8 to Your Ideal Weight. MK Mueller. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: MK Mueller
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Кулинария
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781633534827
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      “But these are so sweet. Are you sure?”

      “I rinsed them before adding them, MK. I’m sure!”

      Then we both laughed, realizing that I was finally cleared of high sugar foods and artificial sweeteners and could enjoy real food for the first time in decades!

      I’ve heard this experience described by hundreds of Ideals. Within a week or two most do not miss high sugar food at all. Can you imagine the freedom you will feel when you get there?


      Aspartame (Equal or NutraSweet), Sucralose (Splenda), Saccharin (Sweet’n Low), Neotame. These mock sugars are 40-400 times sweeter than sugar. Hijacking your taste buds with any artificial sweeteners is delaying your ability to taste the natural sweetness of foods. Once you fully release artificial additives then fruits, vegetables and sweet potatoes will taste like desserts and added sugar foods will soon taste “sickeningly” sweet.

      Note: We also eliminate plant-derived sugar substitutes on S.A.A.B. such as xylitol, stevia and agave, as they overstimulate our tastebuds and therefore raise our cravings for highly sweetened foods.

      The Good News: If you’re like many of us, getting off diet soda and the mindset that “it doesn’t hurt me because it’s low calorie” is one of the hardest shifts to make. Be patient with yourself as you would with a potty-training child. You may choose to cut down slowly or cease sodas all at once.

      One tip: When I’m on the road and driving through a fast food pick up lane to get scrambled eggs and bacon (which I can get all day every day almost anywhere in the US), I always request a free cup of water. I love the fact that it comes iced with a straw. It “feels” a lot like my soda used to and is easy to drink while I’m driving.

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