The 5-circle, the core or sun circle, the principle of pure radiation or nothingness, or unity, is all of our inner core being that all the other 19 circles circumnavigate when the circle is at its perfection, not as an ellipse as it exists now.
In terms of the physical aspect of a circle? Well the best idea of this is to look at one of the planets as a particular circle. The solar system is a direct reflection of the structure of the Garden of Eden, and the sun is the source station and the planets are the circular states and stations that the being could ascend, descend in, and animate that consciousness anytime they wish.
A circle is entered through stargate technology, which is the science of going in and out of states of consciousness-circles; it is a conduit from one circle-dimension or (world-stage-state) to another. The stargate also sends the individual back to the original circle, or preceding circle or circles if one wants to do that. This stargate sends the consciousness to the new circle where it binds the heart to it and the individual senses the new state and tastes its consciousness-feeling.
Much of this New Age, the movies and TV shows about stargates and wormholes, has come about because this psychic technology is slowly returning to humans’ consciousness as we progress back to the ancient knowledge we lost. The brilliant new-age mythologist William Henry is a great source for knowledge of this lore.
These states are indescribably sublime, and each state is different from the others, and produces pleasurable feelings unlike anything humans could imagine. No drug or other artificial device can match this experience. In fact, drugs, alcohol, movies, sex, and things like this that humans have indulged in are only their unconscious attempt at garnishing some of the primordial paradise states we had before the fall. This, though, has to be reacquired through spiritual wisdom and science, these (unconscious) artificial attempts at duplicating this ancient spiritual technology through these means will not produce anything because this knowledge starts with controlling oneself through legitimate metaphysical sciences. Remember, this is all imprinted on our soul history, we have no choice but to practice artificial examples of what we did in primordial times in the paradise therein.
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