The Ellipse: The Fall and Rise of the Human Soul, Secrets of the Cosmos. Zakariyya Ishaq. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Zakariyya Ishaq
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Философия
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780980999532
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we look at the jinn as some distant demonological or magical outer aspect of the universe, separate from ourselves, and not merely as a potential volatile part of our being, then we lose much in knowing ourselves. Much of the world today is the result of the activation or playing out of our jinn selves, particularly in relationship with our Adamic selves. These manifestations are not all new to us, just highly evolved compared to the past. The jinn self is responsible for many of the great scientific discoveries of the past few centuries. For it is our jinn nature, in the same way that the early Atlanteans and Lemurians had activated it, that is responsible for the huge sports industry, entertainment industry, medical industry, cosmetic industry, political industry, academic industry, educational industry - indeed the whole modern world in its huge mega, spiritual, religious, new-age manifestation. All of this is an explosion of our jinn nature, to a great degree. That in itself does not necessarily have to be viewed as negative to the welfare of the race, but of course, we know it could become a problem if we do not balance our jinn nature with consideration of our other natures. Balance and understanding is the key.

      It is the jinn nature in us that strives for the unique feeling of the discovery of a scientific principle, or the exaltation of academic or sporting success, or the recognition of success by collogues in any field of endeavor. Certainly these examples can be countered by the observation that these simple, positive, ego-satisfying experiences can be carried to extreme levels, like megalomania and exaggerated egotism, as in the story in the garden when Iblis (feelings of superiority, excess egotism) of the jinn decided to undercut Adam because of these feelings. We all in life face similar situations when our jinn selves, which can be expressed as simple, minor, positive ego-satisfying experiences, as mentioned above, when allowed to run rampant and become too ego-centered … well we all know what could happen: from the schoolyard bully to the scientist who distorts a medical experiment for fame, to the ego-maniacal dictator who oppresses his fellow man to maintain his out-of-control megalomania. Now the simple center of our lower Adamic selves, who primarily is concerned with safety and peace, and whose greatest enemy is fear and grief, is a counterbalance to the jinn nature going out of proportion. Indeed, when our jinn selves go too far with scientific experimentation (torturing animals, destroying the environment) over-stimulation with entertainment, excess of ego-centered activity, then the lower Adamic self can become frightened by the potential real or imagined havoc that the out-of-control jinn self can wreak on the lower Adam’s peace. And there lies the conflict in a nutshell - for the lower Adam’s center of operation, as well as safety and peace, being the primary center of our consciousness, overlaps with aspects of the jinn center. In other words, the lower Adamic self also has an aspect of it that craves psychic stimulation although it is not as high powered or as satisfying as the jinn stimulation centers. It is like the difference between looking out on a beautiful day and enjoying a lovely breeze while watching your child romp around in the grass - or hearing from a committee that you won a Nobel Peace Prize for chemistry.

      These realities of our evolutionary nature are precisely reflected in the allegories in the famous Book of Enoch. This text chronicles the mixing of the jinn nature with human or lower Adamic nature. In The Book of Enoch there is a descriptive narrative about the punishment of the Samyaza and Azazyel inspired supermen, or as they are called, the watchers, because of their having sex with the lower Adamic females, thereby mixing the jinn nature with the lower Adamic nature.

      As the Egyptian sage Hermes (or Idries to the Arabs) said ages ago, which stands as a standard of metaphysical doctrine: “What is above is as what is below.” Or, in one sense, the outward reflects the inward. On the stage of the outward macrocosmic history, the story of the primordial Atlanteans and Lemurians, as well as the allegorical scriptural description of these events, there also is a simultaneous movement of the inner human. That would be the alchemical aspect of being in which the outward is but a manifestation of the inward. So we are seeing a journey of our own creation in understanding these allegories as they relate to our inner psychology.

      On a more refined level of being, a level hidden from practically all history, movements in the inner soul - essence - of the human, which heretofore has never been spoken about, written about, by anyone anywhere on any level, is the most subtle aspect of our being. This reflects the reality of the fall of man, and does so on a level so subtle as not to be perceived by anyone until today, which we can describe as the creation of the ellipse.

       The Perfect Circle and the Ellipse

      Perfect Circle

       Figure 1

      The human divine soul is a circle; it is a perfect circle. This term perfect circle only becomes necessary after we realize that in cosmic evolution, the perfect circle, or just circle, because of the fall of man, has become an ellipse - an imperfect circle. These are fitting metaphors for the soul - the quintessence of the human being. In recording this up-until-now unrecorded history of the human soul, we hope to fill in the blanks that heretofore recorded psycho-spiritual history has left empty.

      In the story of the garden of paradise or the garden of felicity -with Adam and Eve - as Western Semitic religious lore, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, has recorded, we have the basic allegory of not creation per se, but the fall and corruption of the human soul. I will refer to that corruption by use of the metaphor, ellipse, which etymologically means an imperfect circle: ellipse being a play on its opposite—perfect circle—the universal symbol of perfection..

      The perfect circle is the Garden of Eden; it is where the history of all humans begins. It is a saga that we all are a part of, for it excludes none, and includes all of us. It is the story of the cosmic Evolutionary Intelligence (God) commanding itself (essence, spirit), to manifest itself to its uncreated self (the perfect man -HIGHER ADAM); then to its created self (fallen man - LOWER ADAM). This ladder of action is created in order that the EI can know an aspect of itself; or for the created self (fallen man -ellipse) to know creation and destruction. For he is the point of creation and destruction at the same time.

      The perfect circle is a part our soul (inner makeup), the universal soul is God’s essence. We are the microcosm. God, or all-being and non-being, is the macrocosm. In reality, there is nothing but God, but God is so huge we cannot measure or quantify him, that is why it is a sin of idolatry to designate any one thing as divine in exclusion to anything else. It is said that the sin which will not be forgiven, is idolatry, and the sin of idolatry is not saying this or that is God, but in excluding any other thing from being God, that is idolatry.

      We are holograms or copies of God - that is, all of us, excluding NONE. Our being or consciousness is our soul, which is eternal and universal. The soul is the machine that drives our consciousness.

      A part of that soul - in spiritual technical jargon - is called the essence. This essence is metaphorically called the Garden of Eden in the psychic-spiritual scriptures. A replica of this garden is the solar system, in which our sun is the center of a tree (lineage consciousness / extended circle) of a huge inter-dimensional being, whose lineage circle is the solar system.

      In the metaphysical aphorism, relating to the soul: four worlds, seven levels, and infinite dimensions. This last part (infinite dimensions), is the part of the soul known as the essence. The essence IS THE GARDEN OF EDEN; it is the perfect circle that has evolved to an ellipse - the imperfect circle.

      Therefore, it should be known that the story of the Garden of Eden is an allegory of the fall or corruption of that part of the soul known as the essence. This is apart from the other two aspects of the inner soul, the Holy Spirit, and the Tao. This we will cover in-depth later in the narrative.