8 to Your Ideal Weight. MK Mueller. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: MK Mueller
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Кулинария
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781633534827
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dairy and caffeine so I could have butter and cheese and drink my morning cup of coffee with cream. What did I have to lose but my belly fat, fatigue and mood swings?

      Within 8 weeks on this incredibly simple program, I released 20 pounds while enjoying the most delicious food I’d ever tasted. Eating real food was not only easier than I believed, but all of a sudden it tasted like a banquet.

      The Email that Birthed

      this Book

      What happened next was much more than a coincidence. I got an email from one of my readers. Jim had heard me speak years before and wrote to thank me. In his email he shared how, when he was on the brink of absolute despair, the 8 steps of my 8 to Great book had helped him find the courage to get healthy, release 150 pounds, and turn his life around. He got me thinking.

      I knew that releasing sugar addiction was the only sustainable way to release weight without cravings, and that most people believed it was impossibly difficult. I also knew that my 8-step process would supply the motivation to stay the course as new habits were developed. I decided to test a blend of my simple 4-step sugar awareness program with my equally simple 8 to Great process.

      Today I not only have hundreds of success stories, but scores of Certified Coaches of this process around the world who are helping women and men achieve the same amazing and sustainable results.

      And now it is with great gratitude and joy that I am sharing this powerful process with you.

      Here we grow!


      The First Step in Your Journey to Your IdealWeight

      You are reading this now because you are considering a powerful change. With this program, change will come your way immediately, not just in how you relate to food, but how you relate to feelings, to family, and to your reflection in the mirror.

      This process won’t just change how you eat. It will change how you feel about yourself.

      So if change is what you’re looking for, you’ve made a great choice.

      This program is based not only on the newest information on the epidemic of addiction to added sugars, but also on my 30 years of learning, living and coaching a proven process for aligning our hearts and minds.

      I call that process “The 8 High-Ways” because it will get you on the road to success faster and get you where you want to go. Picture an iceberg.

      Now imagine that the peaks above the surface are your “problems.” One might be money, or relationships, or a job you don’t like, but the big one is weight. “If only I could lose this weight,” you keep thinking, “then I could be happy.”

      So you go on diet after diet, chipping away at that one peak. Maybe even making some progress, but it never helps. Why? Because all the ice underneath the surface keeps attracting and freezing more ice on top.

      Here’s the good news:

      1. This program will take a huge sledge hammer to what’s below the surface, helping you release regrets, self-doubt, worry, and all other thought forms that lead to unhappiness, addictive eating patterns, and an ‘ice-olated’ life.

      2. Once the underlying issues are released, not only will the extra weight fall away for good, but so many other issues in your life will start to clear up, from indecision … to debt … to clutter, and more.

      “We come into this 8 to Your IdealWeight program thinking that releasing the weight will solve our problems, then discover that solving our problems releases the weight.”

       - Lorri C.

      What this healing requires is your focus and coachability for 8 full weeks.

      The Challenge - Finding Your Balance

      I believe I know something about you. If you’re like most people reading this, you take better care of others than you do yourself. It’s time to balance the scales. So as your Coach, here is my first challenge:

      Put yourself first. For 8 weeks make taking care of You the prime focus. What’s the worst thing that could happen if you rebalanced your priorities for that short amount of time? Whatever it is, it pales in comparison to your potential for creating an amazing life six months or a year from now.

      You are worth this time. If you weren’t, you wouldn’t have come off the Heavenly production line. You deserve happiness by being here, and it’s time to claim it.

      Meanwhile, in return, I promise that I will keep this process simple, because if a concept isn’t simple, it is impossible to remember and therefore impossible to use. Therefore, you won’t be asked to count points, calories, carbs or steps. I am regularly thanked for creating “the simplest food program ever!” and believe that simplicity is the key to its success.

      Through 8 to Your IdealWeight, you’ll be joining a community of women and men who, after completing the program, are some of the happiest and healthiest people I know..

      On this program you will learn:

       Why diets don’t work.

       That the 1980s “low fat” movement resulted in the industrial food industry tripling and quadrupling the amount of added sugars in food.

       That sugar is 8 times more addictive than cocaine and added sugars are used in many foods we think of as healthy options.

       That the dramatic increase in obesity and diabetes is due to the sugars added by the food industry, not from eating fats or lack of exercise.

       The influence the food industry wielded in the absence of reporting requirements for added sugars on food labels.

      “Food is being intentionally manipulated by the top 12 food industries. Their foods are designed to create cravings and addiction. Sugar addiction is the root cause of why people are overweight and sick today.”

      - Dr. Mark Hyman,

      author of “The Blood Sugar Solution”

      Imagine feeling free of cravings after just one week of lowering your added sugars to healthy levels (18 g. or less per day). These are some typical results our participants have shared after following the program.

       Cravings for sweets disappeared

       Inflammation and joint pain were dramatically reduced

       Energy to spare for the first time in years

       Fewer headaches, backaches, colds and flu viruses

       Discovered new healthier ways to be comforted without food

       Noticed clearer thinking and sharper memory function

       Real food tasted good again. Really good.

       Belly fat and scale numbers decreased weekly with

       no hunger

      Because this program will help you live your IdealLife, I’ll be referring to you from now on as “Ideal.”

      Our 8 to Your IdealWeight tagline is: Get Real. Get Healthy. Get Empowered. As I’ve mentioned, it’s about healing so much more than our food issues. We will Get Real - not just with food, but also with ourselves and each other. There are 3 prongs to this process, and all are equally important.

      The 3 Prongs of the 8 to Your IdealWeight Program:

      I. A Program for Weight Release Focused on Real Food

      II. A Personal Empowerment Process for Real Self-Love

      III. A Partner for Real Connection
