8 to Your Ideal Weight. MK Mueller. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: MK Mueller
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Кулинария
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781633534827
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target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="#fb3_img_img_6a3c88fe-399a-5798-a1f8-a30ba66411b5.jpg" alt=""/> Yes No

      8. Am I unable to have sweets or desserts in the house without dipping into them?

       Yes No

      9. Do I have trouble stopping after one bite of sweets or chips?

       Yes No

      10. Do I find myself eating certain foods even when I’m not hungry because of cravings?

       Yes No

      If you checked “Yes” more than once, don’t be discouraged. Freedom from sugar addiction awaits you through this powerful process.

      Note: When participants start our 8-week program, their average score is 9 out of 10 Yeses. After they complete 8 weeks or more, their average score is 1 out of 10.

      The Top 10 Reasons Sugar Isn’t Sweet

      1. It is addictive - 8 times more than cocaine - making us want more and more and more.

      2. It causes inflammation and joint pain.

      3. It turns to belly fat, the most dangerous fat storage for our health.

      4. It is the leading cause of obesity in America, which is one of the fastest growing causes of death in the U.S.

      5. It is the leading cause of diabetes, the prevalence of which has doubled in the past two decades. Diabetes left untreated can cause kidney disease, blindness, heart disease, neuropathy, stroke or even death.

      6. It creates “brain fog,” which prevents clarity and mental awareness.

      7. It rots our teeth.

      8. It causes fatigue from blood sugar spikes and drops that make us tired just an hour after a full meal.

      9. It overrides Leptin, a hormone that acts as an “I’m full” indicator switch, leading to overeating due to never feeling full.

      10. It promotes wrinkling and aging skin.

      These are just the top 10. There are dozens more, including a 40 percent increase in despair and depression impacting millions like you and I every day.

      As Lynn wrote in a fun Facebook post, sugar is anything but sweet.

      “I realized I was ready to shed the full length ‘cover-up’ I was wearing to the beach. Thanks to 8 to Your IdealWeight, my belly fat is now out of my ‘Protection Collection.’ That outfit was so last year!”

      - Lynn M.

       PRONG II: Real Self-Love

      The Lies We Believe

      In the past, we have believed the lies that we were “less than” or “not enough.” These lies poisoned us, and led to our running to food for comfort.

      The good news is that lies are just lies. They have no power over us, and when brought to the light of awareness, they cannot survive.

      It’s time for you to take back your power by seeing yourself for who you truly are, a bright light who is worthy of the greatest respect and love, able to do and be anything as you follow your heart.

      Take a moment to review the following limiting beliefs to see where you may have given your power away in the past. Put a check next to the beliefs that feel familiar to you:

I can’t lose weight.
I’m not worth it.
I don’t deserve it.
My metabolism is slow.
Healthy food doesn’t taste good.
Healthy food doesn’t fill me up or satisfy me.
I always gain the weight back.
I can’t do food programs because I don’t like to/ have time to cook.
Thin people are all stuck up anyway.
I hate exercise.
If I release weight, I’ll just sabotage myself.
If I lose weight I’ll be vulnerable.
I can’t afford to buy new clothes.
Sweets are an important part of our family traditions.
If I lost weight my spouse would want sex all the time.
Programs like this take too much time.
I don’t like eating breakfast.
It is too much effort to cook separate meals for my family and me.
Eating healthy is too expensive.
I won’t be able to enjoy going out with my friends on the program.
My work schedule is too crazy right now.

      Now write out a response to counter each of the above statements you selected. Write down the truth you know about each limiting lie. For example:

      LIE: Programs like this take too much time.

      A Possible Counter: If I added up how much time I spend looking online for the next diet, complaining about my weight, shopping for clothes that look decent on me at this weight, going to the doctor, getting my pain meds filled, taking naps because I’m exhausted, etc., it would be obvious that it takes more time to stay at this weight than being healthy ever would.

      The truth doesn’t cost you anything, but a lie could cost you everything.
