Mary Beth Helgens and I have known each other since high school. I had followed her career as a health and wellness coach with great admiration. She is someone I look up to for her loving heart, her strong faith, and her incredible courage.
The day she contacted me about going through the program, I was amazed and delighted. I knew how busy and full her life was already, and the fact that she wanted to make time to participate meant a lot. Today, she is one of the program’s brightest coaching stars. She made time to be her best self.
“Once I followed these 8 simple steps and stopped craving sweets, I have enjoyed more successes on and off the scale. I couldn’t wait to tell my daughter! Since then she also became an Ideal, achieved her IdealWeight, and became an IdealWeight Coach! Transformed by this process, we are empowering others to do the same.”
- Mary Beth Helgens,
Certified Health and Wellness Coach and IdealWeight Coach
We have had Moms of four young children who had full time jobs successfully complete this program. If they could do it, so can you.
When your Why is big enough, you will find your How.
Your Personal Agreement
It’s time to be really clear on what it is you want and why. Take a few minutes to complete this Personal Agreement.
On a separate sheet of paper or in your journal, write out the answers to the blanks below. The answers will help you get started and stay motivated.
1) I resolve to commit to this 8-week 8 to Your IdealWeight Course so that…
2)My extra weight has been challenging in many ways, including…
3) These challenges have resulted in more problems and issues such as…
4) I am ready and willing to be coached because I have found that the old ways have not worked. This has resulted in feeling…
5) Without help, a year from now I will still…
6) I am ready to reach and maintain my IdealWeight with this program, which will result in my feeling…
7) This will benefit me in so many areas of my life, including…
8) To summarize my Why for choosing this new lifestyle in just a few words, it would be…
9) To do this I am willing to…
10) I deserve and welcome abundant happiness and health because…
I am making this 8-week commitment to myself to Get Real, Get Healthy and Get Empowered in order to live my best life, to release my sugar addiction and guilt about food forever, and to learn to truly love my body and myself.
This is the first day of the best of my life.
___________ | ___________ |
Congratulations! Keep a copy of this commitment form in sight for the next 8 weeks. Read it regularly until it’s a part of who you are.
The Power of Release - The Goodbye Letter
Ideals, our spirits have been hungry. We have been hungry for acceptance, for love, for respect, for happiness, for forgiveness, and for a sense of worthiness and honor. We have looked for these things in our jobs, our spouses, our children, our parents, our bank accounts and our mirrors, but we still found ourselves starving…for what they could not give us.
We are lovable and we are loved. That is the truth that can nourish and refresh us whenever we remember it. With this knowing, we can courageously confront the lie of not enough - that thief that has stolen our joy and kept us from living our best and sweetest lives.
We haven’t just been duped about sugar over the years, but also about our innate worth. If someone told you that you were a genius, would you believe them? Most of us would say, “No.” Yet how many of us believe the opposite when someone labels us that way?
The fact is that you are a genius. One of the definitions of genius is “a natural ability.” Admit it. You have special gifts that no one else on earth has. Your unique life journey, intuition and connection to your Higher Power have given you insights, wisdom and power that you have never fully acknowledged.
Like Simba in The Lion King and Elsa in Frozen, we have been running away from acknowledging our wisdom and our courage, yet these very gifts have been with us all along.
It’s time to use that courage to come home to ourselves - to acknowledge that we have allowed our body and spirits to be abused by sugar, and that sugar has isolated us and made us feel unlovable. Today the abuse ends as we say goodbye to our extra weight and our old habits.
Sugar Was My Abusive Partner
Chelsea, a wife, Mom, speech therapist and 8 to Your IdealWeight Coach saw abuse as a pattern in her life. One she’d never seen in herself…
As I went through the 8 to Your IdealWeight program, I realized how much sugar reminded me of an abusive partner.
Growing up I had a friend who always seemed to pick the worst guys. They were losers who would treat her awful 90 percent of the time; and the other 10 percent when they were half-way decent, it was just to get what they wanted.
Once the abuse started, mentally and physically, I would beg her to stop seeing them. Unfortunately, all I could do was be there for her when she would need comfort after a rough patch. I would tell her over and over how she didn’t deserve this, but she always went back because somehow the addictive actions and words of those men were able to get into her head more than I was. It wasn’t easy to watch, but I always hoped one day she would get angry enough to stop the cycle.
I can see now that sugar has been an abusive boyfriend to my mind and body. The headaches, body aches, and extra weight were evidence of a sick love affair with sugar - much like bruises from a violent relationship. It treated me badly, and I kept going back because, for a minuscule amount of time, it felt good. The other 95 percent of the time I allowed it to do horrible things. My mind and body have cried out with signals like pain or illness begging me to protect them.
Nowadays I am befriending myself and loving my body. I am learning I deserve so much better and will be so much better off without sugar addicting my body and tainting my amazing mind. I am kicking out my abusive partner.
I have finally broken the cycle of sugar’s abuse. The journey this program has taken me on is one for which I am, and will be, eternally grateful.
- Chelsea Phipps,
8 to Your IdealWeight Coach
Facing Ourselves
Your life is about to change. If you have a smartphone or camera, take a “before” selfie of your full body with your clothes on. (In the mirror may work the best.) It will feel good to look back at your “before” pictures down the road. If you feel uncomfortable keeping it, you can always delete it or throw it away.
A Goodbye Letter to Your
Extra Weight
There is nothing as powerful as our own words, and it’s time to put yours on paper in the form of a goodbye letter.
If you don’t have a journal, get some writing paper and a pen. Find a quiet place to sit with a writing surface where you won’t be disturbed. If you can, prepare yourself for this writing time by listening to an inspirational song like, “Brave” by Sara Bareilles, “Fight Song” by Rachel Platten, or the gently powerful “Try” by Colbie Caillat.
First decide what or who you will write to. You may write it to your extra weight, acknowledging the purpose it served, and saying a respectful farewell, or you may write it to a particular