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Автор: Li Dong
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Книги о Путешествиях
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781462910908
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懂事 ADJ be sensible

      dòng 动 TRAD 動 V move, act

      dònggōng 动工 V begin construction

      dòngjī 动机 N motive, intention

      dòngjing 动静 N signs of activity

      dònglì 动力 N 1 source of power, power 2 driving force (to do something), motivation

      dòngluàn 动乱 N (social) turmoil, upheaval

      dòngmài 动脉 N artery

      dòngnǎojīn 动脑筋 V use one’s brain, to think about

      dòngrén 动人 ADJ moving, touching

      dòngshēn 动身 V start (a journey), set off (on a journey)

      dòngshǒu 动手 V start work

      dòngtài 动态 N general tendency of affairs, developments

      dòngwù 动物 N animal

      dòngwùxué 动物学 N zoology

      dòngwùyuán 动物园 N zoo

      dòngyáo 动摇 V waver, vacillate

      dòngyòng 动用 V put to use, draw on

      dòngyuán 动员 V mobilize

      dòngzuò 动作 N movement (of the body)

      dòng 冻 TRAD 凍 V freeze

      dòngjié 冻结 V freeze

      dòng 栋 TRAD 棟 M. WD (for buildings)

      dòng 洞 N hole, cave, cavity

      dōu 都 ADV all, both, without exception

      dōu 兜 I N pocket, bag II V 1 wrap up 2 move around 3 canvass, solicit

      dǒu 抖 V shake, tremble

      dǒu 陡 ADJ steep, precipitous

      dòu 斗 TRAD 鬥 V fight

      dòuzhēng 斗争 I V struggle, fight II N struggle, fight

      dòuzhì 斗志 N will to fight, militancy

      dòu 豆 N bean, pea

      dòufu 豆腐 N bean curd, tofu

      dòujiàng 豆浆 N soybean milk

      dòu 逗 V play with, tease

      dòuliú 逗留 V stay briefly

      dū 都 N big city, metropolis

      dūshì 都市 N big city, metropolis

      dū 督 V supervise

      dūcù 督促 V supervise and urge

      dú 毒 N 1 poison, toxin 2 narcotic drug (e.g. heroin, cocaine, etc.)

      dúhài 毒害 V poison

      dúpǐn 毒品 Same as 毒 dú 2

      dúyào 毒药 N poison, toxicant

      dú 独 TRAD 獨 ADJ solitary, alone

      dúbái 独白 N soliloquy

      dúcái 独裁 V establish a dictatorship, rule arbitrarily

      dúchàng 独唱 N (singing) solo

      dúlì 独立 V be independent

      dútè 独特 ADJ unique, distinctive

      dúzì 独自 ADV all by oneself, alone

      dúzòu 独奏 N solo performance on an musical instrument

      dú 读 TRAD 讀 V 1 read, read aloud 2 attend (a school), study (in a school)

      dúshū 读书 V 1 read 2 be a student, study (in a school)

      dùwù 读物 N reading material

      dúzhě 读者 N reader

      dǔ 堵 V block

      dǔsè 堵塞 V block

      dǔ 赌 V gamble

      dǔbó 赌博 V gamble

      dǔchǎng 赌场 N gambling house, casino

      dù 肚 N stomach

      dù 度 I N limit, extent II M. WD degree (of temperature, longitude, latitude, etc.)

      dùguò 度过 V spend (a period of time)

      dù 渡 V cross (a body of water, e.g. a river, a strait, etc.)

      dùchuán 渡船 N ferry boat, ferry

      dùkǒu 渡口 N a place where people or things are carried across, ferry landing

      dùlún 渡轮 N ferry boat, ferry

      dù 镀 TRAD 鍍 V plate

      dùjīn 镀金 V get gilded

      dù 妒 V be jealous

      dùjì 妒嫉 V be jealous of

      dùjìxīn 妒忌心 N jealousy

      duān 端 V carry ... level with one or both hands

      duānzhèng 端正 ADJ upright, proper

      duǎn 短 ADJ (of length, time) short

      duǎnchù 短处 N shortcoming, defect

      duǎncù 短促 ADJ very brief

      duǎnqī 短期 N short-term

      duǎnxìn 短信 N text message (by cell phone), text

      duǎnzàn 短暂 ADJ short and temporary, momentary

      duàn 段 M. WD section (for something long)

      duàn 断 TRAD 斷 V 1 break, snap 2 break off, cut off

      duàndìng 断定 V conclude

      duàn-duàn-xù-xù 断断续续 ADV off and on, intermittently

      duànjué 断绝 V break off, sever

      duàn 锻 TRAD 鍛 V forge, shape metal

      duànliàn 锻炼 V undergo physical training, do physical ex ercises

      duàn 缎 TRAD 緞 See 绸缎 chóu duàn satin, 缎子 duànzi satin

      duànzi 缎子 N satin

      duī 堆 V heap up, pile up

      duījī 堆积 V pile up

      duì 对1 TRAD 對 V treat, deal with

      duì 对2 TRAD 對 PREP 1 opposite 2 Same as 对于 duìyú

      duì’àn 对岸 N the other side of the river, lake or sea

      duìbǐ 对比 V compare and contrast

      duìcè 对策 N countermeasure

      duìchèn 对称 ADJ symmetrical

      duìdài 对待 V treat (people), approach (matters)

      duìdeqǐ 对得起 V be worthy of, not let down

      duìfāng 对方 N the other side, the other party

      duìfu 对付 V cope with, deal with

      duìhuà 对话 I V have a dialogue II N dialogue

      duìkàng 对抗 V antag onize, oppose vigorously

      duìlì 对立 V oppose, be hostile

      duìlián 对联 N antithetical couplet written on scrolls

      duìmiàn 对面 N opposite, the opposite side
