Tuttle Pocket Chinese Dictionary. Li Dong. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Li Dong
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Книги о Путешествиях
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781462910908
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TRAD 帶 V bring, take

      dàidòng 带动 V spur on

      dàijìn 带劲 ADJ 1 interesting, exciting 2 energetic, forceful

      dàilai/dài...lái 带来/带…来 V bring ...

      dàilǐng 带领 V lead, guide

      dàiqu/dài...qù 带去/带…去 V take

      dàitóu 带头 V take the lead, be the first

      dài 带2 TRAD 帶 N belt, ribbon, band

      dài 带3 TRAD 帶 N zone, area

      dài 待 V 1 treat, deal with 2 wait for

      dàiyù 待遇 N 1 treatment 2 remuneration

      dài 逮 V catch

      dàibǔ 逮捕 V arrest, take into custody

      dài 袋 N sack, bag

      dài 戴 V wear, put on

      dài 怠 ADJ idle, slack

      dàigōng 怠工 N slowdown (as workers’ protest)

      dàimàn 怠慢 V slight, give the cold shoulder to

      dān 单 TRAD 單 ADJ single, separate

      dānchún 单纯 ADJ simple-minded, ingenuous

      dāncí 单词 N word

      dāndiào 单调 ADJ monotonous

      dāndú 单独 ADJ alone, on one’s own

      dānqīn jiātíng 单亲家庭 N single-parent family

      dānshēn guìzú 单身贵族 N a single person with lots of money to spend, yuppy

      dānwèi 单位 N work unit, e.g. a factory, a school, a government department

      dānyuán 单元 N unit (in an apartment house), apartment, flat

      dān 丹 N red color

      dān 担 TRAD 擔 V carry on the shoulder, take on (responsibility, burden etc)

      dānbǎo 担保 V guarantee, vouch for

      dānfù 担负 V take on (responsibility), meet (expenditure), hold (a position)

      dānrèn 担任 V assume the office of, act in the capacity of

      dānxīn 担心 V worry, fret

      dānyōu 担忧 V worry

      dān 耽 V delay

      dānwù 耽误 V delay

      dǎn 胆 TRAD 膽 N 1 gallbladder 2 courage

      dǎnliàng 胆量 N courage, guts

      dǎnqiè 胆怯 ADJ timid, cowardly

      dàn 旦 N dawn (See 元旦 yuán dàn)

      dàn 但 CONJ Same as 但是 dànshì. Used in writing.

      dànshì 但是 CONJ but, yet

      dàn 担 TRAD 擔 N load, burden

      dàn 淡 ADJ 1 not salty, tasteless, bland 2 (of tea, coffee) weak

      dàn 氮 nitrogen

      dàn 蛋 N egg (especially chicken egg)

      dànbáizhì 蛋白质 N protein

      dàngāo 蛋糕 N (western-style) cake

      dàn 诞 TRAD 誕 V be born

      dànchén 诞辰 N birthday

      dànshēng 诞生 V be born

      dàn 弹 TRAD 彈 N bullet

      dànyào 弹药 N ammunition

      dāng 当1 TRAD 當 PREP at the time of, when

      dāng...de shíhou 当…的时候 CONJ when ...

      dāng 当2 TRAD 當 V work as, serve as

      dāngchǎng 当场 N on the spot

      dāngchū 当初 N originally, at the outset

      dāngdài 当代 ADJ contemporary, present-day

      dāngdì 当地 N at the place in question, local

      dāngjú 当局 N the authorities

      dāngmiàn 当面 ADV to someone’s face, in the very presence of

      dāngnián 当年 N in those years, then

      dāngqián 当前 N at present, now

      dāngrán 当然 ADV of course

      dāngshí 当时 N at that time, then

      dāngshìrén 当事人 N person/people concerned, party (to a lawsuit)

      dāngxīn 当心 V be cautious, take care

      dāngxuǎn 当选 V be elected

      dāngzhōng 当中 N right in the middle, in the center

      dǎng 挡 TRAD 擋 V block, keep off

      dǎng 党 TRAD 黨 N political party

      dǎngpài 党派 N political party, political group

      dǎngwěi 党委 N (Chinese Communist) Party committee

      dǎngyuán 党员 N party member

      dàng 荡 TRAD 蕩 V swing, sway

      dàng 当 TRAD 當 V 1 treat as, regard as 2 think

      dàngtiān 当天 N the same day

      dàngzuò 当做 V treat as, regard as

      dàng 档 TRAD 檔 N 1 shelf, cabinet 2 grade, class

      dàng’àn 档案 N file, archive

      dàngcì 档次 N standard or level of quality, grade, class

      dāo 刀 N knife

      dāorèn 刀刃 N edge of a knife

      dǎo 岛 TRAD 島 N island

      dǎoyǔ 岛屿 N island, islet

      dǎo 捣 TRAD 搗 V beat, smash

      dǎodàn 捣蛋 V make trouble (in a mischievous way)

      dǎoluàn 捣乱 V make trouble, sabotage

      dǎo 蹈 V dance (See 舞蹈 wǔdǎo)

      dǎo 导 TRAD 導 V lead, guide (See 辅 导 fǔdǎo, 领导 lǐngdǎo, 指导 zhǐdǎo)

      dǎodàn 导弹 N guided missile

      dǎoháng 导航 N navigation (by electronic devices)

      dǎoshī 导师 N supervior (for postgraduate students)

      dǎoyǎn 导演 I N director (for films or play) II V direct (a film or play)

      dǎoyóu 导游 N tourist guide

      dǎozhì 导致 V lead to, cause

      dǎo 倒 V fall, topple

      dǎomài 倒卖 V resell at a profit

      dǎoméi 倒霉 V have bad luck, be out of luck

      dào 到 V arrive, come to, up to

      dàochù 到处 ADV everywhere

      dàodá 到达 V arrive, reach

      dàodǐ 到底 ADV 1 in the end, finally 2 after all (used in a question)

      dàolái 到来 V arrive