Tuttle Pocket Chinese Dictionary. Li Dong. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Li Dong
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Книги о Путешествиях
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781462910908
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      gǎibiàn 改变 I V transform, change II N change, transformation

      gǎigé 改革 I V reform II N reform

      gǎijiàn 改建 V rebuild

      gǎijìn 改进 I V improve, make ... more advanced/sophisticated II N improvement (项 xiàng)

      gǎiliáng 改良 V improve, reform

      gǎishàn 改善 I V ameliorate, make... better/more favorable II N improvement, amelioration

      gǎixiě 改写 V adapt, rewrite

      gǎizào 改造 I V remold, rebuild, reform II N remolding, rebuilding

      gǎizhèng 改正 V put ... right, rectify

      gǎizǔ 改组 V re-organize

      gài 盖1 TRAD 蓋 V build

      gài 盖2 TRAD 蓋 N cover, lid

      gài 概 ADJ broadly, general

      gàikuàng 概况 N general situation, basic facts

      gàikuò 概括 V summarize

      gàiniàn 概念 N concept, notion

      gài 溉 V irrigate (See 灌溉 guàngài)

      gài 钙 N calcium

      gān 甘 I V be willing, be convinced II ADJ sweet, pleasant

      gānxīn 甘心 V be willing to, be ready to

      gānzhe 甘蔗 N sugar cane

      gān 干 TRAD 乾 ADJ dry

      gānbēi 干杯 V drink a toast, “Bottoms up!”

      gāncuì 干脆 I ADJ decisive, not hesitant, straight to the point II ADV just, simply

      gānhàn 干旱 N drought, dry spell

      gānhóng 干红 N dry red wine

      gānjìng 干净 ADJ clean

      gānshè 干涉 V intervene, interfere

      gānyù 干预 V intervene, meddle with

      gānzào 干燥 ADJ dry, arid

      gān 杆 N pole

      gān 肝 N the liver

      gǎn 竿 N pole, rod

      gǎn 杆 N stick

      gǎn 赶 TRAD 趕 V 1 catch up with 2 hurry up, rush for, try to catch

      gǎnjǐn 赶紧 ADV hasten (to do something)

      gǎnkuài 赶快 ADV Same as 赶紧 gǎnjǐn

      gǎnmáng 赶忙 ADV hurriedly, hastily

      gǎn 敢 MODAL V dare

      gǎnyú 敢于 V dare to, have the courage to

      gǎn 感 V feel

      gǎndào 感到 V feel

      gǎndòng 感动 V move, touch emotionally

      gǎnhuà 感化 V reform … through gentle persuasion and/or by setting a good example

      gǎnjī 感激 V feel deeply grateful

      gǎnjué 感觉 I V feel II N feeling, impression

      gǎnkǎi 感慨 V sigh with deep inner feelings (over a revelation, an experience, etc.)

      gǎnmào 感冒 V catch a cold

      gǎnqíng 感情 N 1 feelings, emotion 2 affection, love

      gǎnrǎn 感染 V 1 (of a wound) become infected 2 (of a movie, a story, music, etc.) affect

      gǎnshòu 感受 N impression or lesson learned from personal experiences

      gǎnxiǎng 感想 N impressions, reflections

      gǎnxiè 感谢 V be grateful, thank

      gǎn xìngqù 感兴趣 V be interested (in)

      gàn 干 TRAD 幹 V do, work

      gànbù 干部 N cadre, official

      gànjìn 干劲 N drive and enthusiasm (for a job)

      gànmá 干吗 ADV 1 why 2 Same as 做什么 zuò shénme

      gāng 缸 N vat, jar

      gāng 刚 TRAD 剛 ADV just, barely

      gāngcái 刚才 N a short while ago, just

      gānggāng 刚刚 ADV Same as 刚 gāng, but more emphatic

      gāng 钢 TRAD 鋼 N steel

      gāngbǐ 钢笔 N fountain pen

      gāngcái 钢材 N steel products, rolled steel

      gāngqín 钢琴 N piano

      gāngtiě 钢铁 N iron and steel, steel

      gāng 纲 TRAD 綱 N guiding principle, outline

      gānglǐng 纲领 N fundamental principle, guideline

      gāngyào 纲要 N outline, essentials

      gǎng 岗 TRAD 崗 N sentry post

      gǎngwèi 岗位 N post (as a job)

      gǎng 港 N port, harbor

      gàng 杠 N big, thick stick, bar

      gànggǎn 杠杆 N lever

      gāo 高 ADJ 1 tall, high 2 above average, superior

      gāochāo 高超 ADJ (of skills) superior, consummate

      gāocháo 高潮 N high tide, high water

      gāodà 高大 ADJ tall and big

      gāodàng 高档 ADJ top grade, high quality

      gāoděng 高等 ADJ advanced, higher

      gāodī 高低 N 1 height 2 difference in quality, skills, etc.

      gāodù 高度 I N altitude, height II ADJ a high degree

      gāofēng 高峰 N peak, summit

      gāoguì 高贵 ADJ 1 (of moral) noble, admirable 2 (of people) aristocratic, elitist

      gāojí 高级 ADJ advanced, high-level

      gāokǎo 高考 N university entrance examinations

      gāokōng 高空 N high altitude

      gāoliang 高粱 N sorghum

      gāomíng 高明 ADJ (of ideas or skills) brilliant, consummate

      gāoqiāo 高跷 N stilts

      gāoshàng 高尚 ADJ (of moral, behavior, etc.) noble, lofty

      gāoshāo 高烧 N high fever

      gāoshēn 高深 ADJ (of learning) profound, recondite, obscure

      gāosù 高速 ADJ high-speed

      gāosù gōnglù 高速公路 N super-highway

      gāoxìng 高兴 ADJ joyful, delighted, willing

      gāoxuèyā 高血压 N high blood pressure

      gāoyā 高压 N high pressure

      gāoyǎ 高雅 ADJ elegant, refined

      gāoyuán 高原 N highland, plateau

      gāozhàng 高涨 V upsurge, rise

      gāozhōng 高中 N See 高级 gāojí.

      gāo 膏 N paste,