The Ellipse: The Fall and Rise of the Human Soul, Secrets of the Cosmos. Zakariyya Ishaq. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Zakariyya Ishaq
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Философия
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780980999532
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a prehistory that is unknown to us, and what we know of it is only from the holy books that many of us accept at face value. This mystical and religious lore cuts across many traditions over the spectrum of all of our culture’s myths, and stories that indeed tell us something. Many people feel there must be a reality behind these ancient myths that seem to pervade our entire race, and the same or very similar myths exist in divergent peoples all over the globe. The story of the Garden of Eden or a paradise on earth is widespread, and seems to be an indigenous myth in many cultures’ religious lore. It is the opinion of this author that the tradition in our heritage that has come down in history, concerning the great agility, and awesome power of the Atlanteans and Lemurians, is an indication that a part of their race is probably the race of “devils” or jinn, that was partially responsible for the fall of man. The myths known to us about them, though, are accounts of this archetypical period of the race of superiors recorded in The Book of Enoch. Although they cannot be blamed exclusively for man’s fall, they did have a hand in it.

      The minute details of who is who in history ultimately does not matter, since this is pre-history. The important thing in this entire chronicle is the science of the cosmic law and events that occurred on an inward level; this book minutely details that inner, hidden history.

      The allegory of the Garden of Eden, and the fall of man, as recorded in the Torah and Quran, is about the inner psychic elements of humankind that got distorted through a horrible ancient experience that is based on a spiritual science of states and stations. The story conveys the events of how humans became trapped in a lineage, tree, or vine of one of these states.

      Because of the fall, the mystical and religious sciences -according to metaphysical lore - were revealed to humans as a guidance to return them to the nature they lost in the Garden of Eden. The Quranic theme of “That all will return to us” is the cosmic law that determines this reality and its inevitability.

      This book is not a linear history. It is a revealing of the spiritual cosmic laws that determine the quality of our existence. Certain psychic-spiritual elements went awry in the human soul because of the fall. This occurred due to inner cosmic laws, not any curse, or overt act of punishment by any sky-God. The elements that were corrupted are from the very essence of our inner soul. These elements are slowly returning to their original position in the soul structure of all human beings. Indeed, it is that simple in the end, as if one would go outside and skillfully sling a boomerang in the sky, and just as that boomerang in a certain time will return to the thrower, similarly these awry elements of our transcendent soul are on a trajectory of return to us.

      So our story begins with that great event in pre-history, that all of us deep down in our souls know all about, yet do not seem to remember. But as recorded in these pages, we indeed remember what happened, on a very deep level, and know what will happen in the end.

      The end of time.

      Atlantis and Lemuria: Primordial civilizations of supernatural beings known as jinn. They were immensely powerful, whose activity grounded the solar power of the universal energy grid of the world for the benefit of the greater lot of humanity. From this great race came a group whom were the “devils” that deceived the lower Adam in the Garden of Eden.

      Circle: Term used as a metaphor for the essence, tree, or state of consciousness that can be inter-dimensionally emanated in eternity. Within these states are incredible conditions of bliss. Additionally, the term is used as a part of the metaphorical dichotomy of the Ellipse-imperfect circle - hell, as the opposite of the Garden of Eden-perfect circle - paradise.

      Circular Traveling: Term that describes traveling inwardly into the essence states of paradise (Garden of Eden, perfect circle). This can also be referred to as eating fruit of the tree (scriptural metaphor) or traveling in the vine of an essence or circle.

      Dharma: Transcendent law of the universe.

      Ellipse: Means imperfect circle. This is the metaphor used to designate the fallen condition of the soul of man.

      Essence: Spiritual technical term for our proverbial circle and Garden of Eden. The essence is the face of the soul and one of the three transcendent aspects of it that essentially determine our state of consciousness.

      Evolutionary Intelligence (EI): Term for God in history, who knows the needs of the evolving human, and consequently through revelation guides man through varying epochs.

      Garden of Eden: The metaphor used by the scriptural authors for the perfect circle, or in spiritual technical terms the essence.

      Holistic Self: The seventh nature, and the term that designates the ultimate completed perfection of God in form, the highest holon.

      Holon: The existential reality of the entity, that is a whole in itself as well as an aspect of greater phenomena of similar entities, called a holarchy. There are sentient and non-sentient holons.

      Holy Spirit: Aspect of the soul that nourishes the essence, and where all attributes of the active God reside.

      Iblis: Term for the devil that connotes separation from the whole.

      Insanul-Kamil: Completed soul or person that is the highest condition a human can reach; the very intent of God.

      Jahanum: Arabic word from the Quran that means hell. This word is derived from the word for paradise, Jannah. Jahanum is essentially the spiritual technical term for the ellipse.

      Jannah: Quranic term for paradise. Jannah is a Garden, body of celestial lights, Garden of Eden - paradise. It is also a generic term for the essence.

      Perfect Circle: The metaphor for the opposite condition of the ellipse. The perfect circle is the condition of the soul of man when he was happy and enjoying paradise before the fall.

      Rau: The term for God, that means unlimited free infinite spirit, energy, life, being, and non-being. The Rau is the source of all and at the same time completely free form all form.

      Six natures: The six transcendent natures of reality, that exists in all sentient beings, on all levels.

      Soul: The ultimate energy consciousness machine of man, which is the source of his being.

      Tao: Unique entity of the soul that relates to the infinite Rau.

      Vines: The metaphor for climbing the tree or circle lineage of paradise consciousness.

       The Fall of Adam

       “He began the creation of man from dust. Then He made his progeny of an extract of water held in light esteem. Then He made him complete and breathed into him of His spirit and made for you ears and eyes and heart.”

       Quran 32: 7-9

       “And We said: O Adam! Dwell thou and thy wife in the Garden, and eat ye freely (of the fruits) thereof where ye will; but come not nigh this tree lest ye become wrongdoers.”

       Quran 2: 35

       “And the LORD God commanded the man, saying: Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat; but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it; for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt