a stargate of concentration that the consciousness enters and becomes overwhelmed by its state.

      A circle, essence, or tree of paradise, is therefore essentially a state of consciousness. It was at one point in our history a stable state.

      Human beings are always in a circle, or state of consciousness. We humans are presently at a low state of consciousness (unstable) because we have fallen from the original perfect states of consciousness we possessed before the fall. Therefore, many times - most times for many people - we are suffering, miserable often, and experience a state of overall dissatisfaction. That is why we designate this condition an “ellipse” a term that denotes an imperfect circle.

      At the time of, or before the fall, we had control of these states and stations of consciousness, unlike today, where we go from various moods and various states of uncontrollable feelings, thoughts, ideas, and emotions that render this present condition generally miserable. Before the fall, no conditions existed such as those I mentioned above, for any human. The states of consciousness in any circle were stable, intensely pleasurable, exciting, and immensely rewarding and peaceful, and most important, balanced.

       And (unto man): O Adam! Dwell thou and thy wife in the Garden and eat from whence ye will, but come not nigh this tree lest ye become wrong doer.

      This is a reference to the fact that in our pre-fallen times we could ascend or descend in any state or station in the Garden of Eden through deep concentration. These inner states are deeply hidden in us, today they are virtually unknown to us, as opposed to primordial man who easily entered and returned from these lofty paradise states at will. Even the methodology of accessing these subtle sublime states and stations of bliss is long lost.

      In our present elliptical condition, when we do experience any real glimpse of happiness, peace, stability, or joy, it is only a glimpse of the rewarding states we had in primordial times. Like a flashback in an acid trip, to use a profane analogy. This is true because we are in a corrupted or perverted circle or state that is a poor replica of its original condition. The power and intensity of these states is so enormous that we can’t help feeling their intensity often, in glimpses, though nothing like it was in the period we enjoyed access to, and control of, them in primordial times. It is the negative feelings - fear, hatred, alienation - that are direct causes of the ellipse, or the corruption of our essence.

      The original states have no degree of these feelings, which are energy-based - as all feelings are. Of course, these are negative energy-based feelings that will always exist as long as we are in the ellipse.

      The apparent relative “stability” that we appear to experience is because we have consciousness of the three inner circles: 5, 6, and 15 (Figure 7). The 6 and 15 hold the basic elements of our consciousness: the lower mind, the Lataifs of the Sufis that reside in the 6-circle (Figure 8) - that are light-based, and the Chakras of yoga in the 15-circle (Figure 9) - that are fire-based. These are not circular states, in other words, one cannot extend them like the other 19 circles. They are the preservers of our fundamental life, being, and consciousness.

      Figure 7: The three inner circles are not circular states, in other words one cannot extend them like the other 19 circles. They are the preservers of our fundamental life, being, and consciousness.


      Figure 8: Lataifs are the subtle organs of perception that reside in the six circle. From the Sufi tradition, Lataifs are concentrated upon to gain enlightenment. These like the Chakras are associated with parts of the body, and color-coded, though the correspondence of the Lataifs with certain parts of the body is not literal, as are the Chakras.


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