In primordial times before the fall of Adam, in the great civilizations know as Lemuria and Atlantis, this classical period reflects the era when the great civilizations of the jinn were flourishing as recorded in The Book of Enoch, the Torah, and Quran. In these two books, though, the identity of the “devils” (in Islamic cosmology a group of jinn) is disguised. Also, the tale in these scriptures is an allegory, with no intention to identify the parties in the story.
In Islamic cosmology, the jinn are the aspect of sentient being that the “devil” is derived from. Certainly, the devil was no angel, but of the race of powerful beings called jinn who are somewhere between the level of ordinary man and the extraordinary beings known as angels.
The Bible and Quran record an allegory that describes a “first” man, Adam, and a woman, Eve, in a Garden of felicity called the Garden of Eden. God tells them “You may eat of any tree in the garden you wish, but approach not this tree.” The stories in each of the scriptures are slightly different: in the Bible, it says that the tree is the tree of good and evil. In the Quran, it is called the tree of immortality. The tree was not a physical tree nor was the garden a physical garden, for this is an allegory, a very high-level one that is referring to an aspect of the soul known as the Essence. The essence is the Garden of Eden; a spiritual structure that has to do with the invocation in human consciousness of spiritual states and stations of a lofty order, as well as states of indescribable bliss. This will be explained more in depth as we go along.
It is contended here that a small group of the people of Atlantis and Lemuria are the beings referred to in the scriptures that deceived Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. This identifies a group of this powerful psychic race as the “devils” in the Bible as well as the “jinn” in the Quran. The subject of this book is not a historical chronicle, however, and this argument is only presented for unity and clarity. This point is not vitally important in elucidating this spiritual cosmology, in which the vital aspect has nothing to do with linear history, so those whom wish to argue this point, hold your breath, and wait and hear out the rest of this story.
This early period is the key to understanding the fall of Adam and his creation. That is his creation as the fallen man from the perfect uncreated essence of the perfect man: the primordial Adam, or transcendent Adam, “Our Father in Heaven” as Jesus identified in the New Testament. There were two Adams: the transcendent “Father” and his son the lower Adam. This concept will be fully explained as we go along.
“He began the creation of man from dust. Then He made his progeny of an extract of water held in light esteem. Then He made him complete and breathed into him of His spirit and made for you ears and eyes and heart.”
Quran 32: 7-9
The historical legends about Atlantis and Lemuria, and the interpretations that go along with these two periods, are varied and many. From the occult oracles of the American mystic Edgar Cayce, to the mundane and historical expressions of Plato; or from the redoubtable legacy of Madame Blavatsky to the arcane ideas of the contemporary philosopher and New Age thinker Michael Tsarion, we have a wide variety of interpretations and explanations of the mythical lands of Atlantis and Lemuria. In fact, this period, well documented in the Quran, Bible, and The Book of Enoch on an allegorical level, is the period when the great jinn cultures were holding down the cosmological energy of the sun to the benefit of all humanity. Indeed, these high-powered energetic civilizations of immense psychic energy were processing not negative energy, but very high-powered energy from the solar sphere, strictly in accordance with the Evolutionary Intelligences (EI) (God’s) program to initiate a vicegerent on earth - that is, Adam (lower). That vicegerent would in fact be a balancing archetypal apparatus in the forming of the essential being known as man. This is relative to the interior being that is made up of six primary inner natures, plus the seventh nature, or nature of the holistic self, which embodies the six natures:
1. Divine
2. Adamic (Higher/Transcendent)
3. Angelic
4. Adamic (lower); the new creation
5. Jinn
6. Anima
(7) Holistic self
The creation or maturing of the lower adamic nature was coming to fruition while the great jinn cultures were in their heyday. As the Quran records the epochal drama, it tells us that the EI (Evolutionary Intelligence) expresses to the existing developed natures of the angelic, jinn, and transcendent Adam that it intended to develop further the Adamic-lower nature in the existing mix.
Quran 2: 30 “And when thy Lord said to the angels, I am going to place a ruler in the earth, they said: Wilt Thou place in it such as make mischief in it and shed blood? And we celebrate Thy praise and extol Thy holiness. He said: Surely I know what you know not.”
It expresses the intent and reminds the other natures that their duty is to continue in their responsibilities (that is, maintaining the balance of their respective light energy sources). Thus making way for the new Adam, who for a time would be the focus of the other nature’s attention, considering that this is in a sense a new, or emerging, immature nature that needs special attention. Translated from this allegorical reference to spiritual, solar, and alchemical levels, the saga reflects the emergence of the new Adam, as yet unknown to the other natures, but known to God as the Quran reflects: “Surely I know what you know not” concerning the other natures’ attitude about the new Adam.
History records that the jinn nature was not enamored to say the least of the new situation. Alchemically, it is in fact only a reflection in the holistic being, man, having a period of adjustment in the mixing of the developing natures, particularly the mixture of the emerging lower Adamic and the more mature ripe and fiery jinn strain. This is the classic conflict between the lower Adam -the earthly, claylike psychic substance - versus the fiery emotion- laden high-energy psychic substance of the jinn nature. The Quran addresses this problem in the volatile mixture of energies when it expresses the statement to the angelic and jinn strain to make obeisance to Adam:
Quran 2: 34: “And when we said to the angels, Be submissive to Adam, they submitted but Iblis (did not). He refused and was proud, and he was one of the disbelievers.”
Later it also says:
“He said: What hindered thee that thou didst not fall prostrate when I bade thee? (Iblis) said: I am better than him. Thou createdst me of fire while him Thou didst create of mud.”
Quran 7: 12
We know that in the great evolutionary design there is a problem with the jinn (FIRE) energy and lower Adamic (DUST) energy; we know that by the allegory of the scriptural traditional Biblical and Quranic tale of the “devil” (jinn) energy not submitting to the lower Adam or opposing him. Only in time as our enfolding history reflects will these seemingly opposing natures settle down and operate smoothly as the Evolutionary Intelligence (God) intended.
The six natures of being are the emerging evolutionary mixture of the micro-macrocosm of the God being, which includes the jinn strain (that has been incorrectly referred to by some clerics as demonic nature) as well as the other natures. The jinn strain is as important to the holistic being as any of the other natures. The primordial problem of the “devil” or jinn verses man is only in reality an alchemical problem that in time will go away as the settling of the volatile mixture of jinn and lower man settles down as we develop. In other words, in time the holistic human, that is all of us, will become balanced, as the six natures become used to each other. Additionally, as in the current aspect of the holistic being we are viewing that being - the lower Adam - versus our jinn nature.