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Автор: Li Dong
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Книги о Путешествиях
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781462910908
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法治 N rule of law

      fǎzhì 法制 N legal system, rule by law

      fǎzi 法子 N way of doing things, method

      fān 翻 V 1 turn, turn over 2 translate, interpret

      fānyì 翻译 I V translate, interpret II N translator, interpreter

      fān 帆 N sail

      fānchuán 帆船 N sailboat

      fān 番 ADJ foreign, outlandish

      fānqié 番茄 N tomato

      fán 凡 ADV every

      fánshì 凡是 ADV every, all

      fán 烦 TRAD 煩 ADJ annoyed

      fánmèn 烦闷 ADJ worried and unhappy

      fánnǎo 烦恼 ADJ annoyed and angry, vexed

      fánrǎo 烦扰 V trouble, bother, vex

      fánzào 烦躁 ADJ annoyed and impatient, fidgety

      fán 繁 ADJ numerous, abundant, complicated

      fánduō 繁多 ADJ numerous, various

      fánhuá 繁华 ADJ flourishing, booming, bustling

      fánmáng 繁忙 ADJ busy, fully occupied

      fánróng 繁荣 ADJ prosperous, thriving

      fántǐzì 繁体字 N old-styled, unsimplified Chinese character, e.g. 門 for 门.

      fánzhí 繁殖 V reproduce, breed

      fánzhòng 繁重 ADJ strenuous, onerous

      fǎn 反 I ADJ reverse, opposite II V oppose

      fǎnbó 反驳 V argue against, refute, retort

      fǎncháng 反常 ADJ abnormal, unusual

      fǎndào 反倒 ADV Same as 反而 fǎn’ér

      fǎndòng 反动 ADJ reactionary

      fǎnduì 反对 V oppose, object to

      fǎn’ér 反而 ADV on the contrary (to expectations), instead

      fǎnfù 反复 ADV repeatedly, over and over again

      fǎngǎn 反感 ADJ feel disgusted, be averse to

      fǎngōng 反攻 I N counterattack, counteroffensive II V launch a counterattack

      fǎnkàng 反抗 V resist, fight back, rebel

      fǎnkuì 反馈 N feedback

      fǎnshè 反射 V reflect

      fǎnsī 反思 V think from a new angle, reflect on

      fǎnwèn 反问 V ask a question as a reply

      fǎnwènjù 反问句 N rhetorical question (e.g. 你难道不知道吗? Nǐ nándào bùzhīdào ma? Don’t you know?)

      fǎnyìng 反应 N response, reaction

      fǎnyìng 反映 V 1 reflect, mirror 2 report, make known, convey

      fǎnzhèng 反正 ADV anyway, at any rate

      fǎn 返 V return

      fàn 犯 V violate, offend

      fàn fǎ 犯法 V break the law

      fàn guī 犯规 V foul (in sports), break a rule

      fànrén 犯人 N convict

      fànzuì 犯罪 V commit a crime, be engaged in criminal activities

      fàn 范1 TRAD 範 N model (See 模 范 mófàn)

      fàn 范2 TRAD 範 N border, mould

      fànwéi 范围 N scope, range, limits

      fàn 饭 TRAD 飯 N 1 cooked rice 2 meal

      fàndiàn 饭店 N 1 restaurant 2 hotel

      fànwǎn 饭碗 N rice bowl, way of making a living, job

      fàn 贩 V buy to resell

      fànmài 贩卖 V buy and sell for a profit (usually in an illegal way)

      fàn 泛 I V 1 float 2 flood II ADJ general, extensive

      fànlàn 泛滥 V overflow, flood, go rampant

      fāng 方 ADJ square

      fāng’àn 方案 N plan, program (for a major project)

      fāngbiàn 方便 ADJ convenient, handy

      fāngchéng 方程 N equation

      fāngchéngshì 方程式 N Same as 方 程 fāngchéng

      fāngfǎ 方法 N method

      fāngmiàn 方面 N side, aspect

      fāngshì 方式 N manner, way

      fāngxiàng 方向 N direction, orientation

      fāngzhēn 方针 N guiding principle, policy

      fāng 坊 N side street, lane

      fāng 芳 ADJ fragrant

      fáng 肪 N fat (See 脂肪 zhīfáng)

      fáng 防 V prevent, guard against

      fánghù 防护 V protect, shelter

      fángshǒu 防守 V defend, guard

      fángxiàn 防线 N defense line

      fángxùn 防汛 N flood prevention

      fángyì 防疫 N epidemic prevention

      fángyù 防御 V defend (usually in wars)

      fángzhǐ 防止 V prevent, guard against

      fángzhì 防治 V prevent and treat (diseases)

      fáng 妨 V hinder, impede

      fáng’ài 妨碍 V hinder, hamper, disturb

      fáng 房 N 1 house 2 room

      fángchǎn 房产 N real estate, property

      fàngdài 房贷 N home loan, mortgage

      fángdōng 房东 N landlord, landlady

      fángjiān 房间 N room

      fángwū 房屋 N houses, buildings

      fángzi 房子 N house, housing

      fángzū 房租 N rent (for housing)

      fǎng 仿 V imitate

      fǎngfú 仿佛 V be like, be alike

      fǎng 纺 TRAD 紡 V spin (into thread/yarn)

      fǎngzhī 纺织 V spin and weave

      fǎng 访 TRAD 訪 V visit

      fǎngwèn 访问 V visit, interview

      fàng 放 V put, put in

      fàngdà 放大 V enlarge, magnify

      fàngjià 放假 V be on holiday, have the day off

      fàngqì 放弃 V abandon, give up

      fàngshè 放射 V radiate

      fàngsōng 放松 V relax, rest and relax

      fàngxīn 放心 V set one’s mind at ease, be at ease

      fàngxué 放学 V 1 (of schools) be over 2 (of pupils) return home after school

      fàngyìng 放映 V show (a movie)