The Ellipse: The Fall and Rise of the Human Soul, Secrets of the Cosmos. Zakariyya Ishaq. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Zakariyya Ishaq
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Философия
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780980999532
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animal) albeit more attuned to the lower Adamic energy nevertheless require a period of adjustment.

      It is essentially an inner conversation going on between the divine nature in union with the intelligent evolutionary attributes of God moving down to the transcendent human nature - higher Adam - to the angelic, to the jinn, lower Adam, and to the anima nature.

      Therefore, we have in the allegorical tale the EI expressing its desire that the other natures make obeisance to Adam. This is not a literal command for the other natures to make any kind of gross acknowledgment of the lower Adamic strain’s superiority, but is only an intention of the EI to make the lower Adam (feelings of well being) the focus of primary consciousness, or the axis of awareness of the essential emergence of the complete human being. The devils’ “rebellion” therefore has to do with the jinn nature competing with the lower Adamic nature for the attention of primary consciousness or feeling. This is borne out by the experience of all human beings in their inner struggle between the turbulent simulative nature of our jinn selves as opposed to our lower Adamic selves, primarily concerned with well-being, peace and safety.

       “He said: What hindered thee that thou didst not fall prostrate when I bade thee? (Iblis) said: I am better than him. Thou createdst me of fire while him Thou didst create of mud.”

       Quran 7: 12

      The allegory continues with Iblis not making obeisance to Adam. In the historical dimension, Iblis not making submission to Adam records the time when a faction of the great jinn civilizations of Lemuria and Atlantis had received understanding from the EI, that their high-energy-based civilizations were shielding “the sun’s heat” from the new emerging Adam. The lower Adam’s consciousness and heart had to be shielded from the high-powered energy of the universe; at least until our little Adam could be acclimated to his new reality. (Remember this is not a new being, but the emergence of the latent lower - Adamic - nature becoming manifest.) Thinking that one’s activity, however useful, is basically designed to be at the service of some other aspect of the cosmic order was unacceptable to the very proud and occult-adepts of this particular group of the ancient Atlantean and Lemurian Demiurgic hierarchy. Therefore, as recorded in The Quran, Genesis, and more particularly in The Book of Enoch, they rebelled against the cosmic intention of the EI.

      What must be understand today, as the legends of the power, glory and awesome agility of these ancient beings, and their civilization records, is that those who led the rebellion against the intention of the EI, the powerful adepts (Iblis in the Quran, Satan in the Torah, Azazil, in the book of Enoch) that were an integral part of the cultures of Atlantis and Lemuria were immensely powerful psychic beings. They had to be; for imagine the scientific, spiritual and occult knowledge one has to have to hold down the cosmic power of the solar heat! Consequently the rebellion against the EI, although foreseen and anticipated (and in-fact occultly encouraged by the EI, which I will cover more in depth later), was an immense event in cosmic history, a terrible traumatic drama, which human beings have groped from time immemorial to understand.

      These great events whose knowledge has come down to us in these allegories in the Bible, Quran and the other Hindu, and Sumerian mythological scriptures, are in fact allegories that indeed are describing the creation of man archetypically and alchemically.

      These stories should not be taken entirely literal. In fact, their relationship with literal history is an approximation at best. To understand this one must see that for instance, when the Quran talks about Iblis not obeying God’s command, it must be understood that these events took centuries or millennium to manifest in the world, and in the soul of humans. In particular, the result of his rebellion took centuries to manifest. Consequently, a simple verse in the allegorical chronicles of psycho-spiritual history can be talking about hundreds of years. That should always be kept in mind, so the mistakes of the past, by primarily literal-minded clerics, can be avoided.

      One of our greatest errors of thinking in religious theology, cosmology, and philosophy, is in not understanding that beyond the basic precepts that cover our actions towards each other, such as the Ten Commandments, scriptures are allegories that document - from the experience of advanced beings - how the inner and outer universe works. The stories and tales have primary value as allegories, and mythology. This has been forgotten by religionists, and misunderstood by elitist philosophers, who do not realize that the writers of scripture had to communicate on all levels, so the simplest believer all the way to the highest philosopher could understand things on their respective levels.

      This is not to say that allegorical or mythological history has no basis in true history, not at all, the point is to avoid literalism and linear thinking, so as to foster understanding and avoid dogmatism and coercive thinking. As in this interpretation, I wish to emphasize, on one level, the importance of the story as it relates to humans psychologically and alchemically, since I am claiming here that the natures of the human are all important, and should be looked at holistically, while understanding the deep nature of the unity of being, and the universe, with integration in mind rather than separation, which is the essential enemy of human understanding and growth.

      Therefore, Iblis on one level, that is the level of the psychic self, rebelling against God is one aspect of the nature of man that is the jinn nature, having a temporary conflict with the lower Adamic nature.

       “And when We said to the angels: Make obeisance to Adam, they did obeisance, not so Iblis, he refused and was haughty and he was of the: rejecters.”

       Quran 2: 34

      This haughtiness is only reflective of the powerful jinn nature as opposed to the lower Adamic nature, being made of clay, dust, or of a meek disposition.

       THE JINN

      This can be understood by all in reflecting on the universal conflicts in ordinary life that come into play in our experiences in life. Indeed, the lessons in the Sunday school primer, or the madrassa instruction about human temptation, reflect this simple, timeless conflict in human nature; this is not lofty metaphysics. On the other hand, the traditional clerical interpretation of this inner-psychic conflict has given us more fire than light on the subject. Certainly, the classical “devil” given to us by the clerics is not the complete story in trying to understand human psychology. For they often neglect to tell us about the other side of the “devil” besides the traditional devil of debauchery, that any kid understands. They neglect to tell us about the subtler devil of indoctrination, dogmatism, narrow thinking or the “creeping knave” of Blake, personified in fact by the cleric himself at times; in essence, the devil of the conditioned mind. So in other words, the ancient conflict played out in the macrocosm and microcosm over a long period of history, as the Bible and Quran denotes, has a little more complexity than the rudimentary concept of good and evil. And here the concept of the jinn is neglected by most researchers on spiritual and occult levels. Our jinn nature is that part of us not necessarily directly evil, yet extremely powerful. However, it is a part of us that even in mythology and psychology, has been neglected and misunderstood. We find ourselves, particularly in the West, steeped in a culture of what we can correctly identify as a heavily jinn culture. I am not talking about demonology or mysticism. The common understanding of jinn from Arabian folklore is a misconception, and distortion to say the least. The lore of the jinn as magical creatures with demonic powers, and not an archetypical aspect of our nature and inner psychology, has done a great disservice to understanding human nature, as well as distorting the meaning of the Prophet Muhammad’s teachings.

      The jinn nature is so important that the “Fathers in Heaven” based the whole matrix of their doctrine on it, and describe a monumental event in history so important as to apparently alter human nature itself, and we are relegating this awesome concept to a devil story! Indeed, the examination of our jinn nature along with a reexamination of our lower Adamic nature, and the conflict that our spiritual fathers are trying to get us to deal with, will lead to great insights into our selves that have been neglected.

      The jinn nature is the transcendent aspect of being that deals with the extension of reality.