8 to Your Ideal Weight. MK Mueller. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: MK Mueller
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Кулинария
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781633534827
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allow your feelings to flow through you as you write. To feel is to heal.

      When you’re finished with the letter, you can share it with your partner, coach or small group, and then burn it, or burn it immediately. Either way, letting go will help you start this journey with a clear resolve and a heart that’s free.

      Here is an example of the power of release from an Ideal who eventually released 50+ pounds and reclaimed her freedom:

      Dear Extra Weight,

      You have been surrounding me and covering me with your soft, jello-like form. On sad days and lonely nights you were all I had, and at the time it seemed like you were my only solace. As I lived with your comforting ways you grew and grew and GREW. Your growth alarmed me and I chose to handle it by not looking in the mirror, telling myself at my age it didn’t matter because I had no one in my life to impress anyway. I tried to shrink you and make you go away, but you hung on for dear life and continued to grow. I saw that I had made a huge mistake inviting you in.

      You kept me from going out. I was embarrassed to see old friends, knowing they would wonder why I let you join me. I was embarrassed to meet new friends knowing they would not be able to see the true me as you surrounded me so completely that my true identity was hidden. You made me cry…a lot.

      Then by a (blessed) chance I met a stranger who told me of a plan that just might send you out the door. That’s why I’m giving you a swift kick! Out of my life Extra Weight! I’m releasing you! This is a one-way ticket, no returns! In the next 8 weeks I am going to see your sorry behind disappear for good! I will see you melt away like Frosty the Snowman did on that sunny day. Good riddance and O Happy Day!

      - Hanni H.

      Now it’s time to let your heart speak its truth.

      The Butterfly Meditation

      Once you have completed and burned your letter, honor the sacred moment of transformation with a deep breath, and if it feels good, spend a few minutes in a cleansing meditation such as this one:

      Close your eyes and see yourself stepping into a cocoon that closes around you. Take 8 slow, deep breaths. With each breath, say “I love and accept myself unconditionally.” Slowly feel yourself transforming inside the cocoon and experiencing the miracle of metamorphosis into a beautiful butterfly.

      Then imagine yourself breaking out of your cocoon, spreading your wings … and soaring!

      Mirroring Your Power -

      The Mirror Mantra

      “My husband just posted this under our photo in our church directory, ‘Dale loves Debbie.’ I know our renewed romance after all these years is because I finally love me.”

      - Debbie G.

      Next it’s time to start your daily Mirror Mantra.

      In the past, our relationship with mirrors has not always been affirming, and often we avoided them because of the pain they awakened in us. It’s time for that to change.

      From now on, each morning when you first get up, look yourself in the mirror and take a deep breath. Then, while looking into your eyes, say the words below aloud. When you reach the third phrase, fill it in with a word that feels good to you that day, such as“enough,”“amazing,”“powerful,”“worthy,”“courageous,”“committed,”“strong,”“transforming,”“resilient,”“awesome,”“my hero,”“phenomenal,” or“beautiful.”

      As you speak this daily mantra, feel the shift of beliefs within you as the days go by. Feel the power of your words as they change your thoughts, your feelings, and your actions.

      What you think

      Determines what you feel

       Which determines what you do

       Which determines who you are

      Speaking Your Power:

      Freedom Phrases

      As we experience with the Mirror Mantra, our words are powerful. Here are some re-phrases that will refresh our spirits and renew our hope. As you replace the old phrasing with the new, you will reboot how you think and how you feel.

      Replace “I lost weight.”

      (You don’t want to find it again!)

      with “I am releasing my extra weight.”

      Replace naming sugary food items such as,

      “I was tempted by the birthday cake.”

      (When we picture it, we often want it.)

      with the word “sweets.”

      Replace “I can’t seem to….”

      (Your brain believes you!)

      with “I haven’t yet….”

      Replace “I need to…”

      (You are all that you need already.)

      with “I am going to…”

      ”Replace “Fat…”

      (We’re releasing this painful word from our vocabulary.)

      with “extra weight.”

      Replace “I’m on a diet”

      (Diets are temporary.)

      with “I love my Get Real Program for life…”

      Replace “I’ll try…”

      (The mind hears the word as struggle.)

      with “I will…” or “I’ll do my best.”

      Replace “He/She makes me so…”

      (No one can make us happy or sad.)

      with “I feel a little ___ when she/he/you…”

      Replace “I should”

      (Don’t should on yourself or other people.)

      with “I could…” or “I’m going to…”

      Replace “This is hard.”

      (It’s as hard as we believe it is.)

      with “This is new.”

      Soon you’ll be saying “This is easy.”