8 to Your Ideal Weight. MK Mueller. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: MK Mueller
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Кулинария
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781633534827
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and can’t work, how fat doesn’t make us fat, sugar does, and how you can, like I did, release the hold that added sugars have had on your health once and forever without cravings, hunger, or feeling deprived.

      Meanwhile, you’ll discover how delicious Real food (the unprocessed kind) can taste! I succeeded with this program because it didn’t require cooking skills, raw salads or smoothies. Instead, it offered a banquet of delicious, inexpensive and easy-to-prepare options.

      I promise that once you stop hijacking your taste buds with highly addictive sugary foods, Real food will taste so good and sweet that you won’t crave anything else. That may be hard to believe, but it’s true.

      II. Real Self-Love

      After being released from the brain fog, fatigue, joint pain and despair of sugar addiction, we’ll start on an 8 High-Ways journey - learning to love ourselves and follow our dreams that have been locked away.

      When I first revealed the 8 High-Ways Process in my book 8 to Great: The Powerful Process for Positive Change, it won numerous awards and was hailed by best-selling authors like Mike Dooley as “powerful from cover to cover, revealing the greatest secrets that have ever been shared.”

      This personal empowerment process is designed to help you…

       reconnect with the dreams you thought you had lost

       honor your feelings instead of numbing them with food

       make decisions that are the right ones for you every time

       learn to communicate in more authentic and assertive ways

       discover a powerful positive attitude formula to savor every day to the fullest

      More than just the ingredients of a happy life, you will also be given the recipe.

      III. Real Connection

      One of the strongest prongs of our program is our very active and engaged online community. You have the option to join us. If you do, you’ll select your very own IdealWeight Coach, be supported by and get to know your support group of 10 other individuals on the program, and select or be assigned one Ideal from your small group to partner with. To find a coach or join a small group, go to www.8toyouridealweight.com.

      If you don’t choose to journey with a coach or small group, it is essential that you find your own partner to Get Real with for this journey.

      Either way, you’ll be sharing four things with your partner each week for 8 weeks:

       Texting or emailing a checkin on eating breakfast, staying on the food program, etc.

       Texting or emailing 3 new daily Gratitudes, with no repeats

       Texting or emailing a weekly photo of your feet on the scale for your weight check-in

       Sharing a weekly phone call to discuss your Reflection Questions from each chapter

      Each section of this book will offer Reflection Questions for journaling to share with your partner. Answering these questions will be as important to your success as releasing added-sugar foods. Through the questions, you’ll have the opportunity to Get Real with each other about food, about how you’re really feeling, what you’re really thinking, and who you’re really dreaming of becoming.

      “After releasing 40 pounds, I have seen firsthand how reaching out and sharing with my partner and my group has affected my release and my attitude. I couldn’t have done it without their support.”

      - Linette M.

      This 3-pronged program began as an engaged and enthusiastic small group of 10. Today there are thousands of participants being coached by 8 to Your IdealWeight Certified Coaches around the world. Individuals come looking not only to release their weight, but to restore their power, as Cathy did.

      Cathy’s Story

      Cathy decided to commit to the process after a conversation over lunch. It was a beautiful fall day, and I had just given a seminar at her workplace. As we sat down to eat, she commented on my food choices, noticing I wasn’t eating the bread on the sandwich. “If I follow your program, will I eat like that?” she asked with a bit of a grimace.

      “Yes,” I replied. “And you will not only fall in love with food instead of being afraid of it, you will almost never feel hungry.”

      She rolled her eyes and laughed. She couldn’t yet imagine what she’d be writing me just six months later…

      “I feel so blessed to have been on this journey with 8 to Your IdealWeight. I have learned so much about myself through this life-changing process. This week I was able to buy birthday treats for my daughter without feeling the need to partake! I love the feeling of having power over food instead of food having power over me. I like to tell people my weight release of 40+ pounds to reach my IdealWeight is a very happy side effect of learning to love myself. Many thanks to MK, my partner and our small group. Today I’m truly living my IdealLife!”

      As Cathy demonstrates, our journey together will not only end your cravings for sugary sweets, it will also build a clear path back to self-love. As we release the shame, guilt, regrets, blame, worry, fear and limits that we have worn as a wall of protection around our bodies, our freedom and power will return. With them will come a strong inner confidence - and the assurance that nothing can ever take our power away again.

       PRONG I: Real Food

      Releasing Our

      Sugar Addiction

      Let’s start by asking the question:

      Am I Addicted to Sugar?

      Answer “Yes” or “No” to each item below.

      1. Do I feel compelled to drink diet or regular-sugared soft drinks throughout the week, often going out of my way to get them?

       Yes No

      2. Do I find myself thinking about sweets and desserts, or even anxious if they’re not served?

       Yes No

      3. Do I regularly wake up groggy or hit a mid-afternoon energy slump?

       Yes No

      4. Am I unable to resist bread or salsa chips on the table at a restaurant?

       Yes No

      5. Do I find myself feeling guilty after eating certain foods, and/or sometimes eating even more out of guilt?

       Yes No

      6. Do pictures or even talking about sweets trigger my cravings?

       Yes No

      7. Do I find myself reaching for every