Quran 2: 35
Here, Garden is symbolic of the source paradise or essence circle; while tree is the symbol for the essence states that I am here calling - metaphorically - circles (Figure 1). Fruits are the sublime, ecstatic states one gets when eating this celestial fruit, or invoking this consciousness inwardly.
Vine, tree, limbs (of the tree), lineage tree, (or) extension are all metaphors for the invocation - or entering into states and stations of consciousness. When a vine, tree, lineage extension, is invoked or entered into, a new tree - a physical replica of the previous tree - envelops the consciousness. Although the consciousness of the new tree is physically similar in terms of number of trees to the previous tree it came from, nonetheless it is a different consciousness-feeling from the previous tree.
In the beginning, the perfect man or Adam was owner of his inner Garden of Eden - paradise, as an uncreated reflection of the self of God (essence). He was master of the garden, he knew its laws and ways, and entered and enjoyed all the trees of the garden (states of pure consciousness) as an entertainment because he knew the science of states, and he had control of his states by way of control of his station.
In existence or being, the basic state of existence is the state made perfect and beautiful by acquisition of the station. The writers of the Bible and Quran use the symbol tree for these circles, or station-states of consciousness. In the perfect circle, all states and stations are perfect because they are uncreated, for it is only the created that has access to imperfection. The created can be perfect but only through evolutionary intelligence; therein is our hope and destiny. For we have been fallen by the hand of the EI; in order to know himself, and for us to know him. Even the perfect man “Our Fathers who art in Heaven” cannot know him like we can know him, for we, the lambs of God (the ellipse), the great sacrifice, are created. He said “I love that I be known so I created man (fallen man).
The perfect man knew the science of the self by birth and the science of the states by way of acquisition of the stations, or gardens wherein rivers flow - that is the garden of the soul.
These states were accessed by deep concentration, an art that was easy for primordial man (who was born with this ability), unlike today, where one has to practice years - sometimes decades - of concentration meditation to come close to the capacity primordial man had with his mind.
The inward science was very simple: there was a source garden (Essence) where nothing was before that and everything was after that, which was called merely the source, whose numerical value was the number five. It also was called the sun, also a circle. A replica of this inner and outer garden is the solar system. Each garden has at its core a powerful sun that serves as the center of the garden. As the planets revolve around the sun in our solar system, as the billions of others that we see and do not see in our universe, so the inner planets or (potential) states of our soul-consciousness revolve around our inner sun. The external is a replica of the real, or the inner, which is our real. The perfect being, Adam (higher and lower) in this garden knew all the laws of circular travel (science of states) or states of paradise; they were endless and eternal.
For example:
At station five, the source station, when one rested at that station, one had access to the paradise of the pure uncreated essence of the state therein. If one desired to go to station number 7 (number 7 station from the source station 5) and invoke or ascend in that consciousness, then one would enter that paradise and enjoy that station state. (Now recall, all of this is inner mental traveling). Then one would be at station 7 from station 5. At station 7, one could then ascend in station-state 12 from the 7, for example, enjoying that paradise. (By paradise I mean the pure consciousness bliss that one enjoys at each separate station-state, they are all different in feeling.) Then one could invoke the 7 state from the 12 (a repeat of the earlier 7, though of a different nature because it is the 7 from the 12, not 7 from the 5) station. On and on there is no end to these various states of consciousness-feelings of bliss, and pleasure (Figure 2, and 3.) Each state has a different consciousness-feeling. For instance, at the 5-circle state, one feels the awe and bliss of divine unity; in the 7-circle state one might feel the awesome happiness of freedom, at the 12-circle state, one would feel the essence of supreme safety in power. These are only analogies, for there are truly no words that can describe this paradise, one can only experience it. Recall that invoking a station-state means that it envelops the consciousness of the heart, and mind.
5-Source-circle-below, invoking 7-circle. 7-Circle is depicted emanating in consciousness - at right. Note: 7-circle position is expanded, reflecting what circle it is. Next the lower circle is emanated from the 7-circle, as the traveler chooses this circle [12] to emanate in their consciousness, following the 7.
Figure 2: Lawful circular traveling: When one enters a station-state, the particular state circle becomes expanded [or colored red] this enables the traveler to determine what station-state they are in, at any time. The circle numbers are constant, at any state; the only change is in the red coloring or expansion of the state you are experiencing. So for instance, at circle 7, the 5-circle is still in the middle, but now it is a 5-circle of the 7- circle. Previously the 5-circle was the 5 of the 5.
Figure 3: Lawful circular travel
At each station (twenty-two circles), the core was surrounded by nineteen revolving spheres or stations. Two other spheres exist inside the core of any station. Therefore, there are twenty two circles in the entire essence, fifteen lower spheres, the core sphere (5) being one of the fifteen, and seven upper spheres, known as the angelic circles. There are twelve lower circles, and seven higher circles revolving around a core circle with two inner circles. A perfect state in which no state could be anything like the other or no two-station states could ever be the same.
At each station-state (example above: 5-7-12) the consciousness or feeling of the person is different. They are blissful, joyful, though always different.
There are rules in circular travel and one rule is vitally important. The most important rule of circular motion is that at station 5, or the source station, one could not go to circle 4 (Figure 4, and 5). (Shortly in the narrative will be displayed what happens when this forbidden tree is invoked.)
That circle is known metaphorically as the forbidden tree. One could only enter and operate in the 4-circle after one entered any other circle from the 5 - source circle OTHER THAN THE FOUR.
In other words, one could go from, for instance, source circle 5 to 7 to 9 then (4) Or 5, 12 or (4) Or 5, 13 (4) Or 5, 2 (4)
Or 5, 8, 3 (4)
One could not do 5 to 4!
Figure 4: Unlawful circular travel. 5 to 4!
Figure 5: Unlawful circular travel. 5 to 4!
For the 4-circle, out of all of the circles, is a special circle, the circle of creation, and destruction, whose power and energy is too intense to enter at the source 5-circle.
In addition, if one entered circle 5 then 9, one could do any circle immediately next, but if one did the 9-circle that would lead back to the preceding circle, which in this case would be the source circle or 5. In other words, if one did 5, 8 then 8, one would return to the 5-circle. Alternatively, if one did 5, 9, 13, then 13, one would be at 9-circle.