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Автор: Li Dong
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Книги о Путешествиях
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781462910908
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      dàoniàn 悼念 V mourn, grieve over

      dào 盗 N robber, bandit (See 强盗 qiángdào, 盗版 dàobǎn)

      dàobǎn 盗版 I N pirated edition, pirated copy II V make pirated copies

      dàoqiè 盗窃 V steal, embezzle, commit larceny

      dào 道1 N way, path

      dàodé 道德 N morals, ethics

      dàoli 道理 N principle, reason, hows and whys

      dàolù 道路 N road, path

      dào 道2 M. WD 1 (for things in the shape of a line) 2 (for questions in a school exercise, examinations, etc.)

      dào 道3 V Same as 说 shuō, used only in old-fashioned writing

      dàoqiàn 道歉 V apologize, say sorry

      dào 稻 N rice, paddy

      dé 得 V get, obtain

      débìng 得病 V fall ill, contract a disease

      délì 得力 ADJ competent and efficient, very capable

      déshī 得失 N gain and loss, success and failure

      déyǐ 得以 MODAL V so that, can

      déyì 得意 ADJ complacent, deeply pleased with oneself

      dézuì 得罪 V offend, incur displeasure of ...

      dé 德 N virtue

      Déguó 德国 N Germany

      Déwén 德文 N the German language (especially the writing)

      Déyǔ 德语 N the German language

      de 地 PARTICLE (attached to a word or phrase to indicate that it is an adverb. 地 de is normally followed by a verb or an adjective.)

      de 得 PARTICLE (introducing a word, phrase or clause to indicate that it is a complement. 得 de is normally preceded by a verb or an adjective.)

      de 的 PARTICLE (attached to a word or phrase to indicate that it is an attribute. 的 de is normally followed by a noun.)

      ...de huà …的话 CONJ if

      děi 得 MODAL V have to

      dēng 灯 TRAD 燈 N lamp, lighting

      dēnghuǒ 灯火 N lights

      dēnglóng 灯笼 N lantern

      dēngpào 灯泡 N light bulb

      dēng 登 V 1 publish (in a newspaper, a journal, etc.) 2 go up, ascend

      dēngjī 登机 V board a plane

      dēngjì 登记 V register, check in

      dēnglù 登陆 V land (from waters, especially by troops)

      dēngshān 登山 V climb a mountain or hill

      děng 等1 V wait, wait for

      děngdài 等待 V wait (usually used in writing)

      děngdào 等到 CONJ by the time, as late as

      děnghòu 等候 V Same as 等待 děngdài

      děng 等2 N grade, rank, class

      děngjí 等级 N grade, rank

      děngyú 等于 V be equal to, equal, amount to

      děng 等3 PARTICLE 1 and so on and so forth, et cetera 2 (used at the end of a list)

      dèng 瞪 V open one’s eyes wide, stare, glare

      dèng 凳 N stool (low chair)

      dī 低 I ADJ low II V lower

      dīdiào 低调 ADJ low key

      dīgū 低估 V under estimate

      dījí 低级 ADJ 1 elementary 2 vulgar

      dīliè 低劣 ADJ inferior

      dī 堤 N dike, embankment

      dī 滴 M. WORD drop (used for liquids)

      dí 敌 TRAD 敵 N enemy

      díduì 敌对 ADJ hostile, antagonistic

      dírén 敌人 N enemy

      díshì 敌视 V be hostile to

      dí 笛 N flute

      dí 涤 TRAD 滌 V wash, wash away

      dí 的 as in 的确 díquè

      díquè 的确 ADV really, truly

      díshì 的士 N taxi

      dí 迪 V enlighten

      dísīkē 迪斯科 N disco

      dǐ 底 N base, bottom

      dǐpiàn 底片 N (film) negative

      dǐxia 底下 N underneath, under

      dǐxiàn 底线 N bottom line

      dǐ 抵 V 1 arrive 2 resist

      dǐcháng 抵偿 V compensate for

      dǐdá 抵达 V arrive at

      dǐkàng 抵抗 V resist

      dǐyā 抵押 V pledge ... as security for a loan, mortgage

      dǐzhì 抵制 V boycott, reject

      dì 地 N earth, ground

      dìbǎn 地板 N floor, timber floor

      dibù 地步 N 1 extent 2 (poor) condition

      dìdài 地带 N region, zone

      dìdào 地道 N tunnel, underpass

      dìdao 地道 ADJ genuine, authentic

      dìdiǎn 地点 N the place for an event or activity, venue

      dìfang 地方 N 1 place, location, area 2 part of, aspect

      dìlǐ 地理 N geography

      dìmiàn 地面 N the earth’s surface, ground

      dìqiú 地球 N the earth

      dìqū 地区 N region, area

      dìshì 地势 N physical features of a place, terrain

      dìtǎn 地毯 N carpet

      dìtiě 地铁 N underground railway, subway

      dìtú 地图 N map

      dìwèi 地位 N status, posi tion

      dìxià 地下 N underground

      dìxíng 地形 N topography, terrain

      dìzhèn 地震 N earthquake, seism

      dìzhèn xué 地震学 N seismology

      dìzhǐ 地址 N address

      dìzhì 地质 N geology

      dì 帝 N the Supreme Being

      dìguó 帝国 N empire

      dì 弟 N younger brother

      dìmèi 弟妹 N 1 younger brother and younger sister 2 younger brother’s wife

      dìxiōng 弟兄 N brothers

      dì 递 TRAD 遞 V hand over, pass on

      dìjiāo 递交 V hand over, present

      dìzēng 递增 V increase progressively
